Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 623 of the gods!

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Above the Douro continent, as the beloved of the Emperor is falling, the soul of the remaining soul is united.

The residual forces are integrated, and the seven treasures of glazed, the Wushu Temple, etc.

But they still need a leader.

Until the fifteen movements of the Nethe Island!

A blue-haired man was first rushing, he had eight wings, flashed on the forehead and blue trime.

Holding a pure gold trident, the Stahon Tang has returned.

He hit a coma's little dance to everyone, and it was in the past, and there was a lot of Siki and white.

And the guardian of the Seven Holy Pillars of Haichen Island.

In addition to the small dance and white fragrance, the total of thirteen title!

Some of them are half gods!

There is also one, is the main god!

The final base of human beings is Wu Sheng City, when Tang San is coming, everyone cheers.

Thousands of roads slowly came to Tang San, "The eagle wins, you actually become a god."

The eyes of Tang San's eyes are gloomy, "thousands of streams, Zeng Zuhe Po Si West adult mention you."

I heard these two names, and there were thousands of streams. "They actually mentioned me, how is your Zeng Zu Tang Hao?"

Tang San sighed, "they sacrificed, for my ninth exam."

Thousands of roads naturally understand that the eighth exam for his granddaughter has been completed, as long as he sacrifice, you can become a god.

But than the woman's woman didn't know where to run, the breath on her body was very uncomfortable.

That is the breath of the Senluo domain. If the woman is gone, it will be unfavorable to his granddaughter.

So before this, you must first remove the hidden danger than the East!

A thousand way sigh, "For the newcomers in the world, since you are God, the position of the leader is naturally taken by you."

Tang San looks only to the mainland, in addition to the Tiansong, even the people in Tangmen are all.

"Tangmen disciples listens to the order, the Emperor is not benevolent, and sacrifice all beings, he is a sinful day, we will fight today, dispelling!"

With the Tang San, everyone began to move, and the homeless person added to Tangmen.

Tang San will pass the Tangmen to Tangmen's children, this battle is the last hope!

There is only one chance, only a success, you can't fail!

Three days, Tang San convened all the assistance he could call, including the Tianzong and Haizhi Island!

This battle is disabled, and it is active!

Thousands of roads also believe that it is not the opponent of the Emperor, so I will give the position of the leader to Tang San.

And the battle of the day is tomorrow, when you do things, this is destined to be a sleepless night!


At this time, the Senli domain.

The clothes are tattered than the east, "No !! No !!"

"Why, why not let me inherit the Raksha !!!"


Look at the ratio of the destruction in the ghost domain, Rakhasheng is opposed to the emperor, and the last hook is said.

"Give up, Bibi, the position of Rakshasha already has the best home." X2

Bibi East in an instant, "You, why do you give the position of Raksha God to the Emperor, it is what I come first!"

Rakhara god look cold, "Bisong, many said no, you are destined to be a mortal, even if you are here, it is useless."

"In addition, I want to remind you, you have no red lotus, if you don't leave, you will never want to leave."

Babi suddenly laughed, "Hahahahaha !!"

"What is happening, can't revenge to their angel family, then what is the difference between being alive and dead !!!

The emperor showed a smile, "No, you can't go now, please join the hell."

The emperor waves his fingers, and there are countless black broken fragments. Suddenly tied to the hands and feet than the East!

The ratio of Bibi East looks back to the exit, "No, the emperor, you are lie to me !!"


Bang! ! !

God's thunder is broken, instantly falls to the ground to burn everything will be ash!

The sky is broken in an instant, and it is fried in a moment!

Chen Xiu's Emperor champion was shredded by thunderstorms, and a black hair was so windy.

He looked up to the sky, his body was suspended in the air, and he did not move one step at all. "Is there only this level?"

"God, but so."

The gods in the sky suddenly laughed, "Ninety-nine Tiancheng, every robbery will be more than ten times better than the previous!" XN

"This is just a start!" XN

These Tianlei will fall in conjunctive, every hour will fall.

Take the power of Tianlei, even if it is a hundred times, it is not bombing him!

Chen Xiu screwed his neck and a gem of chest began to get gain.

This gem is called endless stone.

It means very simple, endless soul, endless in birth, every rebirth will make him more powerful!

And happening, this gem allows Chen Xiu not dead!

And he also has the power of adaptation, the same attack is after reaching a certain number of times, Chen Xiu will form an antibody.

As the attack continues to accumulate antibodies will continue to increase, his attack does not have the upper limit, the Chen Xiu's antibody, there is no upper limit!

As a day, the sky robbed in Chen Xiu's head, the face of the gods began to gradually downs.


This is already a nine-day robbery, even if he can't touch him!

Chen Xiu can feel that the sky is trembling, the will of God, shakes!

"Tianjie fear me, not because I am God, but because I am mortal."

"You have killed the Dragon Emperor, but now, you are facing now, it is a mortal!"

"What happens, why don't you talk, will God fear?"

I heard Chen Xiu's ruthless ridicule, the gods made a decision at this moment!

Never let him live in the heaven!

As a result, the gods released the gods, and the power of sacrificing the power of the origin reached the point where the robbery can destroy the mainland!

"Chen Xiu, you are awkward to the sky!" XN

Bang! ! ! !

At this moment, the color of the lightning is converted from the golden transition to color, countless, the origin is attached!

The terrible breath, as if it is necessary to take the whole Douro mainland!

Chen Xiu's mouth smiled, "Come on, is this your limit, let me crush your last hope !!"

Bang! !

Hey! ! !

With the gods, Chen Xiu was split into flying ash in a moment!

The gods showed a smile, "Chen Xiu, you, this is your arrogance price!" XN

A pure black bead on the ground began to slowly condense a flesh and blood, and a sound came up in the earth!

"Yes, you can look at it, you have a big capital!"

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