Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 638 Shadow Export!

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The lower side of the neck of the card has a mark, which is like a golden eye, but the pattern is extremely complicated.

The audience knows this imprint!

Holy Spiritual Teaching!

Void Douro, the card, he used to be the Holy Spirit!

Everyone has seen, and the card is not covered. "Since you have seen it, the old man does not want to hide."

"Yes, the old man once is the head of the Holy Spirit to sit down the fourth teaching!"

"The old man has got adventive after the fortune of the Holy Spirit Conference, got rid of this absolutely loyal imprint, and abandoned the darkness, leaving the Holy Spirit!"

The shadow of the Holy Spirit is wearing a mask, and everyone can't see her expression, but her eyes have given the answer!

"Tracers, your martial arts is a given you, now you have the rebellion, you can have a friend of the yourself!"

The card is smirk, "What is it, I don't hesitate to get a trading for the price of Shouyuan for sixty years, for the Emperor's selection, no choice, he is much loss, he What is stupid! "

"Holy Spirit Conference, the old man's skills, look at the Holy Spirit, youthful, no one can enemies!"

"But the emperor has an eye, but the last position gives the tide gimmick, just because she is a two-life martial arts? !!"

"What is the unfair !!"

The shadow of the holy spirit is gradually sinking. "You are only loyal to your honesty, you are not qualified to become the Holy Spirit. Today, I will remove you this traitor."

I have twisted the space in the hall.

The people also showed the martial arts, Tudon time, countless soul skills set to the shadow of the Holy Spirit!

The shadow is not awkward, so hard to get the soul of everyone!

The shadow of the Holy Spirit showed a smile, she didn't lose!

"I want to hit me, first try to play boxing with the shadow!"

The spatial distortion of the eyes is compressed, and the three souls of menstrual time are directly killed!

Other people see the arrival, and the card is a moment of thinking about the problem. "Here is the Shadow Empire, how can we stand in the shadow?"

"Her body is likely to hide in every inch shadow!"

The card is biting, "I can't do this, I can't overcome her, I still have to rely on the king, but I can't catch the opportunity now ..."

The black shadow swept, and a soul was violent on the spot.

His shadow is swallowed!

At this time, I found a detail, that is, the attack of the Spiritual Holy Spirit often avoids the statue of the Emperor!

"Everyone, immediately close to the statue!"

Under the order, the card is directly taught to the foot of the statue.

The shadow of the Holy Spirit, "You dare!"

The black shadow is condensed into a substantive spikes directly to the front of the card!

But there is no hiding, but the spinning also stops in the air!

When the card is grinned, "It seems that I will win!"

The shadow of the holy spirit bites the teeth, "Despicable!"

"Since you said this, they don't want to live!"

The blocked Holy Spiritually reversed the direction, countless black tentacles directly grabbed these soul's legs!

The shadow of the Holy Spirit is a smile, ", eat it!"

As the shadow, the shadow seems to have some unknown presence!

Everyone has a face, and they have fallen to the ground!

They didn't have a shadow!

When the shadow of the Holy Spirit turned to the card, "Do you think that it is hiding here, is it okay?"

Open the arm, the shadow gradually integrates with her!

When the card is pupil, "she is to mobilize the power of the Shadow Empire, can't, can't let her succeed!"

The power of space is started, and the prospective holy spirit is smile!

Hey! !

The chest of the card is directly invested!

But when the card is, I will never hug the shadow of the Holy Spirit!

The anger is erotic in the card, "I want to die, I will let you die together!"

The power of a moment is launched, and the two directly disappeared in the Shadow Empire!



The outside world, the two figures suddenly appeared in the air!

The angry holy spirit is cracking, "" will die, negatively fight! "

"Although I have no shadow can borrow, but you can't do it, old things!"


Suddenly pulling out the thorn, the card is bloody in the air!

When the card smiled and looked at the shadow of the Holy Spirit, "Yes, I don't do it, but there is also light in my heart!"

boom! ! !

A long sword swept the sun and suddenly fell in the sky!

Hey! !

The pupil of the prosographic sacred spirits is shrinking, the sun is in the hottest, and the chest is pierced!

A sword is flashed, and her mask on her face is divided into two. The beautiful face is revealed, but her eyes are not satisfied.

"No! Don't, my true capacity, only you can see it ..."

"His Majesty……!"

Her body gradually was burned by the sun, she was confused, and she is now in the morning ...

The rising sun rises, the shadow of the Holy Spirit reached out, I want to touch the sun, just like the face of the person, "beautiful ..."


A breeze blows, and the body of the blociety is dissipated between the heavens and the earth under the witness of the dawn.

Thousands of snow fall from high altitude to the ground, the card, the dying pour on the ground.

Seeing the emergence of thousands of snow, the card showed a smile, "I am fine and you, the queen ..."

Thousands of snow looks cold, "Just act in accordance with the plan, don't be died, you can't die, I will go to Ye Feng to give you a bite."

The card is bullish, "If I can use the sun, I can use the sun ..."

Thousands of snow turned, "The sun is really fired all the Holy Spirit, also restrained, all the sun blood."

"This is the fundamental reason that Tianmi is not afraid of betrayal, and your strength is coming in the emperor, and he, but it is the biggest bottom sign."

"Although I ruined the seeds in your body, even if you don't have the sun's real fire, you can't overcome the emperor, he kills you, what is your dry?"

Kill me, have nothing to do with me ...

How overbearing power.

When the card is closed, "Hahaha, he kill me, I can't resist, I don't even notify me, I am a weak and sad."

"This, it is worthy of the Tiandi."

Thousands of snow open three pairs of wings, "It's good, I saved you, not there is no price."

On the clouds, the shadow of the thousands of snow, "Chen Xiu, I do everything, according to what you said, you, what is the purpose?"

Dotted crumding into the shadow, some kind of ancient power fell into sleep, as if waiting for an opportunity to wake up.

This shadow empire has been liberated, and the shadows are not dominated. The power of the shadow is also littering with the death of the prospective holy spirit.

Every Holy Spirit falls, there is a further liberation of some unknown power.

Go, I will give up the chess pieces will be swallowed by the opponent, but if you can ask for a trip, the white is also becoming a black child.

If it is a trick, it is full.


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