Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 617 Dark Forest, Prince Haoxing Fi!

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Come to the Dark Forest, here is like a literally bright light.

Even the flames can't live, the trees here are called dark wood, maintain their vitality in phagocytical light.

It is also because of this reason, the dark forest is taken away, leaving only endless darkness.

Even if there is no fire in the dark forest, because the light will be absorbed, no matter what flame and light will instantly dissipate.

Into the dark forest, even if I just stepped into a step, Chen Qi suddenly felt that the kind of days suddenly became dark!

And when he completely entered the dark forest, the world completely darken, and looked back to the road that was not arrogant.

The world is dark, Chen Qianli reached out and did not see five fingers. He instantly lost the direction in the dark forest.

However, Chen Qianru is prepared, and you will give it to him a light of the Elf when you leave.

The slowdown from the storage soup tunnel, a weak green light is irradiated in the light of the elf.

The road in front of you gradually became clear, the lights of the elf suddenly gathered to a direction.

Chen Qianzhao, the light of the Elf, this is guiding him!

According to the guidance of the light of the Elf, Chen Qi walks in a darkness, the crow is not stopped.

There are many strange laughs from time to time in the dark forest echo.

! !

At this moment, a wind sound was blown over the ear of Chen Qi.

He has already found it, in the shadow, some people look at him.

Countless double bloody eyes flashes in the dark, they lick their lips, sharp dog teeth over the darkness.

Chen Qi stopped and stopped, "Go out, follow me all the way, are you not tired?"


It is also a wind, and the dark forest suddenly passed a blot-infiltrated male voice. "Hahaha, it was found by you."

I have fallen, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Chen Qi.

With a weak light, Chen Qi can see that it is a pale man, a pointed ear with the teeth, and the bloody pupil is extravagant in the dark.

Huge bat wings slowly contracted, a gorgeous blood robe.

I saw this man who gave Chen Qianzhao, and introduced the road: "I am rude, I will introduce it, I am Degola, you, lost lambs."

Chen Qi scored a man named Degola, and his blood moved his position.

A blood pair.

Chen Qi scorpically looked at the Earl of Degola. "If you regard me as a prey that is wrong into the dark forest, then I bet, you will die very ugly."

Degola drums to applaud for Chen Qi, "Haha, say good, see you can know, you are ready."

"So, talk about your intention, lamb."

Chen Qi's hand is in the hands of the soul of the soul, the five soul rings show, two yellow, two purple, one black.

"I have to see the blood ancestors."

Seeing Chen Qi's soul ring configuration, De Guula suddenly revealed a disdainful smile, "I will try to see the blood ancestor, first try trying to pass me."

I have fallen, the side of Degola suddenly rises five soul rings!

Two yellow, two purple, one black!

Sure enough is the Earl.

Among the blood groups, in addition to the blood ancestors, the title is the title, the second is the prince, Eight-level Triao.

Then the Duke, the realm is usually a seventy-level soul.

After that, the Marquis, their soul level is usually sixty.

Then the Earl, only 50 levels of souls were repaired.

Chen Qiu didn't know who gave Degula confident and dared to fight with himself.

Is it in the dark forest, this helps the blood?

I saw Degola motive the soul skills, and the flesh dissipated a lot of bats suddenly spread on his flesh!

Chen Qi scorpion didn't look, the sea seal lock was shilted to the batter in the moment, "the first soul skill, the soul chain."

With Chen Qianzhi released the soul skill, I saw a moment, and a lot of batons turned into black mist!

Degla was bundled with Chen Qian's chain, directly fell to the ground!

"It's impossible, I can't mobilize the soul of my body!"

Look at the eyes of Degula panic, Chen Qianzhu's lock chain will take him directly.

"In the saying, I have to see the blood ancestors."

Degola was smashed by Chen Qian, and I didn't dare to look at him for a moment.

This man, what is the head!

Seeing his eyes, let me see the soul of 100,000 years of soul!

Degula's heart thinks.

"There is nothing in the Hall of Prince,"

At this moment, a beautiful voice was suddenly passed in the far forest.

I saw a handsome man wearing a bloody coat. He walked out in the shadow. He brought the same red, but the pupil, but it was gold.

It is the prince.

The black long hair and waist, the man is carrying the knee knee the right hand.

"Bloody prince, Haoxing flute, I have seen the Prince."

Chen Qi squatted, and the lock chain was directly released by Degola.

At this time, Degola has been forced, what is the stuff, the Prince!

After it, he just had to attack the Prince!

This is not a cool?

Degola carefully looked at Chen Qi, seeing the prince and didn't care about it, De Guula was relieved.

Silently, on the side, the next conversation is not what he should listen.


Chen Qi scorpled to the Haoxing flute, "Prince, finally come to a saying, blood ancestors?"

Haoxing flute apologizes against Chen Qian, "I am very sorry, I don't know that the prince is coming, it is negligent."

"The blood ancestors are now closed through 96th level, I am afraid, it is not convenient to see you."

Chen Qianzhi directly took out his holy emblem, which was the prince. "You go back to tell the blood ancestor, today I can't see him, my new hatred is counted together!"

Maoxing flute took the token, then respected, "Yes, it will pass the words to the blood of the ancestor."

"You are here a moment."


In the bloody fortress of another, the scarlet Holy Spirit is waiting for the arrival of the Prince, but he only waits for a van.

Look at the Haoxing Fi, the Scarlet Holy Spirit frown: "Prince?"

"I don't want you to ask the Prince?"

Haoxing Cang squatted and had a token, "said Prince said that he is looking for the owner, he wants you to go to the past to welcome him."

The scarlet is a wrinkled, "the Prince came to the stunning, I have long guessed that he is not the track, he will, the Emperor is on, I will endure him."

"Go, I personally welcome him."

Haoxing flute hesitated for a moment, "But he said, you want you to go to see him ..., if not ..."

The scarlet holy spirit is a wrinkle, "Don't you?"

Haoxing flute is a bit trembling, "Otherwise, let the owner you have a blood, just he has a new Holy Spirit."

The scarlet Holy Spirit is anger. "There is this reason, even if he Chen Qian is expensive as the prince, you can't humiliate and me!"

"Today, even if you are sinned down, I will never give steps!"

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