Until the two of them walked out of Shrek City, Wang Donger was still walking like a zombie, looking like she had not recovered.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew by, pulling the pink-blue hair and sweeping past the corners of the girl's eyes. The strands of itching brought Wang Donger's confused thoughts back to reality.

The broad official road stretches forward all the way, as if it is endless, making it impossible to see the end. The bright moonlight is blurred from the road, glowing with a hazy white.

Feeling the warm touch from her palm, Wang Dong'er pursed her lips, raised her head as if unintentionally, and looked at the boy who was leading her in the moonlight.

Facing the wind blowing in the distance, her long ink-like hair swayed in the wind, and against the backdrop of the moonlight, her heart-stirring side face was looming.

Humph, he is so handsome, no wonder he can seduce so many girls.

I don’t know how many more are behind it.

As if aware of Wang Dong'er's piercing gaze, Huo Yuhao spoke helplessly.

"Don't look at it. It's just a piece of soul bone. I won't ask you to commit yourself to it."

Wang Dong'er obviously hadn't reacted yet and subconsciously made a confused sound.


Huo Yuhao paused for a moment, turned around and looked her up and down, then gently twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Of course, if you volunteer, I won't accept it."

"...You think beautifully!"

Wang Donger's eyes widened, and she was about to speak sarcastically, but as if she suddenly realized what she was doing, she stared at Huo Yuhao suspiciously.

"This guy didn't say that on purpose to relieve my psychological burden, right?"

".you guess?"

"You bad guy, can you die if you say something I like to hear!?"

Seeing Huo Yuhao's unsparing look, Wang Dong'er became furious. However, due to Huo Yuhao's power of tickling, she still didn't have the courage to take the initiative. After hesitating for a moment, she whispered a word of thanks.

"I'll give it back to you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt the tremendous force from Huo Yuhao's palm.

After grabbing Dong'er and preventing him from moving forward, Huo Yuhao looked at the empty official road in front of him with a somewhat cold expression.

The sudden situation made Wang Donger suddenly nervous, and she subconsciously lowered her voice and asked.

".What's wrong?"

Huo Yuhao didn't answer, but quietly pulled her behind him.

After a short period of silence, it seemed that they were finally sure that they had been discovered. A voice full of surprise suddenly sounded from around the two of them.

"This really surprises me. Now that we have been discovered, you still don't run away?"

"Is it possible that the genius of Shrek Academy has become so arrogant that he thinks he can deal with so many of us on his own?"

As several figures in black robes slowly walked out of the woods where they were hiding, Wang Donger's body suddenly froze when he saw the soul ring at their feet.

There are seven figures in total, one and two, four of them have five soul rings rising from their feet, and two are six-ring soul emperors.

The leader, who was somewhat short in stature but carried a huge ax on his shoulders, had seven soul rings, two yellow, three purple, and two black, appearing at his feet.

As if he was satisfied with Wang Dong'er's shock, the corners of the Seven-ringed Soul Saint's mouth curved in a playful manner like a cat catching a mouse.

Although he was not in a good mood to be forced to do such a disgraceful thing, it was comforting to see the core disciples of the No. 1 Academy in Mainland China showing such expressions.

However, when he looked into Huo Yuhao's azure eyes, which had not changed at all, not even a trace of timidity could be found, his smile faltered slightly.


He has revealed his soul ring, but this guy has not yet shown his timidity. Is there something he can't rely on?

"Don't worry, there's nothing to rely on. It's just me and her here."

As if he guessed what the Seven-Huan Soul Saint was thinking through his confused expression, Huo Yuhao comforted him while scanning the crowd, and finally tilted his head in confusion.

"Is it Dai Huabin who sent you here? No."

Before he finished speaking, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but shook his head and rejected the answer.

"It should be Dai Yueheng."

Although he had speculated that Dai Huabin might send someone to assassinate him in this life, Huo Yuhao did not expect that the other party would be so impatient, and the time happened to be on the same day as in his previous life.

And compared to his previous life, the interception lineup in front of him was more than a bit more luxurious. I think the person behind the scenes must have carefully studied his performance in the freshman assessment.

This is a soul saint, a symbol of truly becoming a high-level soul master!

At this level of cultivation, he is qualified enough to even found a college or a sect. If he joins the army, he is a general who can command an army.

Even with the background of the Duke's Palace, it is not easy to send such a being to intercept and kill him.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that 'it turns out the other side values ​​me so much'.

After all, even if he became famous in one battle by injuring Du Weilun, who was a Contra warrior in the freshman exam, no one would really think that his strength would be comparable to that of Contra.

