Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 594 Another Nine Star Son!

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This woman is a bit weird.

Seahorse Douluo thought that for some reason, he always had a bad feeling, I hope this is an illusion.

Seahorse Douluo looked at the woman at the distant coast with both hands on his back, "If you want to accept the test of the Seagod, you must first cross the sea to get here."

Seahorse Douluo's voice has spirit power added, and it can be heard even across the coast.

I saw the black-haired woman looking at the sea in front of him, then at Seahorse Douluo again, "Is this a test?"

Seahorse Douluo continued: "If it can't be done, please go back!"

With a smile, the woman tapped on the water with her bare ankles, and suddenly a rush of cold air hit the sky like angry waves!

The sea surface was instantly frozen into a thick layer of ice, and the process of freezing the sea surface only lasted less than a second!

The woman grinned, "I'm sorry, I mean, this test is too simple."

Seahorse Douluo's pupils shrank, and the sea in the sea was frozen instantly with a thought. What a huge soul power can do!

However, why couldn't he feel a little spirit power fluctuation in the woman?

But this soaring chill is not over yet!

After freezing the sea, this frosty air swooped into the sky in an instant!

The blizzard came out immediately, and within a moment, the sea in the sea became a piece of ice and snow!

The woman gently covered her mouth, "Ah, sorry, because I used it for the first time, I didn't control the intensity."

Seahorse Douluo's hands trembled a little, and the ability to instantly freeze the sea in the sea indicated that her spirit power was definitely not below the ninetieth level.

And being able to come to Sea God Island means that she is definitely not more than eighteen years old!

I saw the woman walking slowly on the ice, and under her slender legs were a pair of bare feet.

When everyone in Shrek saw this, they couldn't help taking a breath, walking barefoot on the ice in this icy sky and snow. Is she going to die?

However, contrary to what everyone thought, the woman walking on the ice not only did not have the slightest discomfort, but had a steady and orderly step, and one step was not too long.

This made Seahorse Douluo couldn't help thinking. If she was really a Title Douluo, why didn't she just fly over?

Is she deliberately demonstrating her own strength, the purpose is to give him a slap or something?

Unlike Seahorse Douluo, Tang San saw more things in her.

The clothing worn by this woman is a bit too loose.

And his chest is very upright, obviously those layers of silk cloth can't accommodate.

Looking at the styles of clothes, this is obviously male clothes.

And through the purple magic pupil, Tang San saw more things.

Her long black hair drifted away with the wind and snow, and it didn't look like she had been carefully groomed.

Either she is too lazy to take care of her hair, or she has no time to take care of her hair.

But girls love beauty and pay attention to their own image. Even if they are busy, they will take time to dress up. The more beautiful girls are, the more so.

You can see the look of this woman, she obviously doesn't care about the winks of others, and there is no such thing as facial powder on her face.

Although Tang San didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that this woman was more beautiful than all the women he had ever seen.

Whether it is Xiao Wu or Ning Rongrong, even Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's looks are not as good as hers!

Soon, the woman came to the triangular stone platform where everyone was.

Seahorse Douluo asked a fatal question without saying anything: "Are you a spirit master from the far north of the world?"

The woman shook her head, "No~"

Seahorse Douluo wondered, "Then why do you have this kind of ultimate power of frost?"

"What is your martial soul?"

The woman thought for a while, "I don't know either."

do not know?

Seahorse Douluo felt like he was being tricked, "You don't even know what your martial soul is, do you think you are a fool?"

The woman looked at Seahorse Douluo innocently, "I really don't know, what do you want me to say?"

Seahorse Douluo twitched, "Okay, then I'm asking you, what is your name?"

The woman nodded, "Ah, I still remember this, just call me Susu~"

Seahorse Douluo frowned, "Susu?"

The woman thought for a while, "It should be a poppy."


what is that?

Seahorse Douluo has never heard of this term, but someone present has heard it!

Tang San stretched out his finger and used his spirit power to draw a word'su' in the air, "Is it this millet?"

The woman nodded, "That's right, I don't know what poppy is, I just know there is this thing."

Tang San glanced, "Since you know poppy, how can you not know what it is?"

The woman shook her head, "I have lost a lot of memories, and I can't connect many things in my mind."

"As for why I came here, I actually don't know it. I just walked on the sea alone, and I just came here."

"Then I saw you, and after following you all the way to here, I saw you touching this pillar."

As he said, Su Su's hand was placed on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, Seahorse Douluo did not feel the fluctuation of soul power, but the Sacred Pillar was activated!

Suddenly the holy pillar flashed a burst of white light, then quickly turned yellow, and then turned purple!

The color change is extremely fast, even the process from purple to black is only a blink of an eye!

This speed can definitely match Tang San's speed when he touched the pillar just now!

But it was not over yet, and the black turned into bloody color!

Before Seahorse Douluo had time to say anything, the blood-colored beam of light instantly turned into brilliant gold!

And at the same time, nine radiances flashed!

And the colors of the nine radiances are still different, and just letting them go makes everyone on the scene fascinated!


An earthquake-like sound came, and the icy surface of the sea shattered suddenly, and the raging waves instantly rose to a great height!

The soaring water blue beam of light broke through the sky in an instant!

The brilliance of nine o'clock flashed out, and an aqua-blue trident brand instantly formed on Su Su's forehead!

Tang San couldn't help touching his forehead. Just now, the same scene happened to him.

And on his forehead, there is also a water-blue trident brand!

Seahorse Douluo looked at Su Su dumbfounded, "Another nine-star saint!!"

"This, this, how is it possible that two people can start the Seagod Nine Trials at the same time in one day!"

"Master Seagod, are they all the saint children you selected!" Seahorse Douluo prayed.

However, Seahorse Douluo didn't get a response, which made him feel a little at a loss.

But Su Su didn't seem to care much about the trident brand on her forehead, she turned her head to look at Tang San, "You... called Tang San, right?"

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