Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 148 Ten thousand uses of sensory amplification

"Having a hundred thousand year soul ring at the age of seventeen!?"

Compared to Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan, who had known Qiu'er for a long time and had even been tortured, the rest of them were almost shocked when they heard the information described by Mr. Xuan.

After a short silence, Xu Sanshi finally spoke.

"Mr. Xuan, how high is this genius you are talking about?"

"Level sixty-six."

"Phew—it's okay, okay. Wait! Level sixty-six!?"

Not hearing the exaggerated answer he expected, Xu Sanshi sighed subconsciously, but the next second he realized that something was wrong.

"Doesn't that mean that person's sixth soul ring is one hundred thousand years old!?"

"Now you know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world?"

As if he was satisfied with everyone's shock, Mr. Xuan snorted softly, and even his tone became a little unfathomable.

"Remember, this world never lacks geniuses. Don't be complacent just because of your current small achievements. Okay, that's all I have to say, go back."

As soon as he finished speaking, it seemed that as a loser who took the back door, he really had no face to stay any longer. After taking a deep look at Huo Yuhao, Tang San walked straight out of the spirit fighting area.

But Huo Yuhao didn't have the energy to pay attention to Tang San at the moment.

I don’t know what Mr. Xuan thought when he sent them away. At this moment, in his mental space, the source of laziness that had sucked Wang Donger for a year, and the unlocking progress had only increased a little, suddenly grew a lot.

After all, he is also a level 98 super Douluo. Although it is not as exaggerated as Gu Yuena's wave of bursting the source of lust, judging from the progress, it seems that it only takes two or three more times to complete the unlocking.

What an unexpected surprise!


Looking at Tang San's leaving figure, Tang Ya couldn't help but frown, her tone regretful.

"If I could reach the Soul King level, I might be able to eliminate this guy directly. Why would I need to go to such trouble?"

The Dark Blue Silver Grass can be used against other core disciples, but it is very reluctant to face Tang San who has the Eight Spider Spears. This reminds Tang Ya once again that the strength of her own Blue Silver Grass may no longer be able to keep up with her opponent's. Intensity.

After all, the team members participating in the upcoming Soul Master Competition are generally four or five years older than her, not to mention that all of them have higher cultivation levels than her, but the Soul King of the Soul Sect is still very common.

In this case, a ten-thousand-year soul skill will often cause a devastating blow to her blue silver grass. As long as her cultivation level reaches level 50, she can obtain a ten-thousand-year soul skill that can enhance the strength of her blue silver grass. Ring, this problem can be greatly improved.

"Don't be impatient, Miss Xiaoya, your performance today is good enough."

Huo Yuhao, who came back to his senses, comforted Tang Ya while following her line of sight and explained softly.

"And Tang San is different from other core disciples."

Even though his strength seemed to be much stronger than Tang San's, he had never let down his guard against this guy.

Take the most basic thing, everyone is reborn, and their natal artifact, the Eye of Destiny, has traveled through time with their souls. So, does Tang San also have an artifact with him?

Although he guessed that Tang San might not dare to use it because he was worried about being noticed by the gods, but that didn't mean that the other party couldn't use it.

Even a rabbit would bite when it was in a hurry. If it was really a life and death crisis, how could Tang San care so much?

And today's situation not only reminded Tang Ya, but also reminded him that although the people around him have made progress compared to their previous lives, it is still difficult to catch up with him.

Not to mention asking everyone to follow his footsteps, at least they can't be pushed too far away.

Like now, I can join the main team, while others are still hanging around in the alternate team. I'm afraid the gap will get bigger and bigger in the future.

We should really find a way to strengthen the people around us...

Although he has a large amount of fairy grass, not everyone has the terrifying willpower like him and Qiu'er. The pain caused by signing a soul contract with a hundred thousand year old fairy grass is even more painful than absorbing a hundred thousand year soul ring. What's more, except for Sister Xiaotao and Sister Lexuan, I'm afraid no one can succeed.

Is there any way to hone your willpower?

Give them a severe beating every day?


It's okay to hone fighting skills, but it's too inefficient to rely on this to hone willpower. Moreover, everyone is friends, so he really can't be too harsh.

original sin?

This is indeed a good method, but Huo Yuhao cannot do it yet.

He had already tested it when he first unlocked the origin of arrogance. He could not arouse desire like several original sin gods in previous lives.

