Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 675 Human Soul Bang!

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The Emperor's hands were cut off, but he did not panic, a green jade lamp martial art is to cure his hands directly around him.

"This sword, the martial arts of Douro?"

"I hate the god swords, they will always break my beautiful clothes, so I am fortunate to wear clothes now."

Lovers turned, "The dragon chess brought you the body of 100,000 years of soul, but you know, why have I always been the sixth place and no one is shaking?"

The emperor's ranking is the fourth place. His martial arts is a game that is dominated, and it can be selected as his subordinates as his soul.

In this way, he can get all the capabilities of the soul.

Including Wu Sou!

And the emperor, once turned a hundred thousand years of soul beast into his own chess, so he could play a power of 100,000 years of soul without having to have a soul!

He bounds nine chess pieces, six knight chess, a giant dragon chess, a sage chess, a queen chess.

With the power of these nine people, he became the emperor of the fourth place!

Therefore, for the sixth place, he naturally does not put it in the eyes, because he never seen the lovers and shot, and despise her.

The emperor also followed, "call, I still see you once again use the Wuhun, I admit that you are really qualified to talk about the conditions ..."

"But the premise is that you have to fight me first!"


The Shrek Academy, time is swaying, a month has passed.

The teacher is carefully taught by this class, and even gives each child.

Finally, only Huo Yuhao and Chen Ming have not given any comments.

Huo Yuhao robs every day to the school gate, this is really incentive, every day is full of strength!

But in a month, they are indeed still playing Huo Yuhao!

Huo Yuhao's soul is also directly soaring in this month, only a soul ring can break through the second ring!

The soul of Chen Ming also broke through the 25th level. His talent is really high, and the practice of cultivating the soul of the soul can also cultivate so fast!

The most unexpectedly, Huo Yuhao actually received Chen Ming's money!

Chen Ming directly gave him ten gold soul currency to say a hundred days of tolls.

And Wang Dong is also in it, he is naturally uncomfortable and Huo Yuhao hits several times and the final result is the defeat.

And during this month, Chen Ming took out Wang Dong, Huo Yuhao, gave birth to comfort Wang Dong.

So soon, Wang Dong became a friend of Huo Yuhao.

Two people discuss almost every day, they actually enhance their feelings.

Soon, Huo Yuhao became the only friend of Wang Dong.

Huo Yuhao is too strong to highlight the entire class, so it is also a matter of course to become a squad leader under the voting of everyone.

Teacher Xiaoyu is standing on the podium. "It is a big proportion of new students. I decided to set up an elite squad, and the three qualified three people in our class as the seed player of our class."

"Chen Ming, Wang Dong, Huo Yuhao, how do you consist of this team?"

"Huo Yuhao is the control department, and the body is weak and does not need to be protected. Wang Dong, you and Chen Ming are a number of strong attacks, cooperate with Huo Yuhao's spiritual sharing to deal with the same level?"

Three people got up, Huo Yuhao is naturally the captain, "Teacher Xiao Yu, is there a reward?"

Teacher Xiaoyu looked to Huo Yuhao. Now he can say that it has changed the earth.

A black long hair, the pupil of the eyes has also become a lot, and the position of the nine hooks appeared in his neck, and it is not like a pattern.

And his body seems to have ushered in two development, the bones and the body have become a lot.

This makes him a group of cranes that appear between the peers.

The school uniform was changed by him. If you use other teachers, this is a proper poor student.

This world strength is respected, as long as there is strength, he can do anything over the rules.

Teacher Xiaoyu answered Huo Yuhao's question, "naturally has rewards, my mentor once again gave me two soul bones, one of which was absorbed by me, and another piece is useless."

"If your team can win the first place in this competition, this soul bone is attributed, how?"

! ! !

A shocked whole class!

That is the soul bone!

Only a high probability of the soul is high!

And the soul bones are absorbed, and now they have a strong help!

Can Huo Yuhao seems to be a bit unsatisfactory, "Teacher, the teacher, can I ask a specific role of the soul bone in advance?"

The teacher nodded, and the classmates in the class have called her teacher, and the teacher, the teacher, is also used to this title.

"That is a nine thousand years of wisdom soul bones. It is found in the remains of the Tianling Court. According to the judgment of my mentor, this should be a human soul."

! ! !


All of them were shocked, how can humans produce soul bones?

Teacher Xiao Yu also realized that this news is so shocked to them. "My student, I naturally know a little more."

"In fact, human soul has already been there. About more than 5,000 years ago, there was a wisdom skull produced by the human spirit."

"The spirit of their life is condensed here, and the soul of the whole body is transformed into soul bones with the soul ring."

"In fact, this is not the earliest, there are twenty body organs in this world, they are the earliest soul bones."

"Among them, there is not only skull, torso, limb bone, even hair, brain, and even five organs."

"Now I have to tell you a secret, although these are no longer secret, but the bottom-up people can't get into contact, I tell you today, I don't want you to speak everywhere."

"have you understood?"

The students nodded and looked carefully to the teacher of Xiao Yu.

Teacher Xiao Yu took a deep breath. "I have said that these twenty things come from the same person."

"He is, the emperor is reversed."

Everyone taps with a cold, and the name of the name is a household!

I have already reached the point where the child heard it!

Many elders take Chen's name to scare the child who is not obedient.

For example, someone, you don't sleep, the ancestor Chen is going to catch you!

Alternatively, the ancestor Chen I like to catch the child who caught the night.

Variety, various types have been adapted into countless versions.

But their elders, why not listen to their elders say these?

This is the story of generations of generations, how long is it over 10,000 years?

China can catch up with the roots of five thousand years.

Huo Yuhao showed a smile after hearing this news.

"The teacher of the rain, where can you find these 20 body organs?"


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