At that time, Du Weilun firstly did not use soul skills, and secondly, he did not use the martial spirit avatar, but simply relied on his soul power to defend. Even so, after resisting Huo Yuhao's Imperial Sword, his arms were only frozen and cut.

Taken together, it's hard to say whether he has the fighting power of a Soul Emperor in other people's eyes.

And with Dai Huabin's reckless character, he would definitely not arrange a soul saint for him. The only person who would do such a thing would be Dai Yueheng, who has a calmer mentality and knows better about what to do.

Seeing how easily Huo Yuhao guessed the existence behind them, the eyes of the Seven-ringed Soul Saint under the cloak suddenly turned cold.

It was obvious from the information that this young man was only a third-ring soul master, but he still looked confident when facing so many of them, and even had the leisure to speculate on their origins.

How could he endure this?

It's like finding a sense of existence.

Soul masters like them who did not join Shrek Academy and got to where they are today by relying solely on their own efforts naturally have a sense of hatred towards the geniuses of the First Academy in the mainland.

Originally, he was a little dissatisfied because such a simple interception task required him to play. Now, after seeing Huo Yuhao being so arrogant, that dissatisfaction instantly turned into full of anger.

"Boy, I don't know where your confidence comes from, but you will soon pay the price for your arrogance!"

However, before Huo Yuhao could speak, Wang Donger came to his senses at some point and realized that the visitor was not malicious. Without hesitation, Wang Donger took out a golden token from the storage space.

After raising it high, she looked at everyone and said coldly.

"If you dare to attack Huo Yuhao today, I guarantee that the Haotian Sect will fight to the death with the forces behind you."

"Disciple of Haotian Sect!?"

Looking at the iconic hammer mark on the token, not to mention other people, even Huo Yuhao couldn't help but feel a little dazed after seeing the token.

In the previous life, Wang Dong'er would not take out the Clear Sky Hammer unless absolutely necessary. Huo Yuhao could see how proud this silly girl was.

In addition, the reputation of the Haotian Sect in this generation was ruined by Tang San, he thought Wang Donger would completely bury this secret, but the girl's behavior at this moment was undoubtedly beyond his expectation.

Facing the Haotian Sect's token, several interceptors clearly had the intention of retreating, and they all turned their attention to the leader, Soul Saint, waiting for the other party to make a decision.

"Stop dreaming, our identity has been exposed, we must not let them leave."

Huo Yuhao had already revealed their origins. If he let them go at this time, he would only face revenge. On the contrary, if he killed them all, he would still have a chance.

Thinking of this, the Soul Saint's tone took on a ferocious murderous intent.

"Kill that girl too, and then we leave quickly."

Realizing that the other party didn't seem to be planning to let them go, Wang Dong'er's expression changed slightly, but she didn't say any threatening words, she just released her martial spirit with a cold expression.

"I'll take you back and fly back. There's still a chance you can return to the city..."

As she spoke, Wang Donger subconsciously turned her head and wanted to hug Huo Yuhao, but the scene she saw made her look stunned.

Gold, gold, rose gold.

Completely beyond comprehension, three soul rings rose from Huo Yuhao's feet. Also stunned were those who intercepted and killed them.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to believe that this was the soul ring of a soul master.

Doesn't the information show that this guy has three purple soul rings? ?

"Don't you always regret not being able to witness the battle on the day of the freshman exam?"

Not paying attention to the disbelieving looks from others, Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Dong'er who was speechless and smiled softly.

"Then you have to concentrate."

"Kill him quickly!"

Realizing that things were out of control, Soul Saint finally did not dare to delay any longer and wanted to draw everyone's attention back with this loud roar.

The second after he finished speaking, he met Huo Yuhao's blue eyes that suddenly looked over, and the rose gold soul ring that suddenly lit up.

Without the slightest warning, Huo Yuhao's eyes just lit up. The two soul skills of Destiny and Soul Deprivation quietly acted on Soul Saint, instantly reducing his soul power defense and mental power defense to zero. .

Before he even had time to feel the changes brought about by his sudden drop in status, an indescribable premonition of death surged into the soul saint's heart.

will die!

Feeling the biting cold that seemed to freeze all his limbs and bones, and horrified in his heart, he used his martial soul true form without hesitation.

I saw that the huge ax on his shoulder, which was originally in sharp contrast with his body, grew in size again, and at the same time, it seemed to have transformed from an illusory projection into a solid body, and quickly solidified.

Although the body size has grown again, the huge ax is like an arm in the hands of the Soul Saint.

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