Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 648 Fighting Battle (3)

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Fan Jian: "I have been loyal to the Holy Spirit, but you can live my younger brother to live my body, let him turn into a pus and blood, you are, you are so embarrassed !!"

Those who stand here, they all have a lot of hatred with Chen Xiu!

They have their own blood debts, just to revenge to Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu smiled and shook his head. "What is it, everything will die, only my emperor is eternal!"

bump! !

Everyone took the hand, Li Hong directly launched the strongest blow, with the price of fragmentation!

"Chen Xiu, I will let you know today, ruin my sword hills, funeral gods Yanlong kill swords!"


The dragon sword in Lihong suddenly broke, and a long fire dragon emerged. Li Hong directly integrated with it!

The huge fire dragon swept in the world to the pure fire directly to Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu has a nature, "Flame? My people like to eat something is not too much like others."

"After all, I once had a name called an Oymato."

When I said, Chen Xiu sailed to swallow the power of the powerful swallow, the fire dragon was directly inhaled to the abdomen!

Red Tagou Luo Li Hong is falling on the spot!

Chen Xiu took the stomach, "Thank you for the treatment."


The power of space is launched, and the void Douro has appeared directly behind Chen Xiu!

"Nine Times · No Easel Qiankun Lock!"

In an instant, the nine floors in the field of material and the spiritual field suddenly locked, Chen Xiu's body was tied directly from all sides.

Attachment, angry, watching Chen Xiu, "Your Majesty, can you remember your promise to give the old man's Holy Spirit?"

"You can have a trace of integrity. If you pass the border of the Holy Spirit to me, it will not fall today !!"

Chen Xiu smiled, "Integrity is only the excuse of weak people. Moreover, the power of space is not you used."

Said that Chen Xiu light and one raised his arm void lock directly inch, and he could not bind him for him.

The void Duo is going to run, but he finds that he can't use space!

The space of the quarter suddenly pressed into the card!

"Do not!"

"no no!!"

"Your Majesty, I just made a joke with you, I know that I am wrong, around me!"

puff! !

The space suddenly became the sky, and the card was directly squeezed into a beach meat mud!

Void Douro, card, fall!

Haoxingqin wave romantic strings and seven stars fixed directly to Chen Xiu!

"Killing my parents, Tuc, my blood, the Emperor you still say!"

Chen Xiu hit a yawn, "It's this sentence, don't you say something else?"

Haoxing piano pupils, her seven stars are completely invalid to Chen Xiu!

He even yawned!


The sound of a liter is transmitted, and the Haoxingqin is widened. I saw a long sword with six stars in the back of the sword.

Chen Xiu mouth cracks, "This is not your father's martial arts, then the old thing is a fierce resistance, he is the most recent one."

"However, his martial arts is actually attacking, I have been playing a handleman!"

"In order to reward him, I cut him into three,000 pieces to give you those who are for you!"

"They can eat fragrant, because I told them that everyone will take these meats, but you can also know, I will never talk about integrity."

puff! !

Haoxing piano spit out a blood, and the dead is suddenly bloomed in her!

Murder, the Haoxingqin is directly smoked!

Perhaps she may be alive.

Tianyin Dou Luo Haoxingqin, falling!

bump! !

Then, a punch that swept the endless anger is directly on the face of Chen Xiu!

Can Chen Xiu's body has not trembled. "Why, is I coldly, a little brother?"

"Oh, yes, your brother is brainwashing, now I will fight for me, do you want to say hello to him?"

After I saw Chen Xiu, the anger of Long Ying directly got his realm to the main god!

But he swept a punch of the whole body, but even a little trace is difficult to leave on Chen Xiu face!

Long Ying bite the teeth, he uses all the lives of all the lives in batches, once a moment of power!

"Yu Tianzhen, you will apologize to Tianling !!!"

Chen Xiu slowly called a thoughts and stopped in an instant.

The world has changed to black and white, and all the transactions are quiet, but they are a little rare quiet ...

When the time stopped, stopped in the dragon shadow ready to be at the moment with Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu looks to Long Ying, "Destroy you, what is it with you?"

When I said, Chen Xiu glared in the dragon shadow.

Time recovery again, the body of the dragon shadow is instantly broken into a disabled!

Dragon Dou Luo Long Ying, falling!

Next, thousands of robbery and falling light at the same time!

The strength of the robbery and the enthusiasm of the martial arts!

The sky robbery swept the light of Wu Zhen Yaozhi, Chen Xiu did not have to directly reach out of the two attacks.

"Four nine days robbery, do you take this kind of thing, is it to give me a shower?"

To be said, Chen Xiu direct wrist and smashed four nine days and martial arts.

Incident, it will give you a barter grade.

Not much, ninety-nine robbery!

boom! ! ! !

In the ninety-nine days, it is more than 100 times more than before!

The two could not escape, and they were directly swallowed by the 1990th.

Fighting Dightnome, Santa Luo, Falling, Double Fall!

At this time, a shadow suddenly rushed to Chen Xiu's face, and the people did not host the hostility, and they looked at Chen Xiu.

Shen Xiaoya's eyes are somewhat moist, "teacher, master, Xiaoya, Xiaoya finally found you ..."

Chen Xiu's color is cold, "I am not your master."

Shen Ya fierce shook his head, "No, Xiaoya didn't think about it with the master, but they said that you can find the master, so I have been following them."

"Master, don't be angry, Xiaoyuan knows wrong, Xiaoyi should not provoke you angry, you forgive Xiaoya!"


The sound of a bone break is coming, and the heavy head of the skeleton is directly reversed!

Chen Xiuzhi is cold, "I said, I am not your master."


Shen Ya's body fell directly in the air, she didn't die, and I didn't even know how I died.


A broken voice came, and thousands of snow appeared directly in front of Chen Xiu, "Now everything is done according to your plan, dear."

Chen Xiu smiled, "Don't do it, snow, you will go first."

To be said, a spiritual emploising is coming back, 'Take her away. '

Some of the thousands of snow, "Okay."

After saying, the thousands of snow came directly to the ground, and the body of Shen Ya is disappeared in the original place.

Chen Xiu looked at Tianwu, 'I arranged all the backhand by you, then I all kill them, how would you deal with it? '



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