Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 677 LL Magic!

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Entering the Red Night City, which is the body here is the body, but the road people have become accustomed to.

The rotten flavor is filled with air, and the lights that can be seen everywhere is not a gambling.

Huo Yuhao walked in the street, he changed a line.

His body has been temporarily growing through some secret law, which makes his body and adults have no difference.

In order not to attract people, he replaced a black robe and tightly wrapped with a mask.

Huo Yuhao first walked into a casino, the atmosphere of this is very noisy, all of these gamblers.

"Big, big !!"

"Open !!"

"Beautiful, Laozi won again!"

"Team, Laozi pressed 10 small truth, I can't come out!"

"No, change a table, today is a bit back."


Huo Yuhao looked at the people in the gambling, and one of them attracted his attention.

That should be a man, his dress is different from the people here, so it is extremely eye-catching.

The man's face with a smileless laughing white mask, a black high hat, a pure black suit swallow, and silver gloves.

He cut the card in his hand, clean and neat, from time to time, he will take out a few hands and cool cards to cause cheers of others.

Huo Yuhao sat down before the gaming table, just sat in the man.

He looked to Huo Yuhao, "Oh, see what the wind blows a new friend, come to play two?"

I don't know why, the man's gaming table has only one person, and there seems to be no one dares to sit with him at a table.

The gambler next to the gambler looks at Huo Yuhao. "This guy is new, dare to do the gambling table?"

"There is a good show."

"It seems that there is a unlucky egg today to lose a left hand ~"

"There is a bird egg with Laozi, do you still play?"

"Don't quarrel, look at the play."

"Teammai, you will have more things in one day, I don't play, you will look slowly."


Back to the bureau, Huo Yuhao looks to the man, "What?"

Men smile, "Dice, Poker ... With you, what do you like?"

Huo Yuhao looked a smile, "I heard that you will win, is it called the emperor, really fake?"

The two masks are opposed to each other, and the man laughed first, "said, it is a look of luck, friends ~"

bump! ! !

At this moment, the building in the distance suddenly collapsed!

Dust splash, the emperor climbs in the smoke and ruins.

The man is not right, directly collecting the poker in his hand. "Sorry, I may have some things to handle, I must ask you in the next day, here."

Said, men's figure disappeared, only a pile of poker disappeared in the original place.

Huo Yuhao, one of these poker, "magician, good, very interesting martial arts."


Outside the casino, the emperor climbed in the smoke, and a bloody figure took the sword to his face!

The emperor got up and rolled up the whole body's strength and a punch!

The blood color is turned, and I have escaped this boxing!

The emperor left the right hand, a sharp long sword directly appeared in the right hand, "Ok, I may do so little, as a compensation, I can take out 70% of the ability to deal with you."

The lovers instantly fall in front of the emperor, and her appearance has changed the earth.

A bloody long hair is like a spirit snake in the air, and she has a lot of red reasons on her buddhism.

It's a huge bloody, "" Dead duck is hard to say is you. "

"I can make me use three martial arts, you are very good, if you can listen to me, how good, in bed, I don't hate the full body muscles ~"

There is a green light around the emperor, and the green soul is scattered all over the body. The scars on him have healed directly.

"You are still awkward than my mother, the fist is the last word, it seems necessary to use the ability to hate women."

The two swords were pulled away from the night, and they didn't want to do it again.

Mask in black suit swallow tuxedo directly stopped in front of the two, he also reached out left and right hand to show the two people to pull the distance.

"Oh, my friend, you seem to be a little less pleasant, and you will be banned, you will not forget the agreement with the fool?"

"Oh, God, should you forget it?"

As mentioned in the fool, the two people have changed, and they all collected the martial arts.

Anyone who can not be placed in the eyes, but fools can't!

Tianship has 64 people, this is already a few generations, except for normal life or cross.

Others, all died in the hands of fools.

No one knows how this old mock is going to live, they only know that the fool is very strong, from their grandfather and even the mouth of Zeng Zu's mouth!

He is the Kars of All Soul, as long as it is a soul teacher, there is no one to overcome it!

In addition to the legendary sea and the fall of the sky, the fall of the earth.

In this world, there should be no longer able to overcome the fool!

Because of powerful stress, the two are calm.

The emperor first looked at the man, "Hey, I am who is it, it turned out to be two."

Lovers have also changed back to the usual state, "Magicians, don't come true?"

This man is called a magician, with a 'II' on his back, which is a symbol of the second quarter.

Under the fool!

Magician, never seen his true capacity, never knew his martial arts, he is not like a hob that is mysterious, and people can't find it.

On the contrary, he has repeatedly showing his ability and the martial arts, but he is unfortunately his ability is too large, and everyone can't guess his martial art.

Over time, the representation of the magician turned into secret.

Not only the appearance of the martial art, this man seems to be in the continent in the continent, not existing in the continent.

He is a mystery. When did he appear, maybe there is only a fool to know.

There are more and more onlookers, and the magician waved countless poker poker in his hand. "Witnesses seem to be a bit more, let us forget what today's things?"

To be said, a restart card was taken out by the magician, and the time time is like a row, the collapsed building is restored, and all the traces of the destruction disappeared.

Everyone lost the memory of the two battles to this moment.

Only the emperor looked at the magician with the lovers, "this man, really strong!" X2


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