Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 131 Is this the appointment of the leader of the Sea God Pavilion?

The golden scales, the iconic vertical pupils, and the throbbing feeling from his own Qingyan Dragon martial spirit.

Everything proves the authenticity of the martial arts information recorded in the registration materials.

If Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena have potential beyond imagination, then Qiu'er in front of them is equivalent to transforming this potential into a completely foreseeable future.

Golden dragon!

In terms of bloodline, it even surpassed the pure-blooded dragon martial spirit of Mr. Mu's Guangming Holy Dragon.

Coupled with the spirit ring ratio that can be said to completely crush Mr. Mu, it means that they only need to have someone help hunt down the hundred thousand year spirit beast when Qiu'er needs to obtain the spirit ring, and they can cultivate a soul ring. A genius who surpasses Mr. Mu.

Did you wake up from a dream?

Secretly laughing at herself, Xian Liner cleared her throat and got straight to the point.

"Then in the following time, let's talk about the treatment issue, not only for Qiu'er, but also for you, Yuhao. The treatment I told you before will remain the same, but some things will be added."

Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he didn't rush to ask questions and waited quietly for Xian Lin'er's next words.

"I have a straight temper, so I won't talk in circles with you. Originally, I thought my expectations for You and Gu Yuena were high enough, but now after seeing Qiu'er, I realize that I may have underestimated your talents. ”

"Qiu'er, if your situation is not accidental, and the seventh and eighth spirit rings can still absorb the hundred thousand year spirit ring, then what you need most is to be content with it, and the condition I give is to help you as much as possible in this process. ”

Speaking of this, Xian Lin'er paused and spoke in a serious tone.

"To put it simply, I hope Qiu'er will not waste your talent in choosing a soul ring that is less than one hundred thousand years old. I don't know where your one hundred thousand year soul ring came from, and I don't intend to find out, but you If you don't have the ability to hunt a hundred thousand year soul beast next time, you can tell me directly."

"Yu Hao, the same is true for you and Gu Yuena. As long as you can absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring, but you are unable to hunt it yourself, the academy will do its best to help you allocate the remaining vacant slots with a hundred thousand year soul ring."

"I believe you have heard about it, Yuhao. Although I am the dean of the Soul Guidance Department, the Poseidon Pavilion in the inner courtyard is the most powerful organization that controls the entire academy."

"From the moment Qiu'er revealed the Golden Dragon Martial Soul and the Sixth Soul Ring of One Hundred Thousand Years, you were no longer something that my Soul Guidance Department could cultivate alone, because you already had the potential to surpass this generation of Poseidon Pavilion Masters. Therefore, I will be trained as the successor to the Poseidon Pavilion Master. When the time comes, I will ask the Poseidon Pavilion elders to take action on the matter of hunting soul rings, and they will never refuse. "

She was speaking conservatively.

Don't say you won't refuse, I'm afraid that when the day comes when Qiu'er needs a soul ring, she won't need to ask for it at all. The elders of the Poseidon Pavilion will just shout Shrek's glory one by one, and then risk their lives to get Qiu'er. I am hunting for a hundred thousand year soul ring.

It’s impossible if you don’t work hard!

If it were before, everyone might not be so urgent. After all, even if Mr. Mu dies, there will still be the 98th-level Mr. Xuan who can stabilize Shrek.

But the old guy's frequent illnesses in recent years really made them panic and had to make other plans.

Forget about the previous incident in the Star Dou Forest. I heard that Elder Xuan took Tang San of the martial spirit system to the Star Dou Forest a month ago. In just two or three days, the two of them were like dogs. Escaped and came back.

Not only was he seriously injured, but Tang San seemed to have been left with very serious sequelae, which made Yan Shaozhe extremely anxious.

As for the subsequent development, she didn't pay too much attention. She just heard that Yan Shaozhe took Tang San out for a trip. After returning, although most of the sequelae were cured through folk remedies, Tang San was seriously injured again. Lying on the bed.

Two such bad incidents happened in just a few years. Although everyone didn't say it, they had already doubted Mr. Xuan's ability.