However, he had no idea why this kind of ability was shared by the seven gods. After thinking about it, Huo Yuhao guessed that he might have to wait until all seven original sins were unlocked before he could have the ability to arouse desire.

At that time, he might be able to seduce others with just one look, and they might become furious and chase him from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road, possibly even getting kicked by wild dogs on the roadside.

This is just the original sin of anger. As for lust, it is even more unthinkable...

Huo Yuhao, who felt that he was going further and further on the path of being a villain, couldn't help but let out a sigh. Just as he was about to take back his thoughts that were gradually declining, he suddenly remembered the previous scene when Tang San was wailing in pain in front of him, and his eyes flashed. Bright.

yes! He has sensory amplification!

It can be used in fights, it can be used in bed fights, and it can also be used when not fighting!

Compared with a severe beating that can cause severe injuries, with the blessing of sensory amplification, only a few small wounds are needed to amplify the pain several times to achieve the effect of tempering willpower.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but look at Tang Ya beside him and blinked.

"Sister Xiaoya, are you and Sister Nannan afraid of pain?"

"Of course I'm scared, why do you ask this suddenly..."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Ya met Huo Yuhao's somewhat frightening gaze and felt inexplicably panicked.

"...What do you want to do?"

"how to say……"

Huo Yuhao thought for a moment, then grinned silently, revealing a gentle smile that was harmless to humans and animals.

"I suddenly had a bold idea."

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but feel amused when he saw Tang Ya quietly taking half a step away from him, and then quietly coming back again as if she couldn't bear to leave him.

"Don't worry, this matter is not urgent yet. I will tell you after I go back and plan it carefully."

After saying that, he looked at Zhu Lu on the side again. Based on the experience of Jiang Nannan's misunderstanding last time, he simply made it clear this time.

"Zhu Lu, if you are free tomorrow night, come to my dormitory. I need to measure your body data and help you make a set of exoskeleton soul guides suitable for your arms before the competition."

Zhu Lu is now at level 30, and can barely use an exoskeleton soul guide like Jiang Nannan. There is still a month left before the soul master competition, so there should be enough time.

"Ah good……"

Although the explanation was very clear, Zhu Lu couldn't help but blush when she heard that she was going to Huo Yuhao's dormitory, and nodded hesitantly.



At this moment, a call suddenly sounded. Huo Yuhao subconsciously turned his head and saw Wang Donger, who had been silent on the side, speak directly.

"I have something I want to tell you alone. Are you free now?"


"Then we'll leave first."

Seemingly sensing that something was wrong with Wang Donger's mood, the others took the initiative to say goodbye without Huo Yuhao even needing to speak.

Although Gu Yuena didn't say anything, her blinking eyes before leaving clearly reminded Huo Yuhao not to forget the scheduled fight tonight.

With only Huo Yuhao and herself left around, Wang Donger spoke hesitantly.

"During the last treasure appreciation party, you asked me what I thought of soul guides. Didn't I say that I didn't like soul guides?"

Huo Yuhao's eyes flashed, as if he understood something, and he quietly waited for Wang Donger's next words.

"Actually, I didn't know how to explain what I said that day. You may not believe it. Every time I hear the words soul guide, another voice will sound in my mind, making me subconsciously I resist them, and even I don’t understand what’s going on.”

"So the reason why you were able to use the soul shield just now was because you successfully overcame the voice in your heart, right?"

Seeing that Huo Yuhao accepted it so quickly, Wang Donger was stunned for a moment and nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, but even if I overcame it this time, the voice in my head did not disappear. The reason why I was able to overcome it this time was because I remembered what you said at the critical moment. But if I meet someone else next time, What about the matter?”

Having said this, Wang Dong'er lowered her eyes slightly and pondered for a long time before speaking again.

"Today I almost lost the election because of the voice in my head. I'm afraid that if I encounter other things that require decisions, I will continue to be influenced by the voice in my head, or even do something that I regret. "

"I don't want to go through that kind of thing, so I want to ask if there is any way you can help me."

"I do have a solution."

The sudden words made Wang Donger stunned for a moment. She subconsciously raised her head and met Huo Yuhao's blue eyes.

"But I can't help you make a decision. No one knows whether the solution will be good or bad for you, but if you believe me."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Donger's unhesitating voice interrupted him.

"I believe you, what should I do?"

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