Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 155 Tang San: Senior, do you dare to make a bet with me?

Night falls.

Tang San, the first to leave since Xuan Lao announced the disbandment, is now walking quickly on the empty road.

Another week has passed since the selection, and the injuries brought by the spring water of the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire have finally recovered completely.

Because today is the training day set by Xuan Lao himself, the fighting spirit area is not open to the public, so that the road from the dormitory to the fighting spirit area, which is usually not crowded, is even more empty today.

As he walked, Tang San recalled everything he had just experienced in his mind, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Although he was forced in because of the back door, he still played two games with others in rotation under Xuan Lao's arrangement.

Unfortunately, he was arranged to play opposite Qiu Er in both games.

Even though her appearance is no longer imitating his daughter like in the previous life, when he saw the iconic golden dragon martial spirit and golden dragon spear, how could he not recognize that this girl is the incarnation of the emperor's auspicious beast.

The results of the two battles are predictable. The auspicious beast that had exchanged memories with Huo Yuhao again wanted to beat him to death. If it weren't for Master Xuan's timely rescue of him in the two battles, he would have had several more holes on his body.

In his previous life, Huo Yuhao died with this soul beast. In this life, he was beaten by the other party. Now, with new hatred and old hatred, the murderous intent spreading in his heart almost made him crazy.

He must find a way to improve his strength.

Today's battle made him realize that if he continued like this, the gap between his strength and Huo Yuhao would only get bigger and bigger.

Not only Huo Yuhao, but even the people around that guy were catching up with him.

He was definitely the one who knew best how terrifying the effect of the fairy grass of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire was.

What's more, most of the fairy grass now was 100,000 years old, and the effect was several times higher than that of his time. Now all these good things were monopolized by Huo Yuhao alone, and he would definitely share them with people around him.

Just thinking about it, Tang San could already foresee how terrifying Tang Ya and others' talents would become after obtaining the immortal grass.

Now that he thought about it, the 100,000-year spirit ring of the auspicious beast should have come from one of the 100,000-year immortal grasses, right?

But what about himself?

Without the ice and fire alchemy body, relying on Shrek's resources alone, he might not even be able to replicate the 10,000 years of his previous life with his fourth spirit ring.

If he forcefully absorbed it and gave his body a hidden disease or something, he would almost break apart.

While feeling irritated, Tang San suddenly noticed a figure in front of him, covered in a black robe.

As if he happened to pass by, he walked towards his direction without haste.

For some reason, he clearly did not sense any threatening aura from the other party, but the moment he noticed that figure, he felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Eight Spider Lance suddenly broke out of his back.

As Tang San's figure exploded back, he flipped his palm and took out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow from the storage space, raised his hand and pressed the button towards the figure.


Accompanied by a series of dull sounds, dozens of steel needles made of fine iron burst out from those tiny holes and headed straight for the black-robed figure.


As if surprised that Tang San's perception was so sharp, a slightly puzzled voice suddenly came from under the black robe.

Then, a terrifying soul power fluctuation broke out, and Tang San's face suddenly changed. Those steel needles were blown away by the invisible air wave before they even had time to get close.

One, two, three

Looking at the nine soul rings slowly rising from the feet of the black-robed figure, Tang San's eyes were full of disbelief.

Judging from the current situation, this person is obviously targeting him.

But why would a Titled Douluo come to Shrek Academy to target him?

Before Tang San could think about it, the soul pressure from the Title Douluo came instantly, just like pressing the pause button, and his backward movement suddenly stagnated.

The huge gap in cultivation between Soul Master and Title Douluo made the opponent only need to release soul pressure to make him unable to move.

In a trance, Tang San seemed to have returned to the first time he met Poison Douluo in Tiandou Academy, and a sense of powerlessness emerged in his heart.

Compared with Tang San's despair, Xuanji Douluo was relieved because the task was easily completed halfway, and at the same time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

With such a keen perception, it seems that this kid is indeed not simple.

Although it is not certain that Tang San is the one who attacked Dai Huabin, judging from his obviously different performance from ordinary people, it is probably close.

The plan this time is actually not complicated. He will first capture Tang San, and the accompanying Giant Douluo Cheng Gang will find an opportunity to capture Huo Yuhao.

At first glance, the assignment of the mission targets seemed to be reversed, but this was entirely the result of their careful consideration.

Anyone could see that compared to Tang San, Huo Yuhao, who had already experienced an ambush and was the main factor in Dai Yueheng's death, was more likely to be retaliated by the Duke's Mansion.

