Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 679 XXI World!

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Red Night City, sleepy and aromal fight farms, soul beast feeding room.

The breeder began to pick up a soul tube and gave these souls to some red agents.

This pin is provided by the chariot, and his source is constantly providing the emperor's senior soul guide equipment he wants, and the emperor has to divide a very fourth profit to the chariot.

And this medicine is also provided by the chariot.

This is a medicament called blood, once the soul of the soul, will fall into the violent kill!

The strength of the soul beast will almost double, including recovery, etc. will be greatly improved!

The emperor smiled and looked at more than 60 million soul beasts in front of him. "Let's enjoy it, the world!"


Walk into the corner, calling the sound, like the tide.

"It's him, I have to challenge all the ethnial soul !!"

"If you are mad, Laozi is optimistic!"

"Fool, I will see how he will die!"

"Ha ha ha, today is lively, my old man, I heard the letter!"

"Team, today is not all, want to see this guy is torn into a meat piece!"


"Kill kill !!!"


Huo Yao, the top of the stage, screwed the neck, only see the door on the other side of the battle, slowly opened, dozens of thousands of soul beasts directly broke through the cage!

"!!!" xn

They swarmed around, I am like a beasto to hurt Huo Yuhao!

These high-year soul beasts are huge, each has 10,000 years of repair, and even more than 80,000 years!

A giant behem of a wolf head directly puts Huo Yuhao into a fragment directly!

Huo Yuhao smiled, "Duel, start!"

Yin is condensed on the right hand, Xuan Ming's palm!

The beast is directly a claw to Huo Yuhao, Huo Yuhao moves extremely fast, and directly grasped the top right claws of the beast!

The time is full, the behemoth is not allowed to quickly pull back the right hand, but it is late!

He has a semi-cut arm directly as a black ice cubic layer, and this yin is still spread!

The beast has hormible eye, and the eyes are constantly infiltrating into the body. It is going to die, and the fish is directly to the Huo Yuhao!

Huo Yuhao got up, the behemoth fell!

Then, Huo Yuhao, took a palm of the huge behemoth directly, "The yang of the soul beast is the delicious!"

When you say, a white gas in the body of the behemoth is directly ingested by Huo Yuhao, and the behemoth is being aging with extremely fast, and even rotted!

Until the beast died!

A thousand years of soul beasts, just closing the eyes of the eyes 'touch'.

The audience is silent!

Even the two people in the emperor are also stunned. "I didn't use Wu Sou, how did he do it?"

"When I killed a thousand soul of the soul in an instant, these soul beasts were frozen?"

The lovers in the side have fallen into meditation. "I am more biased to the old death, the body of these soul is in the old old, as if I have come to the end of life."

"Don't he can speed up someone else's time?"

"Or or said, he is absorbing the power of others!"

Looking at Huo Yuhao under the fightron, he also hovered the attack of the soul, and then kill a few years of high-year soul!

Some don't even have to hide, and he is very fast, but he doesn't know anything, but he leaves heavy residue on the ground.

As he went to hunting a thousand years of soul, the emperor's face began to see, "If he can kill all soul beasts, I may pay all the savings."

"The world, the people who are heaven, or those who are heaven, otherwise ..."

The lovers directly took a palm of his shoulders, "Emperor, I have a conjecture now."

The emperor brows, "You will also educate people than my mother, I don't want to be around the woman."

Lovers are speechless, "a suggestion, you can't listen to you."

"If, assume that he can absorb the lives of others, then his life will become a long history."

"What is the most terrible, he may even live for thousands of years, more than a fool, it is a millennium monster."

The emperor fell into a contemplation, the huge behem of the stage was followed, and Huo Yuhao stood slowly on the body of dozens of giant beasts.

His body contraction has gradually changed back to a child's size.

Huo Yuhao screwed the neck, "this, this body can be at least more than ten thousand years."

! ! !

Huo Yuhao suddenly became a child genus, and Huo Yuhao maintains the secret law of adults.

Nowadays, I now take Yang Shou and Yangyuan Guide, causing him to expose the body.

But this is in the eyes of others, that is, I will return to the old child!

The emperor double boxing, "Is it a child?"

The lovers are also shocked. "It seems that I guise, he has no difference in the body of the heavens, the only possibility, that is, his body has become a child from the adult."

"He is really likely to be a living for thousands of years, no, or even longer old monsters, maybe in the era of the Emperor."

The emperor took a deep breath, "The world, I thought he was the weakest in the sky, huh, huh, this means, it is necessary to make it."

"I gave this money."

Said, the emperor came directly to the world, "You won, as if this 400,000 zero eight thousand gold soul coins are yours."

Huo Yuhao looked at the emperor, "Just give me so easy?"

"This money is also a small number."

The emperor laughed, "I like to have a strong intelligence, just when I have a friend, have the opportunity, and I will be good ?!"

Huo Yuhao smiled, "You will regret it."

The emperor shrugged, "What is your point?"

"I never let myself regret it, because I have never lost!"

Huo Yuhao turned, "The industry we make is different, you will lose very miserable."

The emperor's mouth cracks, "Okay, if you win me, I will give you a quarter of the place in the north."

Huo Yuhao stopped instantly, "I know, you have a map in your four people."

"But you have forgotten, who, tell you the news of the left eye?"

! ! !

The emperor remembered the world, the world, is Ye Ling?

When Ye Ling told them that they didn't think much. Later, the world has changed, and they also received the death of Ye Ling, everyone thought that Ye Ling was dead.

The left eye should only know if they know.

Who can think about it, Ye Ling actually became this little teenager!

However, the emperor felt doubts. Is he really Ye Ling?

Or, what other things carrying Ye Ling Memory!

The lovers think of eternal life, but the emperor is thinking, but it is a hind!


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