Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 630 Yin Yang Aggllation!

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The wolf opened the bloodpine, this boring is not enough for him to eat!

The gall is slowly reached out, "Who said, I only have one eye?"

! ! !

It's too late to respond, the left eye that is blocked by the hair is suddenly opened!

The hair is blown by the wind, and his left eye shots a spotlight!

The double kids can't escape this range at all!

In an instant, the printed of the Gemini Holy Spirit is directly crushed by the virtual light!

puff! !

"Do not----!!!"

Double Silver Holy Spirit instantly hugged his head, and the Wolf Spirit as if he suffered a certain heavy, fell to the ground!

Then, a vortex appeared, the Gemini Holy Spirit and the wolf are directly inhaled to the vortex.

This yin and yang coexists, liberated.

Double Script, fall!

The whole body is lying on the ground, the whole body is more painful, just like a dead eight times!

"It's really ... nine dead life, I can't help the child, I can't sleeve ..."

The golden flames slowly appeared in the air, and the snow waved overlooking the two, and then turned and left.

No one noted her appearance, and gave it for arsen to climb.

He used the cure of the light to handle the injury, and then directly picked up a legs.

"Fortunately, the old guy, let go to let Tang three will give you one leg."

In this way, the battle between the two sides will report a paragraph.

And other battlefields, good play can just start.


Located at the entrance to the Senli Domain, the Deep Spirit is sitting in the throne of the white bones, is appreciating, a masterpiece in front of him.

On the wilderness, the bones are bone, and the bones everywhere will follow a standing.

Among the million undead, there are dozens of Qi Luo level, and the Tiantong's tipping is only for the sacred sacred spirit!

This team of people is a magical god, coco.

At the same time, she is also the heir of the god of benevolence.

Look at the death of the sacred sacred in the Bai Bone Throne, he has no flesh, he is a skeleton.

He wore a black golden robe, and ten fingers took a different color bone ring.

He is wearing crowns, which is this unfashionable master.

Tang Hao and Tang Xiao two brothers fight side by side, plus six elders, hammers will kill hundreds of dead spirits under a hammer!

But these undeads will not die, even if they are dead, they will condense together and become a stronger individual!

Look at the heavenly disciple of the fight against the battle, Tang Hao's eye wrinkled, "these things are not finished, and the little girl, you really want to think about it!"

Come, I've been here, "Is there anything, a little will be flattened."

"Out, small!"

The little girl came, and the earth appeared in the earth.

The sacred sacred spirit slowly looked up, and only one body-tenth day of the behemone descended from the sky!

boom! ! !

The behemoth landed, raising the mountain river fragmentation, tens of thousands of undeads digitized the bones!

Look at this giant beast, the horn, the wolf head, the upper body is it, the lower body is horses, four horses legs over the dragon scale.

A tail is a mysterious snake, this beast has six arms, and two pairs of huge feathers wings, the skin is like some kind of lizard.

I can't say the weird, because what kind of soul beast is not like.

Haotian Duo Tang Hao feels some strange, "What is you?"

I caught my head, "he is my grandfather."

! ! !

"There are several long and old," "You said that the guy is your grandfather, then you don't know that he is a evil spirits!"

I have nodded, "I certainly know, but he has already given the wife, as for Grandpa, I don't know how he added the Holy Spirit."

The crowd sweat, let such a little girl commanded them really reliable?

As you can shoot, everyone is obviously relaxed.

This beast is really terrible, it is stronger than the soul of the year!

The title of the title trampolic to the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred bone is difficult to resist!

With the adhesive, the sacred spirit finally can't sit, two pairs of bones support the decayed body.

"Pain, rot, I brought death, I brought disaster."

"Sixth Soul Technology · Decaying Tianzheng!"

A passion, a green ring suddenly appeared on the battlefield!

The black soul of the ink is turned into a dark green raindrops!

! !

The rain is too far, in addition to all things other than the undead, rotten!

A drip of rain fell in a bull of the disciple, a turbidity suddenly walked!

The right hand of this disciple is in an extremely fast speed.

At the beginning, it was skin, followed by flesh, until it exposed the Summer bone!

This process is absolutely no more than ten seconds!

Next to a disciple's eyes, the hand is fast, directly from the arms, a soul tunnel, dagger, cut his right hand!


Blood spurt, the right hand landed in an instant, there is no flesh, there is only the white bones left!

"Ah - !! My right hand, my right hand!"

Next to a disciple, he raised him, "" Just now I don't cut your hand, don't say it is a hand, even if you don't want it! "

This rain is extremely intensive, and the coverage is very wide.

The Tiansong disciples have a heavy death and injuries, these undersons will win, and there are dozens of Haidiazong disciples to sacrifice in an instant!

Tang Hao's eyes are not right, directly look at Tang Xiao, "Big Brother!"

Tang Xiaotou, two people directly smashed the hammer, "Haoting is true!" X2

The two instantly released the martial arts, the two huge hammers appeared in the hands of the two!

They used the soul to condense the shield cover the body, and then the two people jumped, and they mentioned that the hammer swept the power of the sky and gave a green soul array in the sky!

The death of the sacred sacred spirits are not right, the hands are out, "the eighth soul skill, the heart is mastered!"


Two fresh heart vain instantly appeared in the left and right hand of the Defear of the Holy Spirit, "Feel the embrace of the dead."

boom! !

The death of the Deep Spirit has not been able to do it, and they have been interrupted by a big substitute!

I could jump to the body of the beast. This is her soul, little, has a variety of features, and two wings have directly formed a field.

The green rain is smashed, and the small giant jeans are directly hit by the death of the Deep Spirit!

Time, the fifth child of the five seals Douro is directly in front of the prison Holy Spirit. They have to take advantage of the giant claws together!

The martial arts of the death of the sacred spirits were interrupted, causing Tang Hao Second Brothers to directly hit the soul of the sky!

I can sit on a small shoulder overlook the death of the Holy Spirit, "Little, I will crush them all!"

"Hey !!" Xiao Xiao has a roar, he seems to be quite ahead of this name.

Tang Hao is also a little different, "Where is this guy?"

This body is not more than 500 meters, can't you say it?

Come with a playful turn, "small little, just like a small rabbit."

On this turn of the turn, the Deep Spirit of the Defear is in an instant to withdraw the small attack range!

"In the face of me, you have dare to distinguish it, the Master gives me the authority of the death, your resistance, the Lord, not carefully!"


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