Knowing this, Shrek could not help but take precautions, so it was inevitable that the security force around Huo Yuhao would be increased.

In this case, it seemed more reasonable for him, who had a higher cultivation level, to capture Huo Yuhao.

But he had been in the army for many years and had long developed a cautious character. Naturally, he would not rush to capture someone without knowing how many security forces were around Huo Yuhao.

Although with his level 94 cultivation, even if Huo Yuhao was protected by a Titled Douluo, he could still escape if he couldn't beat him, but this mission was related to the life and safety of Dai Hao's son, so he naturally couldn't be so careless.

After thinking about it, Xuanji Douluo chose another more reliable method.

-- Make a feint to the east and attack in the west.

First send someone to capture Tang San, who has no protection. When Shrek Academy reacts, the security forces hidden around Huo Yuhao should be attracted.

Then another person will take this opportunity to capture Huo Yuhao. If there is still a Titled Douluo guarding him, just give up directly.

In contrast, the former may face the situation of escaping with a person from the pursuit of several Titled Douluos, so naturally it will be done by himself with a higher cultivation.

With his own cultivation and the rich experience of escaping accumulated from many battles, he is confident that he can escape with Tang San even if the one who comes is a Super Douluo.

From Tang San's awareness and resistance to being suppressed, the whole process took only a few seconds. After doing all this, Xuanji Douluo raised his hand and grabbed Tang San.

Now he was inside Shrek Academy. In order to prevent the night from getting longer and more dreams, he had to take Tang San away as soon as possible, and then attract the attention of Shrek Academy when he was far enough away.

And how could Tang San, as the person involved, sit and wait for death?

It was just being ambushed. He had encountered such a situation in his previous life. Which time did he not survive with his own wisdom and ability?

The most serious time, he even fought for a glimmer of life from Qian Renxue, who had already achieved the status of an angel, with his mortal body.

With his brain running fast, Tang San analyzed the current situation clearly in an instant.

Now that he was fixed, it was definitely impossible to use a signal flare for help. He could only delay time as much as possible and pray that someone would notice this place.

With his thoughts turning quickly, Tang San used another soul skill of his third martial soul without hesitation.


"Senior, you are a Titled Douluo, but you are actually doing this kind of thing of bullying the weak. Don't you think it is a disgrace to the reputation of a Titled Douluo?"

After forcing himself to calm down, Tang San regained his composure on his face and spoke in a calm tone.

"Since Senior didn't kill me right away, I think you came here with some purpose. I know that the gap between me and Senior in cultivation is like a chasm, but as the saying goes, it is better to die in glory than to live in disgrace. If I commit suicide, Senior, I am afraid it will be difficult to report back, right?"

After these words came out, Xuanji Douluo's movements actually paused for a short time, and this scene was naturally seen by Tang San. For a moment, even his voice was full of confidence.

"Of course, I'm not threatening you by saying this. I just want to make a bet with you. Do you dare?"

"If you win, I swear I will follow you. If you lose, I only need three minutes to escape. If you still catch me after three minutes, I will..."

However, before Tang San could finish his words, Xuanji Douluo, who had come to him, slapped him in the face.


The crisp sound echoed from the silent road. The powerful blow directly made Tang San's head buzz. If it weren't for the surrounding soul pressure squeezing him, he would have been beaten out by that blow.

"Make a bet with me? Just because you are a little soul master?"

"You dare to speak nonsense to the titled Douluo without the strength. I will teach you a good lesson on behalf of your teacher!"

Looking at the half of Tang San's face that was quickly swollen, Xuanji Douluo slapped the other half of Tang San's face with his backhand.

"I don't know how talented you are, how much you are valued in Shrek, and how everyone should give in to you, but I am not your Shrek man, and I don't care about the growth of you so-called geniuses."

"You should be thankful that you are still useful, otherwise I would kill you right now based on what you just said."

He was almost laughing out of anger.

After living for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such a weirdo.


God damn betting!

In his life, he has fought on the battlefield and seen many people who are willing to become prisoners in order to survive. How can he not see whether a person has a desire to survive?

Does this kid really think he is a fool! ?

If in the army, if a soldier disobeys orders and shouts that he wants to bet with his superiors, being beaten half to death is the least of his punishment.

After rewarding Tang San with two big slaps, he grabbed the other's collar, restrained his aura to the extreme, and flew silently out of Shrek Academy.

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