You can create so many tricks just by leading people. What if you let the other party become the master of Poseidon Pavilion? ?

But doubts are doubts. In this case, all they can do is to cultivate talents who can carry the banner as quickly as possible.

After all, the sooner he is cultivated, the sooner he can replace Mr. Xuan from the position of pavilion master.

At first, they chose Zhang Lexuan as this candidate.

But to be honest, although Zhang Lexuan has good talent, there is still a gap between Moon Martial Spirit and Mu Lao Xuan.

This means that it is not enough for Zhang Lexuan to just become a Titled Douluo or a Super Douluo. She must reach at least level ninety-eight, or even become a level ninety-nine extreme Douluo like Mr. Mu to have the strength to shock all parties. power.

Of course, judging from Zhang Lexuan's talent, it is not impossible to achieve Ultimate Douluo, but how long will it take?

Take Elder Xuan as an example. As Shrek's former number one genius, he has been stuck at level ninety-nine for who knows how long.

Let’s not talk about whether Zhang Lexuan’s talent is stronger than that of Xuan Lao. Even if it is better than Xuan Lao, how much better can it be?

If she is given forty years from now on, will she be able to achieve her ultimate goal?

You must know that Yan Shaozhe is only at level ninety-five when he is over ninety. Without special opportunities, even reaching level ninety-eight is extremely difficult, let alone achieving Ultimate Douluo in such a short time.

And even if it takes forty years, Mr. Mu will definitely not be able to survive that time. There will be a long period of time during which Mr. Xuan will succeed as the head of the Poseidon Pavilion. Who knows what Shrek will become under the leadership of this guy? look.

But now, Qiu'er's appearance has given her and the other elders of the Sea God Pavilion another choice.

Although Qiu'er's soul power level is only level 66, it seems that there is a big gap with Zhang Lexuan who is already level 84.

But strength is a thing that needs to be referenced by many factors, not just looking at who has a higher cultivation.

With four 100,000-year soul rings and the ultimate power of the Golden Dragon Martial Soul, Qiu'er doesn't even need to reach level 95. Just to achieve the titled Douluo, Qiu'er's strength is conservatively estimated to be comparable to the 98th level Xuan Lao.

In contrast, if Zhang Lexuan with the Moon Martial Soul wants to have the same strength, she may need to reach the same level of soul power as level 98.

From level 66 to level 90, and from level 84 to level 98, the former is obviously easier.

Moreover, Qiu'er is only 17 years old and has reached level 66. With this talent alone, maybe she can achieve the titled Douluo before Mu Lao passes away, and it is not impossible to directly bypass Xuan Lao and take over the position of the head of the Sea God Pavilion!

As for whether Qiu'er has any background or personality, it will take a long time for her to become a Titled Douluo. Maybe she will understand it after a long time.

Not only Qiu'er, but also Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena.

These two also started with a thousand-year soul ring. No one knows whether Qiu'er's sixth soul ring will be a hundred thousand-year soul ring in the future.

But just imagining that scene in her mind, she felt her scalp tingling.

You know, these three people are all from her soul guide system!

Even if they join the Sea God Pavilion in the future, they will definitely be biased towards her soul guide system.

Thinking of this in her heart, Xian Lin'er's mood became more and more excited, and she liked Huo Yuhao more and more.

I thought buying Huo Yuhao and giving Gu Yuena was a pie in the sky, but I didn't expect another one!

This kid, he has a handsome face for a long time!

If I was born a few decades later, maybe I would chase after this guy, right?

Under Xian Lin'er's naked gaze, Huo Yuhao's back was sweating for a while. He subconsciously looked at Qiu'er beside him, and both of them saw the strange look in each other's eyes.

Through Xian Lin'er's words just now, Huo Yuhao had actually roughly guessed her thoughts.

Judging from the conditions given, Xian Lin'er was indeed very concerned about their future plans, but unfortunately, the 100,000-year soul ring was not attractive to them.

Not to mention the many immortal herbs in the undead plane, just with Qiu'er's identity as an imperial beast, if she wanted a 100,000-year soul ring, combined with the effect of Huo Yuhao's soul contract, not to mention the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest scrambled to line up to give it, at least she could get whatever she wanted.

