Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 217: In fact, I am Huo Yuhao (posted at 3pm)


A sound that made people's legs weaken just by listening to it broke the silence of the night and woke up everyone in their sleep.

Not only them, but the mountains and forests in the distance seemed to be awakened by the sound. A large number of frightened birds flew out of the dense trees, scrambling to escape.

Not long after entering the tent, Orange was the first to respond as he was thinking too much and didn't meditate. He got out of the tent and happened to see the white-haired figure standing in the moonlight.

"What happened?"

Huo Yuhao was seen facing the direction of the sound, with a serious look on his face.

"Enemy attack. The three old men seemed to have provoked a hundred thousand year old soul beast just now and couldn't get rid of it. Now it is approaching us quickly. It seems that they want us to be used as cannon fodder."

Huo Yuhao quickly recounted what he saw through the mental detection, took a deep breath, and warned in a deep voice.

"If this keeps up, they will be here soon. Orange, hurry up and let the others escape. I'll go check on the situation..."

"You're crazy!"

Orange's pupils shrank, how could she not know that Huo Yuhao said he wanted to check the situation, but actually wanted to stop the other party, but that was a hundred thousand year old soul beast, even the ninth-level soul master of their Sun and Moon Empire would not necessarily A being that can be overcome.

Not to mention the three old men who dare to provoke a hundred thousand year old soul beast, their strength will definitely not be that weak.

She knew that Huo Yuhao hid his strength, but in this one-on-four situation, one mistake might get her involved.

"You also know that it is a hundred thousand year soul beast! Don't do anything stupid, let's run together..."

"They are too fast. If you don't stop them, you will be overtaken soon."

Huo Yuhao shook his head. From what he found through his mental detection, the hundred thousand year soul beast had been completely angered and fell into madness. In this case, if he saw the same people as the three Zhongli brothers, For humans, they will definitely kill people.

And the three Zhongli brothers seemed to want to take advantage of this to get rid of the pursuit of the hundred thousand year soul beast.

Hearing this, Orange seemed to want to say something more, but the scene that happened next made her look stunned.

Bathed in the moonlight, white-blue scales exuding dreamy light grew out and quickly spread from the arms to the whole body. The blue-purple lines on the surface of the scales added to the aura of being out of the world that would repel people thousands of miles away. A strange beauty.

Orange gold, red, red, orange gold, red.

As the five soul rings with unusual colors slowly rose from Huo Yuhao's feet, the originally pleasant temperature began to drop sharply at an alarming speed.

"I'm sorry I kept it secret from you for so long..."

Looking at Orange's dull look, Huo Yuhao's indifferent silver-white vertical pupils flashed with a touch of softness. As his lips opened and closed, a cold voice slowly echoed in Orange's ears.

"Actually, I am Huo Yuhao."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Yuhao shot out like an arrow from a string and disappeared into the dense forest in an instant.

"Orange, what happened? I thought I heard you talking about Huo Yuhao just now... By the way, where did Ling Bing go?"

A slightly urgent voice sounded, drawing Orange's attention back. Looking at her companions who had walked out of the tent at some point, she suddenly remembered Huo Yuhao's instructions just now and quickly repeated them.

After hearing that Huo Yuhao actually chose to intercept the enemy alone, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Only Wang Shaojie, who was not paying attention, seemed to be hit by a huge surprise, with indescribable excitement shining in his eyes.

Well done!

It would be better to die directly in the hands of that hundred thousand year old soul beast, that would be even better!

"A man is running to stop a hundred thousand year soul beast. Isn't he just fooling around?"

Jing Ziyan frowned and suddenly noticed Orange, who was taking out soul tools one by one from the storage space to arm herself. After realizing what she wanted to do, she immediately spoke out to dissuade her.

"Orange, you don't want to go too, do you?"

"I'm just watching from a distance and won't cause him any trouble."

Orange shook his head, with a calm expression that was beyond everyone's expectation, and he skillfully performed a final inspection on each soul tool.

"If he succeeds and is not injured, then I will be the first person to share this joy with him. If he survives but is injured, then I can at least provide him with protection as soon as possible. If he Failure... I can at least prevent him from dying alone in the wilderness."

"My parents left me when I was a child. I once thought that revenge was the only thing left in my life. But now that my enemy has been killed... he has become the only thing worth caring about in my life."

"I know exactly what I am doing, and I also believe that if you were faced with my situation, you would make the same choice."

"So, Jing Ziyan..."

At this point, Orange has completed the final inspection, raised his head and stared at Jing Ziyan, and spoke word by word.

"I beg you, don't stop me."


Seeing the undisguised madness in Orange's eyes, Jing Ziyan opened her mouth, but didn't know how to persuade her. Before she could organize her words, another voice rang out.

"I'm going too."

