Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 619, Prince and Scarlet

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Among the bloody castle, Chen Qian sculpted into the stairs, and the bloody holy spirit has been waiting for it.

When the two met, he showed the sword and arrogant, Chen Qianwei snorted.

"Scarlet, your big draft, really let the Taizi are so good!"

The scarlet Holy Spirit snorted, "If there is anything in the Taizi Temple, there is still a big thing to do, let people wait for you."

Chen Qi didn't want to talk to him, "Wanhua Shengling said that you have a way to activate the blood of my body."

The status is on, Chen Qianzhen is really commanding the scarlet can't refuse. "It's so, just, do you want to activate the soul of the soul?"

"I have said priority, I really can activate the blood of the human body, but the premise is that you have to go to a vampire."

Chen Qianzhao brow wrinkled, "What?"

The scarlet is nodded. "There are two kinds of blood in your body, a kind of soul beast, one, coming from His Majesty."

"That is the most noble and pure sun blood, and the blood of the soul beast in your body is bound by some unknown power."

"If you want to activate the power of the two blood, it must be transformed into a blood group, and all blood in your body is one."

"This can fully activate the blood of your body, you can think of it?"

Chen Qi sighed, "I have no choice."

"Come, I don't want to waste time again."

Chen Qi's fruit was shocked, "You really decided, there are some ugloes, I want to say it in front."

"The blood family is the opposite blood of the sun."

"The Gods of God and the vampire are both sides of the yin and yang, and the night blessing on the vampire, the sun blessed the god warrior."

"The vampire is naturally weak, which is unable to change, and the sun's blood will be more grateful because of the sun's light."

"The fusion of the two blood will trigger an unpredictable situation. If it is not two offset, the two coexistence is thoroughly solved two-party defects."

"But I want to remind you that there is only one answer in the past blood fusion experiment, failure."

Chen Qi nicked, "It doesn't matter, I just want to inspire the soul of the soul in my body, and I can don't have anything else."

The scarlet holy spirit shook his head, the Prince was still young.

What is good for the blood of the soul, he has the most pure sun blood, that is a blood!

How many people can't hate him, eat him, eat his meat, and drink his blood!

It's really stupid, I have to give up the blood of myself to activate the low soul of the soul!

"Well, I respect your choice."

"So, the next person is in person."

Chen Qianzu closed his eyes, the scarlet Holy Spirit blinks blood, he slowly close to Chen Qian, the scarner robe jitter.

When I held Chen Qianxi, the Scarlet Holy Spirit revealed his , his eyes were shivering!

Chen Qianzhao exposed the neck, the two of the scarlets of the Holy Spirit pierced his neck!

The most pure sun blood, now I am now!

! !

call! !

A spark splash, the scarlet Holy Spirit instantly felt like a hot amount of fire!


Instantly pull out the teeth, the scarlet Holy Spirit will continue to return!

Chen Yuli slowly opened his eyes, and I saw the scarlet holy wolf in this time, and the smoke was smoked on the teeth.

The scarlet Holy Spirit is staring at Chen Qi, "This is the purest, the blood, that moment, I am like absorbing melt!"

Chen Qi scored a neck, the wound was healed in an instant, and the blood in his body did not sigh.

The hot breath, as if the blood flowing in the body is not blood, but the boiling flame!

Chen Qianzhao brow wrinkled, "What happened?"

The scorpion of the scarlet is gradually disappeared. "I am afraid, I can't transfer you to the blood family through the normal method."

Normal bloody transformation process, no extraordinary vampires drove human blood, and then injecting a little blood.

In the early morning of the human round, the ceremony of the vampire was completed in the early hours of the night.

They broke out and lost their hunger only.

At this time, they must supplement the loss of blood by smoking fresh blood.

They will still recover their awareness until sunrise.

And the vampire will hide the source of the light, hidden in the shadow.

The blood of the vampire is full of blood, and the blood of the blood is now embroidered, it is the prince.

Prince is a premature blood group, and then began to be embracing by the first generation of blood, it is the second-generation blood family, and so on.

Before it was a panty, I want to break the blood of the sun, which was burned.

"What is the way to transform into a blood group?" Chen Qian asked.

The Scarlet Holy Spirit also did not waste, biting his finger directly.

"You retreat, I want to use bloody rituals to transform you into blood."

After Chen Qian was relieved, he saw the scarlet Holy Spirit with a finger to draw a bloody circle on the ground.

After that, the pattern of various dense Ma Ma started.

Blood-colored circles have gradually flashed on the sketch of the scarlet Holy Spirit.

Until his last drop, this was completed by the pattern of blood drawn.

The color of the scarlet Holy Spirit is clearly pale, "Okay, you come up, as long as you come up, you can start."

Chen Qian nodded and slowly stood on the blood array.

The scarlet Holy Spirit has a word, and then take a palm of the blood array, "Guzakana, the beginning, rest, rest, the hidden, the ancestors, ignorant leaders, the escort, the blood, freshman!"

Blood light, count countless blood hand climbed from the ground!

They instantly hold Chen Qian's legs, arms, and body!

And more and more!

These blood vessels begin to succeed, until the face of Chen Qian is firm!

At this moment, Chen Qianwei suddenly turned out the blood pattern of dense Ma Ma!

The face of the Scarlet Holy Spirit becomes more pale, "This is part of the process, you, don't see it."

Chen Qianzhu is painful, "Don't you, continue!"


Bang! !

Thunder town, the heavens of the Taihao Empire, Chen Xiu suddenly wrinkled.

"Is you, thousands of people, actually make such choices, really surprised."

Looking at a boy within the main hall, Chen Xiu suddenly revealed a smile.

This child is the brother of the Fan Jian.

Just at this time, the child's skin has no blood, and is constantly ulining!

The eyes are protruding as if it is going to fall out!

The boy wants to climb up, but his one-hard arms are instantly fractured!

The bone thorn in the flesh and blood of rot, but the boy did not feel pain. He wants to make a sound.

The boy cried, he fell into the ground, only weakly looked at your body, a little ulcery!

Chen Xiu Lu has a smile. "If you don't have three days, you will rot into a bunch of meat, but you can live, how is it, is it very excited?"

"Ah, hahaha -!"

"It's a high masterpiece!"

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