Of course, although there was no shortage of 100,000-year soul rings, Huo Yuhao was very interested in the meaning beyond Xian Lin'er's words.

Judging from what Xian Lin'er said, the Sea God Pavilion seemed to be eager to cultivate a Sea God Pavilion Master who could stand on his own.

Although the specific reason was unknown, it did not prevent Huo Yuhao from achieving his goal through this matter.

——Establish the Spirit Pagoda.

It is not impossible to establish a force that affects the entire continent from scratch, but Huo Yuhao does not have so much time to waste on such a place, so it is very necessary to rely on the help of other forces in this process.

Shrek City is located on the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest. In addition to the unique geographical advantage of establishing the Spirit Pagoda nearby, it can also use the reputation of Shrek Academy to promote the Soul Contract in human society.

And most importantly, if it continues to develop like this, Shrek's Sea God Pavilion will be full of people he is familiar with in a few years, which is incomparable to the Douluo Three Kingdoms controlled by the royal family.

The first is Qiu'er. Looking at Xian Lin'er's posture, as long as she enters the inner courtyard, it will probably not take long for her to have a place in the Sea God Pavilion.

Then there is Sister Le Xuan, who has already joined the Sea God Pavilion and has been trained as the successor of the Sea God Pavilion Master.

And Sister Xiao Tao, who became the Sea God Pavilion Master after he ascended to the God Realm in his previous life, has already reserved a seat in the Sea God Pavilion.

In addition, there are geniuses like Xiao Xiao who are talented, have a good relationship with him, and have no power, so they are very likely to join the Sea God Pavilion in the future.

In the previous life, it might take a long time for these people to wait until they can join the Sea God Pavilion, but in this life, with his help, they really have the opportunity to surpass Xuan Lao and become the head of the Sea God Pavilion and control Shrek Academy.

And no matter who the position of the head of the Sea God Pavilion falls on, relying on their strong friendship, they will provide great convenience for Huo Yuhao to establish the Spirit Pagoda.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao's eyelids couldn't help but jump.

It was not until now that he realized that in just one year, his connections in Shrek had reached such an exaggerated level.

When he walked out of the soul guide teaching building, Qiu'er, who seemed to have been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't help but complain out loud.

"What am I? I just became an undercover, and suddenly I'm going to be promoted to the boss?"

"It's still early, at least I have to wait until you are promoted to the Titled Douluo."

Huo Yuhao's face was twitching, and he was in a very good mood.

Originally, I just wanted Qiu'er to improve Dai Yueheng's strength in the inner courtyard. Who would have thought that there would be such an unexpected surprise.

After all, Shrek is Shrek. With such a huge foundation here, now that the opportunity is in front of him, he naturally has to take advantage of it. As for people like Xuan Lao, it won't be a problem at all after the Sea God Pavilion undergoes a major change.

"Okay, the registration has been completed. You can go to the inner courtyard. I should go too..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Qiu'er.

"Aren't you going to practice and practice?"


Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head. Qiu'er's eyes were not squinting, as if he was following the temptation, waiting for the little lamb to fall into the trap, and explained in a serious tone.

"I've been on the road these past few days and haven't practiced at night."

...Do you want to practice?

Listening to this suggestive and warm invitation, Huo Yuhao's throat rolled slightly and he subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Isn't it a little bad to show off one's sex in broad daylight?

"I, I have to register next..."

"It's only morning now. It's not too late to practice until the afternoon and then register."

Having said this, Qiu'er paused and glanced at him sideways with a hint of charm.

"I heard that the disciples in the inner courtyard all have independent dormitories. In your previous life, you lived in the Poseidon Pavilion and didn't have a chance to see it. Don't you want to come with me and have a look?"

As if he didn't expect Qiu'er, who was usually cold and arrogant, to show such a charming attitude, Huo Yuhao's words of rejection suddenly got stuck in his throat.

After a brief hesitation, under the direct gaze of Qiu'er's golden eyes, he nodded mysteriously.

"Then let's go and have a look..."

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