Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 604 The villain who does not raise the protagonist is not a good villain

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With the disintegration of the angel illusion, Chen Xiu gradually regained consciousness, and he instantly retrieved the memory of Qian Renxue.

He once fell in love with her, but that was achieved with despicable props.

And with Chen Xiu's detachment, all the strange things have no effect on him.

The dissolution of the Lianxin contract made Qian Renxue know that Chen Xiu was dead, and at the same time, she also broke off the shackles that affected the two.

Qian Renxue also slowly regained consciousness, and a dazzling golden beam of light fell from the sky!

Qian Renxue's spirit power went straight to level ninety-nine!

The three pairs of wings shining with golden light spread, Qian Renxue shook the sword of the fiery sun in his hand, "Don’t you want the sword of the fiery sun, I can give it to you, it is you who helped me complete the eighth test of Angel God In return."

Chen Xiu frowned, and suddenly smiled, "It's a bit strange to say that, I actually have the idea to kill you once."

Qian Renxue frowned. In the illusion, although she lost her memory of reality, she still remembers the memories of Chen Xiu's tens of thousands of rebirths.

Especially the feeling that Tang San had been killed tens of thousands of times had already made Qian Renxue a little numb.

But whenever she saw Chen Xiufen saving herself recklessly, she would feel extremely happy and satisfied again.

Until Chen Xiu's last rebirth, he directly killed himself.

At that time, I also instantly saw the essence of this man, cold, ruthless, a true cold-blooded animal.

Thanks to Chen Xiu for killing herself, so that she can survive the eighth test of the angel god in front of her.

If Chen Xiu kept saving her, then they might have to reincarnate here forever.

"Does killing me make you happy?" Qian Renxue asked.

Chen Xiu slowly stretched out his right hand, and the power of the body of life and the beast spirit was instantly activated, and suddenly a vivid little spider appeared in Chen Xiu's hand.

"People say that spiders are cold-blooded animals and they have no emotions."

"But I know that the moment a spider kills its prey, it has emotions."

After speaking, Chen Xiu shook his palm instantly, and the little spider disappeared in an instant.

Qian Renxue shook his head, "That's why you want to kill me again, your Majesty the Spirit Emperor who is a spider?"

Chen Xiu smiled, "The lonely is still very reluctant to bear you, return the sword of the blazing sun, and I will leave."

Qian Renxue also smiled, "Stay tonight, and I will give you the sword of the blazing sun."

Chen Xiu has a pair of eyes?

"Is this a deal?"

Qian Renxue nodded, "Yes."

Chen Xiu looked at Qian Renxue disdainfully, "Do you think you can defeat me when you reach the realm of a demigod!"

"You don't seem to be qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Qian Renxue nodded, "Indeed, but just as a memorial, okay?"

Chen Xiu grinned, "Yes, but I still have one condition. I want your Spirit Hall to help Tang San kill me."

Qian Renxue wondered, "So you like death so much?"

Chen Xiu waved his emperor's robe, and the whole picture of Douluo Continent appeared in front of her eyes, "Destroying the Continent is just a matter of effort for me. It would be too boring if it was just a simple massacre."

"Sometimes, I also want to have some fun for myself."

"Have you heard a word?"

"A boss who doesn't give the protagonist experience is not a good boss."

Qian Renxue frowned, "Aren't you afraid of overturning? You just died a while ago?"

Chen Xiu's expression sank, "That was my carelessness. Tang San did not speak martial arts, so he surrendered to me!"

Qian Renxue shrugged, "Then you feel, what will happen if he attacks you once?"

Chen Xiu twisted her neck, and a circle of blood rose in her eyes instantly, "There will be no next time. As long as Gu finds the last fragment, Gu can instantly consolidate the Supreme Soul."

"At that time, I'm afraid of being too boring."

Qian Renxue stretched out two pairs of snow-white arms and gently embraced Chen Xiu's neck, "Deal."

A floral scent pierced her nose, and Chen Xiu stroked Qian Renxue's long hair, "Don't worry, I will kill you last, at least after Tang San."


At this time, Seagod Island was bathed in the seagod's light, and everyone desperately climbed the stairs in front of them.

But the stairs in front of him seemed to be pressed by the mountains, no matter how hard the Shrek Seven Devils used their power, it would be hard to make half a step!

Under the seagod's light, every time he stepped on a step, his original weight would double.

Tang San took Xiao Wu's hand, and the two walked firmly in the forefront.

Although the progress is very slow, but they never disrupt their behavior.

The same is true for the other Seven Shrek Monsters. They followed Tang San closely, and the pressure made them understand how far they were from Tang San!

But looking at the stairs above Tang San, a woman leaped back and forth, as if the Seagod's light could not affect her at all.

Looking back at Tang San, Su Su smiled and stretched out his right hand, "Tang San, shall I help you?"

Faced with Su Su's kindness, Tang San did not accept, "The road under your feet is the path you walked out by yourself. If it is not the way you walked out by yourself, then you would not dare to look back no matter how far you go.

"Because looking back, you will find that you have nowhere to go."

Xiao Wu smiled instantly, holding Tang San's hand tightly, she made a grimace at Su Su, "The third brother doesn't need your help, you have to go by yourself."

Su Su's expression is a bit pity, "Why, people are so ignorant of current affairs?"

"Obviously it can be done effortlessly, but it has to be done very hard. This will make you feel fulfilled?"

"But what's the use?"

"Don't forget, you won't be able to complete the test within a year, but you will die, Tang San."

Tang San looked at Su Su with a serious expression, "Whether it's alive or dead, if I can't be with the one I love, then I'm still alive and dead."

Su Su applauded him, "Well said, then I'll go first."


On the other side of the Seagod Temple, the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars gathered together, and the Seagod's Great Worship Bo Saixi was also here.

Seeing Susu's unimpeded cross-domain ladder, seeing that he has reached the hundredth level, Sea Dragon Douluo couldn't help it. "What's the matter with Susu? It took me half a year to reach the hundredth. Layer!"

"And this mortal without spirit power can easily reach the 100th floor, my lord, are you sure she didn't cheat?"

Dazhu shook his head, "Master Seagod can't go wrong, if this Susu doesn't have super soul power and martial soul, it's because she has the ability to isolate soul power."

"So we can't detect the spirit power fluctuations in her body, and according to the current situation, the above two may be both."

Posey glanced at Su Su deeply, "Who are you and why are you so mysterious?"

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