Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 200: Soul Fusion Technique with Gu Yuena

From the fact that he had seen Ah Yin in the God Realm in his previous life, this incident should not have happened in his previous life.

You know, a god ascending to the God Realm would make a much bigger noise than secretly descending to the lower world, just like Titan and Niu Tian could not return once they descended to the lower world. If Ah Yin had descended to the lower world in her previous life, then the God of Destruction, who was also one of the law enforcers in the God Realm, could not have failed to notice her return to the God Realm.

Let alone whether the God of Destruction would miss such a good opportunity to attack, even if we only look at Tang San's cautious character, he would definitely not let the enemy seize such a huge handle.

So is this the butterfly effect after rebirth?

What caused Tang San in the God Realm to risk sending Ah Yin to the lower world?

Was it because the seal of Dong'er's spiritual consciousness in the spiritual space was broken?

Combined with the time, although it is not 100% certain, this is the biggest possibility that Huo Yuhao can think of.

As for why he was not attacked, there were only two reasons. Dong'er's spiritual seal was removed, and after he and Qiu'er's attributes were connected, the aura of destiny on his body was completely covered up. Even Gu Yuena, who was close at hand, could not see it, and Tang San, who was far away in the God Realm, was afraid that he could not find her at all.

In addition to Gu Yuena's own strength, Tang San could only do it himself if he wanted to attack. Naturally, he would not be stupid enough to let his subordinates, the second-level gods, come up and die.

Then who was Ah Yin fighting with?

In any case, Ah Yin was also a serious second-level god in the God Realm. Apart from Gu Yuena, who else in the entire Douluo plane could compete with the gods?

With doubts re-emerging in his heart, Huo Yuhao looked across from Ah Yin, and a figure wearing a green dress suddenly came into his sight.

Unlike Ah Yin, this figure's hair and long skirt were a crystal clear green, and her body was more illusory than Ah Yin's. Although her face was a little blurry, she could still clearly feel the gentleness emanating from her.

Looking at Ah Yin in front of her, the woman's pair of emerald green eyes, which gradually changed from light to dark, were filled with solemnity.

I don't know if it was because she was suppressed by some force or because she had no combat experience at all. Obviously, under Huo Yuhao's perception, the fluctuations of their auras were almost the same, but during the battle, the green-haired woman was almost completely suppressed by Ah Yin. Even if she occasionally counterattacked and hurt Ah Yin, the surrounding golden mist would quickly attach to her to repair her injuries.

In this way, the whole battle was completely one-sided.

After seeing the magical effect of the golden mist, Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, and then his expression suddenly turned cold. For some reason, he recalled his past life inexplicably. When he condensed the second soul core of yin and yang complementation, the dead Mu Lao also used this golden mist to help him.

So, this is the reason why the successive masters of the Sea God Pavilion integrated everything including their souls into the golden tree before they died?

Huo Yuhao lowered his eyes slightly, and the rings in his eyes gradually stopped rotating. After a short silence, a bright golden light suddenly bloomed on his forehead.

Eye of Destiny, open!

Without the slightest pause, the first soul ring under his feet lit up immediately afterwards. In just a moment, the mental detection had covered the entire Shrek Academy.

Gu Yuena, who was in class in the classroom, seemed to have a feeling in her heart. She suddenly looked out the window, and then she turned back and explained to Zhu Lu behind her, and the whole person disappeared from her seat without any warning.

When she appeared again, she had crossed the space and came to the corridor outside the room where Huo Yuhao and Ma Xiaotao were just now, and Huo Yuhao had already walked out of the room.

As soon as she appeared, Gu Yuena's eyes fell on the white-haired girl standing next to Huo Yuhao. Looking at the two people's somewhat similar appearance and the same snow-white long hair, her purple eyes instantly became deep.

"Nana, she is..."

Before Huo Yuhao opened his mouth to explain, Xue Di, who noticed Gu Yuena's gaze, took his wrist first and said in a light tone.

"Ice Snow Girl greets the master. Although this is the first time we meet, I still want to thank the master for taking care of Yuhao during this period."

Even though she was facing her immediate superior, Xue Di's tone was not respectful at all, but instead contained a kind of tit-for-tat pride.

".I heard Di Tian mention you. I heard that you manage the Far North very well. As for taking care of Huo Yuhao..."

