Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 636, the prubamor, the illusion burned!

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The bloody sword light is flashing, and the thousands of snow motion motion motion, the sword of the Rie Yang, the direct and refining magic swords collided together!

Shen Xiaoya watching the time of death, the twisted murder, instant!

There are countless and dead thorn to break the soil, and they will run through the blood-shaded limbs!

Thousands of snow, immediately intermitted, the sword in the hands of the fake riots directly cut off a right arm of the blood!

The fire of the sun flashes, the bloody arm is directly burned!

Intravapped at the blood, two dead bobs Black vines instantly stake two!

The bloody shadow of a hand smiled, "Hahaha, die !!"

Blood light flashes, thousands of snow runs quickly, but it is still slow!

Hey! !

The abdomen of the thousand snow is injured by the magic sword, the blood is instantaneous!

When Shen Ya, I suddenly made a distant move!

She broke away from the dead bob, the black vine stepped straight to hug blood!

Time tens of thousands of dead bradibins directly entangled the two together, "I now, even when I am running with him!"

There are some hesitibly, but he doesn't know if you can't waste the time!

In the hands of a moment of thousands of snow, she went out a long sword of the sun's real fire. She tadded into the heart of the blood in a sword. The heart of the blood!

Hey! !

The bloody shadow is big, "Are you a deceivement, Shen Ya !!"

The sun is suddenly burning on the two people, and the Snow is a little, but still hurts her!

The skin is hurt by the sun's real fire, but she is a god, this is a small injury can't kill her.

"Ah !!!"

Look at the people who gradually dissipate in the flame, Shen Ya is deeply sucking, "You are not my master."

clang! !

The scorpion sword is landed, and the blood is dissipated.

After the snow is slow, the scorpion sword instantly spreads into a bloody!

Blood fog, the figure of a little girl is helpless sitting.

She has a long bloody, there is a bloody eye on the forehead, which is the eyes of the Emperor.

The little girl is naked, sitting in the earth, her eyes are extremely confused, "master, master, master ..."

"Master, don't you miss a slide, master ..."

Thousands of snow icy raises the right hand, the fire of the sun is condensed in the right hand, and Shen Ya grabbed her wrist.

I don't understand the sinking of the snow, "I don't kill her, when she is recovering, she can again condense the blood of the Emperor!"

Shen Ya is a bit, "Can you, can you not kill her?"

The noodles of thousands of snow are cold, "Do you know how many people have killed her?"

"I saw the weapons outside, those who died under the defense sword, she didn't know how many people have been drinking!"

Shen Ya is painful, "But she is so small ..."

"Moreover, murder is not what she did, is the master killed those people, is the soul teacher take the sword killing responsibility to bear the weapon?"

After thousands of snow, I didn't find this little girl. "How, how do you see her long, like a few little girls?"

"She helps to abuse, counting the age, she is more than you!"

Shen Xiaoya is bleak the soul of the Mountains, she is sitting on the ground, and a face is buried directly on the knee.

"Master, fifteen years, you still have not seen a slide!"

"Magic soldiers are waiting for you, where are you, master ..."

Shen Xiaoya is pleasing to see the snow, "said the teacher, is it really good?"

Thousands of snow is really screwed, and finally sigh, "Hey, ok, don't take it."

Shen Xiaoya instantly hugged thousands of snow, "Great, thank you Master!"

In this way, the two turned around, and Shen Ya took the front line and flew directly to the front.

However, why is the teacher not seen?

Shen Xiaoya suddenly felt a bit wrong!

She suddenly turned, I saw the thousands of snow, the fire was exhausted, the body of the Mirage Holy Spirit was burned out!

And her forehead, then survived in the flame and fell to the ground slowly rolling.

Thousands of snow closed hands, but found that Shen Ya is watching her.

Thousands of snow shakes the head, "the wicked, still I am coming."

Say, no matter how Shen Ya is watching her, thousands of snow directly disappeared in the same place.

Miller Holy Spirit, falling!


Under a shadow, the void Douro is slowly squatting over the shadow.

"Shadow Empire, hidden in every inch shadow, you can't enter your means."

"All souls with shadow property leave, others immediately retreat!"

The soul of the soul listened from the command and evacuated, and finally, only the 18 soul division left.

Time to see a few people, "18, but it is enough, but only, I don't know how much the Holy Spirit is teaching."

At noon, the sun is shining, but it has a large shadow on the sky, which is never disappeared.

The space of the card is swaying on everyone. "I don't do tens of numbers, you will take into me to the night empire."

"The road of shadow empire is complicated, you follow me, once lost in the dark country, you will come again!"

"have you understood!"

Eighteen people replied at the same time: "Understand!" X18

The card is deeply sucking a sigh of relief, "one, two, three, four ..."


A message, the space of the card is launched, and the seventeen people have entered the shadow at this moment!


On the throne of the Shadow Empire, the dark shadow temple of the darkness, with a vulvar mask with a vulva.

She looked at the statue of the Tianmie in front of him, and his attitude was devout, "Your Majesty, I am now, is it what you need?"

"His Majesty……"

"I am now, can you help you?"

"Your Majesty, you open your eyes and take a look, the little girl who needs you to protect has become stronger."


A people suddenly appeared behind the shadow of the Holy Spirit, "the master, some mice came in."

The eyes of the prospective holy spirit flashed in the eyes, "Since it is a mouse, it is fine, don't bother me."

The film martial arts suddenly kneel down, "Yes, the master!"


Shadow Empire, built in another world, the shadow.

There is also a grass flower stone here, and it is generally unlikely to be a small world.

But here is not light, this is not created here, here there is any corner of the Douro's mainland!

The Spiritual Holy Spirit has established a huge shadow empire here, which is in charge of the central hub of the entire shadow.

Any information on the Douro continent has escaped the ears of the Shadow Empire.

Because of the shadow, everywhere.

A shadow doctor walks in the castle of the night empire, "I don't know if anyone remembers me, I am 47, yes, I am still alive!"

"And I am still a title, I can't think of it, I have made a captain from a small soldier!"

"And, I have a new name now, the shadow of the fourth head of the empire, the dark monarch!"


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