Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 684 lives for 10,000 years old monsters!

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"That is a night before six thousand years ago, the left eye of the Xingroo Empire was stolen by the Duke of White Tiger, and successfully integrated with his left eye."

"He is not the first person who integrates the body organs, he also found a contraindication on the fusion of limbs in ancient banned books!"

"Yes, after Tang Sanfei, everyone honestly guards the body organs of the Emperor, but after generations, those families who guarded the body of the earth, finally couldn't live."

"They talked about the body of the earth, carry out an experiment, and finally, they even got the concept of symbiosis!"

"Yes, the reason why the Emperor's body can be absorbed by others, because his organs will swallow your own organs, thus transplanted into that part, so that they reach a common life!"

"Oh, the gang of the goddess is intelligent, thinking that I can find a way to control the power of the Tiandi."

"It can be actually, how long, they have paid the price of blood!"

"The symbiosis in their mouth is not as parasitic!"

"And the Duke of the White Tiger Daishimochen is through the book of Xingro Empire, knowing that this can be followed."

"The law represented by this eye is anger, it is killing, it is destroyed, once you integrate it, it will make you a little, and finally change you!"

"The Duke of the White Tiger Daishimochen, the temperament after this, not only killed his own eldest son, but also lived in the two wives."

"At the end, he even crashed against the army, almost overthrew the royal family of the Xingro Empire!"

"Finally, the news is disclosed, and the guards of the family and the emperor are jointly out, and the left eye is stabbed, and the left eye is lived in his eyes!"

"It can be too late, that eye has been rooted in the body of Dassiocchen, it is walking, Dai Ximei will die directly!"

"Finally, the name of the Duke of the White Tiger has also become a damasted destruction of the Duke, he still died before death, blowing up half of the palace."

"Do you understand, ice?"

The uncle's hands shot on the shoulders of the ice, "Now picking this eye, you just lose a left eye, we can go to the family to help you!"

"But if you don't pick it up, then when other guardists pay attention to you, my uncle can't protect you!"

"The limbs of the Emperor are tricks. They know that not only the left eye will be dig, will sink you into the Sea, live and drow down under the witness of the sect!"

Ice is listening to the uncle, this is called the sea burial, and only those who commit a big sin will be killed in this way!

The sea of ​​funeral will be charted and broken, and then throwing the limbs to the Eternal Sea.

Eternal Sea, is the nest of the legendary tide Directaaa Kaboarch, is an abyss of the sea!

The density here is extremely strange. Once people fall, they will only fall fall, they can't use any way!

Or, this sea water itself is a prohibition, can only enter, can't come out!

Once you go in, you will get a deeper, the sea is absence, and the water pressure will become more and more powerful, then gradually crush!

The water pressure of 300,000 meters can even be killed in a moment!

Ice is scared by uncle's words, "But I don't want to lose this eye, uncle, you help the ice!"

Ice is holding the arm of the uncle and pleading, and the face of the uncle is extremely complicated. "This is, the rules that have been passed down during the ancient times, I can't force, ice."

"Uncle is for you, now dig down this eye, everything is still coming!"

Lookling slowly extending the claw to your uncle, the ice is actually used to use the left eye!

boom! !

A extremely cold ray suddenly shot in the left eye of the ice, like a brain that is dead!

And the uncle is like it is pre-expected to be directly sideways.

Ice is frightened, "No, no, I am sorry for my ancestors, I don't deliberately, it, it doesn't listen to me ..."

Uncle nodded, "I know, I want to know, how did Duke of destruction of the year?"

"Just kill him in my own, I have to know more terrible than anything, and I know all the weaknesses."

! !

Hey! !

At this time, a broken voice came, and a gap is directly wearing the left shoulder of the uncle!

Uncle suddenly turned, I saw the frozen flying shadows slowly, "Oh, uncle, you are too small to see me."

The uncle's brow wrinkled, he pulled out the thorns of the shoulder, "Flying Shadow?"

"You don't die?"

The flying shadow grinned, he slowed his right eye, and a hair turned into a heart in front of him!

"Don't die, the uncle, come and see, as long as a hair, I can have two martial arts at the same time!"

"Ye's inheritance of Wu Sou, no death, with him, no thing can kill me!"

To say, the flying shadows directly insert this heart into the chest!

Hey! !

A blood flowers explosive, the face of the flying shadow is distorted to the madness, "Hahaha, how, uncle, now, what should I understand, what is the baby?"

"With it, why can't my star don't want to be a continent!"

"The length of the collection of hundreds of martial arts, I will become the god of the new era!"

The uncle took a sigh of relief, and the wounds of the shoulders slowly healed.

"For, you have already fallen."

"Let me, come to clean up the portal."

If the uncle suddenly reached the right hand, a sleeper flute was frozen, and the seven stars imprisoned on the jade flute!

At the same time, the nine soul rings are suddenly rising under the feet of uncle!

Black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red!

Six black three red, ninety-nine level Trunro!

The flying shadow is still, his right hand opened his hand to return to the martial art, uncle has a unique ability, this is the talent of the blood family, only the people of the Haoxing family know.

That is the bloodthirsty ring!

When you absorb the blood of the soul, the uncle will have probabilistic to steal a part of the soul moved to his own soul ring!

'After all, it is a long moon who lives, but I have a non-sacred sea, and I will be the title of Douro, I can't fight. '

Hey! !

The flying shadows are widened, and the right hand of the uncle is directly wearing his heart!

"How is it, the same title, I still have the second mission, you may be much better than me ..."

An uncle's ancestors took the heart of his unstead, and the sea is the heart into a hair.

"Uncle is 10,000 years, it is not white."


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