Gu Yuena's face did not change at all, either because she did not notice the slight vigilance or because she did not think that Xue Di could pose a threat to her. She explained softly.

"I have always been very careful with my own things, so you don't have to thank me."

Xue Di's face suddenly darkened, but Gu Yuena did not pay attention to her anymore, but turned her head to look at Huo Yuhao.

"What happened?"

Huo Yuhao took a deep breath. At this moment, he did not care about the gunpowder smell between the two people, and spoke in a deep voice.

"I encountered a sudden situation... I need your help."

Gu Yuena, who did not change her face when facing Xue Di just now, seemed to be surprised at this moment, and then she nodded and agreed without hesitation.


".Thank you, I will tell you about the situation when Qiu'er arrives."

"I'm already here."

As a clear and sweet voice sounded from the end of the corridor, everyone subconsciously turned their heads and saw Qiu'er striding towards them.

Like Gu Yuena, Qiu'er glanced at Huo Yuhao's long snow-white hair, and then her eyes drifted towards the Snow Emperor unconsciously. Her eyes were like those of an honest farmer looking at those people wandering around in his fields. , a thief who intends to do evil to his own cabbage.

Fortunately, all three of them knew that business was important at this moment, and this prevented the outbreak of a war without gunpowder.

Seeing that Qiu'er had arrived, Huo Yuhao relaxed slightly and directly conveyed the scene he just saw to the three people present through mental sharing.

Gu Yuena was the first to react after reading it. Purple light flashed in her eyes and she looked around imitatively. However, no matter how hard she tried, she could only feel that there was a huge hidden inside the golden tree. It is impossible to see what is in the space like Huo Yuhao.

At this moment, she seemed to have finally understood the meaning of Huo Yuhao's saying, "In all places, you can see what is hidden in the void."

To give the simplest example, as long as Huo Yuhao wants to, he can even see what is in other people's storage spaces through this innate ability.

Huo Yuhao could also see through a small plane whose entrance was hidden in the void and could not be noticed at a glance. However, seeing through it did not mean that he had the strength to do anything, so he chose to ask Gu Yuena. and Qiuer's help.

"What are you going to do?"

Gu Yuena's voice remained calm: "If I need to break through the space, then I'm afraid this golden tree won't be able to stay."

Huo Yuhao shook his head.

"It's up to me and Qiu'er to break open the space. After the spiritual eyes evolve, I'm confident that I can break open the space without damaging the golden tree."


Gu Yuena rejected his proposal without hesitation, and her tone also had a rare hint of anger.

"I know what you are thinking. There is no difference in the difficulty of breaking through the inner space of the golden tree and destroying the golden tree. This thing is truly god-level. It is not the same thing as the Cheng Gang you fought last time. Even if you and Rui Beast He possesses martial soul fusion skills and has raised his cultivation level to the extreme through various means, but he will still be seriously injured with one strike."

Huo Yuhao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment. He naturally knew that this might be the result, but he had to do it.

In just a moment, he had already vaguely guessed the identity of the other woman fighting A Yin. She should be the plane will of the Douluo plane.

Although he didn't know what Tang San wanted to do, the fool also knew how passive he would be in the future if he didn't stop this kind of thing.

Fortunately, Gu Yuena did not say these words specifically to refute his proposal. After a short silence, her expression softened, and she changed the topic and continued to speak.

"I have a way for you to do it yourself."

"What can I do?"

"Perform martial soul fusion skills with me."


The confusion in Huo Yuhao's eyes was undisguised.

No, just because we sleep on the same bed every now and then and practice on the bed, if we really have martial soul fusion skills, we would already know about it, right?

"If it's just you, you naturally can't perform the so-called martial soul fusion with me."

Seeing Huo Yuhao's expression, Gu Yuena glanced at him and Qiu'er lightly and explained softly.

"But after the two of you fused martial souls first, it is equivalent to raising the golden dragon bloodline level of the auspicious beast by one level. You should be qualified to fuse martial souls with me."

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao and Qiu'er glanced at each other subconsciously, and gradually came back to their senses.

To put it simply, neither the Ice Dragon King nor the Golden Dragon can fuse with Gu Yuena, but if they are fused together, and coupled with Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes, they should be qualified.

"It seems like you can give it a try."

After thinking for a while and feeling that it was indeed feasible, Huo Yuhao raised his head and looked at the people around him with some hesitation.

"Then let's do it now?"

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