As soon as he arrived at the fighting spirit area, Huo Yuhao noticed the senior core disciples who had arrived early and stood in the field.

Although everyone was quietly waiting for the start of the assessment, Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan seemed to be somewhat isolated from the entire core disciple group.

But it was normal to think about it. As the only four-ring soul masters under the age of fifteen in the outer courtyard, especially since Huo Yuhao came to Shrek, the dazzling degree of the two of them can be said to be catching up with Beibei and Xu Sanshi, who are the twin stars of the outer courtyard.

Although there is still some gap between the two of them in terms of martial spirit quality, they can't resist the help of Huo Yuhao!

Not to mention Tang Ya, since she started the dark blue silver grass training mode, her training speed can only be described as exaggerated. Beibei and Xu Sanshi are only 41st and 42nd level, but her soul power level has reached 45th level.

Although Jiang Nannan's training speed is not fast among the four people, with the exoskeleton soul guide tailored by Huo Yuhao, her combat effectiveness has also been comprehensively improved.

Even because of her example, many students of the Wuhun Department have begun to change their views on soul guides, and even have the idea of ​​switching departments.

As the Wuhun of Tang San's ancestor's beloved wife Xiao Wu, the soft bone rabbit has been studied clearly in the past ten thousand years. It can only be said that although it can barely be regarded as the top existence among the beast Wuhun, it still has a very obvious gap with the top Wuhun such as the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Evil Demon White Tiger.

It is precisely because of this that it can prove the value of the soul guide on her body.

A owner of the soft bone rabbit Wuhun, with a similar soul power level, can compete with the top Wuhun Beibei Xu Sanshi with a set of soul guides. Who wouldn't be tempted?

After all, Wuhun is innate, and everyone has no choice, but soul guides can be acquired later. No one will refuse to become stronger after embarking on the path of soul master.

With such a trend, since the beginning of the school year, the number of third-year students applying to transfer to the Soul Guidance Department has increased by three or four times compared to previous years. Zhang Lexuan said that she saw Xian Lin'er walking with a smile on her face in the inner courtyard these days.

Of course, if they knew that the soul guide on Jiang Nannan was exclusively produced by Huo Yuhao, the scorpion poop was unique, and even the dean of the Soul Guidance Department, Xian Lin'er, could not make it, they would not be so eager to join the Soul Guidance Department.

However, there are so many soul guides, and there are always types suitable for them besides the exoskeleton. This is not something Huo Yuhao should worry about.


Noticing the arrival of Huo Yuhao and his companions, Tang Ya also brought Jiang Nannan over and said with a smile.

"I've always been fighting monsters like you, and I've lost my confidence. Now there's finally a battle where I can play a role. This time, your sister Xiaoya will protect you!"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you then."

While Huo Yuhao was speaking, he noticed the sight of Beibei and Xu Sanshi in the distance, and nodded to them with a smile. Especially Xu Sanshi, after seeing the beauties surrounding him, he gave him a thumbs up with an ambiguous look.

Brother, you are really a tough guy!

Huo Yuhao could only pretend that he didn't see it, and began to think about this selection match in his heart.

Of course, he was not worried about himself, but about the other people who were close to him.

Zhang Lexuan had told him before coming that as a candidate, he would only be punished if he lost the selection match, and he would not be eliminated.

But in this way, compared to the previous life when only Beibei and Xu Sanshi were selected, this life also has Tang San, Gu Yuena, and himself.

There are seven places, five of which have been internally selected. There are more than 20 people left to compete for two places. You can imagine how fierce the competition is.

Thinking about it, Huo Yuhao's eyes fell on Wang Dong'er, Xiao Xiao and Zhu Lu, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Without the so-called power of Haodong in this life, Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao have not reached the third ring. Although Zhu Lu has reached the 31st level, she is still more than one level behind Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan who have already reached the fourth ring.

It's a bit difficult.

Just when Huo Yuhao was sucking his teeth, the originally noisy surroundings suddenly became quiet. He subconsciously raised his head after noticing the movement and saw Xuan Lao walking slowly from a distance.

A standard greasy chicken leg and wine gourd set meal, and behind Xuan Lao, there was Teacher Wang Yan who followed him half a step behind and followed closely.

"Xiao Wang, count the number of people."

Wang Yan seemed to have completed the count with his eyes on the way here. After hearing Xuan Lao's words, he answered respectfully directly.

"Master Xuan, I've seen them all."


Master Xuan only hummed softly and spoke in a muffled voice.

"Listen carefully, today's selection will be held in the form of a collective fight. The rules are that there are no rules. You can use all your abilities. You don't need to worry about the safety of your opponents. I will take care of everything until there are only seven students left on the field. The assessment is over."

