Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 606 Sea God vs. Sun God!

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The golden holy sword that rushed into the sky instantly pierced the sky, swept away at the top of Tang San's head with an aura of destruction!


The sword blade uttered a roar, and it smashed into the huge ice tornado in a daze!

I saw a sword shadow flashing, and the huge ice tornado was cut off by a sword instantly!

Even Tang San, who was frozen by ice, was cut in half by Chen Xiu with a sword!

Blessed by the spirit power of twelve people, Chen Xiu, as the core of the big formation, is serving him with all the spirit power!


As Chen Xiu's sword fell, various killing abilities exploded on Tang San, and even the Extreme Ice Tornado was instantly shattered by this side effect!

A golden light flashed in Chen Xiu's pupils, and through the dust in the blizzard, he could see that Tang San had been blown to pieces, but a bright red heart was still beating.

Chen Xiu frowned. For some reason, he always felt that this heart was a little familiar.

and many more!

Chen Xiu's pupils shrank, and the heart grew instantly, and a complete body of flesh and blood appeared in Chen Xiu's vision in the blink of an eye!

And Chen Xiu recognized the heart at this time!

That is Ye Feng's martial soul, the heart of immortal Haitang!

In the next second, the re-healed figure disappeared!

Chen Xiu lifted the big formation instantly, "Relieve the formation!"

The twelve holy spirits retreated a hundred steps in an instant, and Chen Xiu moved away from the place in an instant!


A sound of breaking through the air came, and a naked man holding a trident appeared in front of Chen Xiu!

He has long aqua-blue hair, and on a handsome face is the brand of aquatic-blue trident.

Seeing Tang San waved his hand, the clothes that had originally disappeared appeared instantly, and the gorgeous aqua-blue robe was put on Tang San's body, without him having to do it.

Turning his head to look at Chen Xiu, Tang San frowned, "I was hiding by you, as I said, you can't kill me, Tang San!"

"The gods are the only ones who can kill the gods!"

Chen Xiu twisted his neck. Di Yan, which was fused with the real fire of the sun, instantly burned Chen Xiu's body. With a wave of his right hand, the magic sword was thrown out instantly.

Raising his right hand, a beam of light crashed down, and the sword of the blazing sun appeared in Chen Xiu's right hand instantly!

Taking off the amethyst crown from the top of the hair, Chen Xiu's long black hair like ink instantly spread!

Di Yan spread to the tips of Chen Xiu's hair in a blink of an eye, holding up the sword of the blazing sun. At this time, Chen Xiu's body was wrapped around the blazing sun as if the sun god came to the world!

Exuding a sacred and noble temperament, the nine black dragons on the emperor's robe are vivid and vivid, as if they were a real fire dragon!!

Chen Xiu gently exhaled a mouthful of flames, and the tip of his sword pointed at Seagod Tang San!

"Well said, only gods can kill gods, so I will let you know more clearly!"

Seagod Tang San turned the trident in his hands, "Come on, Spirit Emperor, you are sinful and you should have died long ago!"

Chen Xiu grinned, "Death has thrown me back into the world again and again, and the eighteenth floors of hell can't overcome me with a wicked obstacle!"

"Every time I am reborn, I will become stronger!"

"Tang San, you are the only one who will die?"

Tang San is firm, and the trident in his hand rotates slowly, "It's useless to talk more, forever, the days of good and evil will be counted, and the cause and effect will be rewarded!"

"Uncertain storm!"

Poseidon's trident rotates, and a wave of waves is swept out instantly!

The Lieyang sword in Chen Xiu's hand suddenly wrapped a layer of Emperor Yan, "Thirteen swords of the ghost gate, the first sword, open the door!"

A sword pierced out, and the terrifying fire followed!

The waves collided with the raging fire two by one, and suddenly a monstrous heat wave broke out!

A large amount of mist rises, the ultimate Taiyin real water and the ultimate sun real fire are in conflict!

However, Chen Xiu's flame is obviously stronger!

But Seagod Tang San's spirit power was better than Chen Xiu's, and the conflict between the two was turned into a mist after all!

Poseidon Tang San played against the (pseudo) sun god Chen Xiu!

Seeing that a blow could not be achieved, Tang San's trident turned his foot, and he stepped on the ghostly shadow and burst out with a shocking speed!

The layers of ghosts are skipped, and its speed is swept like a ghost!

And Chen Xiu made the same action as Tang San at the same time!

Stepping on the nightmare to return to the ruins, Chen Xiu instantly pulled a row of afterimages, and the speed was not inferior to the sea god Tang San!

On the other hand, his afterimages were still in place, as if he had never moved!

But how well Seagod Tang San knew Chen Xiu, he naturally knew that Chen Xiu had rushed to him!

The golden trident in his hand swept across and splashed a large wave!

Chen Xiu turned the sword of the blazing sun in his hand, and immediately jumped up and turned around to be a flame of sword aura!

"Ghost thirteen swords, the second sword, hurt the door!"

The flame sword energy that Chen Xiu chopped out instantly turned into a grimace, and the grimace opened his mouth and a row of flame-like fangs instantly bite towards Tang San!

Tang San reacted, and the golden trident plunged into the ground instantly, "Twelfth Halberd, the waves are rising!"

Boom boom boom!!!

The ground shattered instantly, and water jets gushed out on the ground!

The strength of these water columns is shocking, and they are lined up in a row. Each water column is more than three meters thick under the polar shot!

Chen Xiu couldn't take advantage of it in the air, and a jet of water spurted from his feet instantly!

At the same time, Chen Xiu's second sword also came to Tang San's eyes!

The two almost made a move together!


Tang San turned his head back in an instant, and Seagod's Wings instigated it backwards, and Tang San directly dodged Chen Xiu's sword by turning back!

And Chen Xiu also activated the Sage Dust in an instant, an iron sword floated into the air in an instant, and Chen Xiu stepped on and jumped directly to escape the water column!

And the two of them also seemed to have planned for a long time, and the sword of Chen Xiulie Yang was held high and the flames of the sky split into countless swords!

"Ghost Thirteen Swords and Twelfth Sword, Nine Heaven Sword Gate!"

Tang San also instantly waved the Seagod's Trident, and the waves rose, "Golden Thirteenth Form, Eleventh Form, the sea is boundless!"


A misty blue phantom instantly appeared behind Tang San, and suddenly the waves rose!

One head of aqua-blue hair flows with the sea, and the three-pronged brand is vivid, "Ling Sovereign, since you have guessed my identity, you must understand it too. I still have many cards that have not been revealed. Will definitely step into reincarnation again!"

Looking at Tang San, who was leaning against the sea, the Seagod’s Wings exudes a dazzling light, a gorgeous robe and the halo behind his head are integrated!

Chen Xiu leaned back against the flames, and the sword of the blazing sun emitted endless flames that swayed in unison with his black robe.

With black hair in the heat, Chen Xiuchi's golden eyes revealed a playful color, "Speaking of trump cards, do you think this is my full strength?"

"What I said, you can't kill me, it will only make me stronger, and I am immortal!"

Zhen Huo and Xuan Shui looked at each other, one in the sky and the other on the ground.

Since ancient times, fire and water are incompatible, the two will eventually have this battle!

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