Nana took a step forward, took out the flying soul guide and began to put it on her body. However, compared to Orange, she was obviously much calmer after witnessing Huo Yuhao's strength.

Although I don't know how Huo Yuhao did it, he was able to control the third elder of the Holy Spirit Sect, who was a titled Douluo, and stop a hundred thousand year old soul beast or even several evil soul masters.

"You, you guys...then I too..."

Looking at the two people who suddenly made a decision, a look of suspicion appeared on Keke's face. Before she could speak, Jing Ziyan interrupted her.

"It doesn't matter if one or two of them are killed, why are you still coming? You really think I have no temper, don't you!?"

Ke Ke shivered in fright. Looking at Jing Ziyan's sharp eyes, she felt like an eggplant beaten by frost, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Seeing that she had finally stopped one of them from committing suicide, Jing Ziyan's expression improved slightly. She tossed the two fully charged milk bottles towards Orange and Nana, and waved her hands impatiently.

"I have to pay it back. Don't let me waste two milk bottles in vain. Damn it, why are there so many troubled children around me? Next time, I will definitely not lead the team for a while. I will treat whoever I love!"


Orange thanked him softly, and the orange-red flying soul guide behind him burst into blue flames. Nana followed closely behind, and the two of them jumped into the air, speeding away in the direction Huo Yuhao left.

Watching the two of them leave, Jing Ziyan glanced sideways at Ji Juechen, who also looked eager to try, as if she was aware of it, and her voice was cold.

"If you dare to give it a try, I will never pay attention to you again in this life!"


I don't know whether it was because he felt such angry emotions from Jing Ziyan for the first time, or because he couldn't bear to part with the only woman in the college who was willing to make friends with him. Ji Juechen stiffened for a moment, and finally chose to compromise.

"Then what do we do now?"

Seeing this, Jing Ziyan's resentment seemed to dissipate a little.

"There is an official military camp set up by the empire near the Jingyang Mountains. We went there to ask for help, but we just didn't know if it would be late..."

"Let me go."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Shaojie on the side raised his hand as if he was volunteering.

"It's a bit too conspicuous for so many of us to fly together. It may attract the attention of the hundred thousand year old soul beast. At this time, it is best to send one person."

Just kidding, if they really catch up, what's the point?

If he goes alone, as long as he makes some mistakes on the way and is delayed for a day and a half, even if it was originally possible, it will be too late for you!

"...Okay, then you will go to the military camp to ask for help. The others will follow Ling Bing's instructions with me and move to other locations. Try not to make too much noise."


"This damn beast actually chased him so far."

Listening to the screams that kept ringing in his ears, Zhong Litian, who was rushing at the front, couldn't help but speed up a bit again and cursed in a low voice.

On his shoulders, he also carried a soul beast that was about two meters long, covered in blood, and seemed to be on the verge of death and in a coma.

Different from the indifference they showed when they met Huo Yuhao and others last night, the three of them were now covered with large and small claw marks and looked completely embarrassed.

The cause of all this was naturally the hundred thousand year soul beast that was chasing after them.

The soul beast was somewhat similar to a black panther. The hair on its body showed a deep and strange black color. It was slender and looked similar to the one on Zhong Litian's back, but it was obviously much larger.

The most eye-catching thing was the many wounds on its back that seemed to have been caused by being bitten by other soul beasts, and were still oozing out a large amount of blood.

The clear demon leopard.

This is the name of this soul beast. It is good at speed and also has the innate ability to split into clones in battle. Although its combat power is not as good as that of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, it is even more difficult to deal with.

After all, if you are targeted by the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, you can still escape with speed and flexibility, but if you are entangled by this guy, there is no other option but to fight to the death.

Its speed is so fast that even Huo Yuhao, who has mental detection, can only see the whole picture every time the opponent kicks his legs. More often, he can only see a black afterimage that keeps shuttling in the dense forest.

If the three brothers hadn't used sneak attacks to injure each other, greatly reducing their speed, they would have been overtaken by them long ago.

"Keep on holding on, we will soon reach the doll camp of the Sun and Moon Academy. As long as we lure this guy there, we can escape smoothly. Huh?"

Before Zhong Litian could finish speaking, the sharp drop in temperature around him made him frown and made a sound of surprise.

The climate in the Jingyang Mountains does not change much throughout the year. The low temperature is obviously abnormal. Moreover, they had just penetrated into the hinterland of the Jingyang Mountains from this direction not long ago. It was obviously not that cold at that time.

How could such a huge change occur in just a few hours?

Could it be that some spirit beast attacked that camp?

But this place is almost at the edge of the Jingyang Mountains. How can there be a spirit beast that can change the climate on such a large scale?

Or was it a certain titled Douluo who took action?

Just as he was wondering, something light and white seemed to be falling slowly under the night sky.

Is this snow?

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