As he spoke, Master Xuan's dim eyes swept through the messy hair and slowly fell on Huo Yuhao. He continued to add in a tone that seemed a little unhappy.

"Huo Yuhao, Gu Yuena, the hospital has other arrangements for the two of you. You don't need to compete for these seven places, nor do you need to participate in this selection. There will be an assessment specially prepared for the two of you later."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Huo Yuhao, and even Huo Yuhao himself was stunned.

At first, he thought that Master Xuan had a grudge against him and wanted to manipulate him, but he thought it was unlikely, after all, he and Gu Yuena had just met Master Mu and confirmed their future cooperation.

With Master Mu personally asking about it, even if Master Xuan had ten guts, he would not dare to disobey the order directly, and from the tone of Master Xuan's words, it was obvious that he was somewhat reluctant.

With his mind racing, he quickly realized the true meaning of Master Xuan's words.

——You don't have to compete with others for the spot in the reserve team, just go to the main team directly.

What a good relationship!

He was worried that people with good connections would not be able to join the team in time. After all, the Soul Master Competition is a five-year continent-wide competition, and it requires people under 20 years old.

Most people only participate in this once or twice in their lifetime. If they can't participate together, it will be a pity after all.

Now it's good, someone will send a pillow when you are sleepy.

"I understand."

Accepting the proposal happily, Huo Yuhao explained a few words to Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan, and then, under the rather unhappy look of Master Xuan, he pulled Gu Yuena towards Zhang Lexuan who was sitting in the spectator's seat.

".Now I know why the academy has not punished me for a long time."

Seeing Huo Yuhao coming, Zhang Lexuan, who also heard the conversation just now, couldn't help but smile.

"Even I have never heard of such a precedent for students from the external academy to participate in the Soul Master Competition as the main players. You should know that the main players in previous competitions were personally selected by Master Xuan. They can pinch their noses to let you in. It seems that the academy values ​​you more than I thought."

Huo Yuhao shrugged, took out the snacks he made from the storage space, stuffed a bag into Zhang Lexuan and Gu Yuena, and said casually.

"I once read an anecdote called 'The Master said on a river bank, 'Time flies like a flowing stream, never ceasing day or night.' It is very suitable for the current situation."


Zhang Lexuan raised her eyebrows, threw a piece of dried meat into her mouth, and asked curiously, "What does it mean?"

"It means that people with ability only need to sit on the shore to see the bodies of their enemies floating in the water day and night."


Looking at the frozen smile on Zhang Lexuan's face, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but grin.

"This is probably the benefit of having someone to protect you when you go out."

Gu Yuena, who was standing by, couldn't help but blink her eyes after hearing this. After pausing for about two seconds, she continued to stuff dried meat into her mouth, and occasionally asked Huo Yuhao to feed her one from his hand.

"You are so reasonable. The game has begun."

With Zhang Lexuan's reminder, Huo Yuhao's attention also fell on the fighting spirit field in front of him. With the order of Master Xuan, more than 20 people started to move.

Unlike in the previous life, several core disciples did not prioritize targeting Beibei and the others who had the fourth ring cultivation, but instead locked their target on Tang San who was leaning on a cane.

Although he was only a second-year rookie, Tang San was definitely the best in the outer courtyard in terms of fame.

Especially since this guy was still bandaged and looked like he was having difficulty moving, these arrogant core disciples naturally wanted to test his ability.

However, how could Tang San, who had absorbed the Eight Spider Lance, really let himself be slaughtered?

When the Eight Spider Lance broke out of his body, his ability to move would no longer be restricted by the injury, and he was even faster and more flexible than when he was not injured.

It was too late for everyone to escape after realizing that something was wrong. Under Tang San's skilled control, the sharp spider spear was simply not something that these core disciples of the same level could resist.

Especially this external soul bone is produced from a ten thousand year old human-faced demon spider. Although the external soul bone can become stronger with the host's strength, the high starting age still has great advantages.

For example, the current Eight Spider Lance is much stronger than the same model from the previous life of two thousand years.

And after seeing this scene, Xuan Lao couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

In his opinion, it was because of the injury that Tang San was inconvenient to move that he focused all his energy on familiarizing himself with the Eight Spider Lance in order to make up for this defect.

Otherwise, how could he master the Eight Spider Lance to such a level in such a short time?

So, I was a step late at the beginning and I helped this kid?

Sure enough! How can you see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain?

Thinking about it, the last trace of guilt in Xuan Lao's heart disappeared without a trace. In a good mood, even the chicken leg in his hand became more fragrant.

Just at this time, an angry questioning voice suddenly sounded from the field.

"Why do you know the unique skills of the Tang Sect?!"

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