Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 23 Silver Dragon King: I will personally take action

"Auspicious beast, what's wrong?"

Just as the three-eyed golden lion was looking around, a majestic voice sounded beside her. As the voice fell, the space around her twisted, and a man with black hair and black robe stepped out.

"Emperor Tian." The three-eyed golden lion said in a dazed tone, "I seem to feel the breath of fate, just outside the forest."

"The breath of fate? The same kind?" Emperor Tian was slightly stunned, and then, the ethereal female voice seemed to sound from all directions.

"I felt it too."

"Master, are you awake?"

Hearing this voice, Emperor Tian's face showed a touch of joy, and he quickly knelt on one knee, while the three-eyed golden lion beside him just lowered his head to show respect.

Although she is the auspicious beast of the Xingdou Great Forest, her status is definitely not higher than Emperor Tian. The reason why she doesn't need to kneel is entirely because this master loves and cares for her more.

"Well, two years ago, I sensed that this plane suddenly had an aura similar to the auspicious beast. I had already woken up at that time. The aura that the auspicious beast mentioned just now is now outside the Xingdou Great Forest."

Di Tian frowned when he heard this, "How could this be? Could it be that the gods in the divine world did something?"

The ethereal voice pondered for a moment and made a decision, "Auspicious beast, stay here recently and don't run around. I'll go and see it myself."

"Go in person?" Di Tian was slightly stunned, "Master, is your injury healed?"

"Not yet, and it won't heal for a while, but this matter must be figured out now."

The voice didn't say some things. Two years ago, she felt much more than that. She even felt the aura of two gods at a certain moment. But compared to the real gods, although the two auras were not weak in level, they were so weak in strength that they were not worth mentioning. If she was not in the same plane, she might not be able to sense the existence of the other party.

For this to happen, she could only think that the gods of the God Realm had died, leaving only a remnant soul that was not even a divine consciousness and entered this world by accident.

Regardless of whether it was an enemy or a friend, if things were really as she expected, then this was definitely a good opportunity to understand the situation in the God Realm.

In an instant, the entire Star Dou Great Forest began to shake slightly, the ground cracked inch by inch, and a huge dragon claw covered with silver hexagonal scales broke out of the ground. The huge figure seemed to have crawled out of the abyss, and the bright silver light that burst out even dimmed the sun in the sky.

An indescribable breath spread out. If you look down from the sky, you will find that the entire Star Dou Great Forest is covered by a layer of faint silver light, and everything in the forest begins to become blurred.

All the soul beasts in the forest seemed to have sensed something and crawled down to the center of the forest. Only a white silkworm was underground, constantly pupating towards the outside of the forest.

After it felt the terrifying breath, it sped up the speed of digging holes and cried almost collapsed.

"Why are you targeting me like this!!! I finally survived from the eyes of the beast god after a million years, and now a more powerful one has popped up."

"Help me--huh?"

The cry stopped halfway through. Feeling the breath fading like a tide, the silkworm blinked its two golden eyes twice.

"It seems that they are not here to catch me."

"Huh - I was almost scared to death. This ghost place is really not for silkworms. Go, go."

As if he had just walked through the gates of hell, the big silkworm sighed and hummed twice. The original urgent movement did not slow down at all, and it crawled desperately towards the periphery of the forest.

In the fierce place in the center of the forest, there was a girl in a plain white dress in front of Di Tian and the three-eyed golden lion. The silver hair shining like crystals fell from her shoulders to her waist. Her exquisite face perfectly interpreted what is called the most beautiful in the world.

"Master, you are so beautiful"

The three-eyed golden lion's eyes were wide open. This was the first time she saw the true body of the soul beast co-lord since she was born. She immediately came forward and rubbed the other's arm intimately. The girl first looked down at herself expressionlessly, then raised her hand to touch the other's head, and turned to look at Di Tian.

"During my absence, the Xingdou Great Forest will still be managed by you."

"Yes, my Lord."

Outside the Xingdou Great Forest.

Huo Yuhao was standing naked in a stream, scooping water from the wooden basin in his hand and pouring it on himself from time to time.

The sun shone through the leaves and fell on his body, showing the curves of his strong muscles, showing the improvement of his physical fitness in the past two years.

After a simple bath, he took out a piece of ointment with a strange smell from the storage space and began to apply it all over his body.

Since he planned to go deep into the Xingdou Great Forest, Huo Yuhao would naturally not make any preparations. This ointment prepared by himself can well cover his own breath.

Although the effect may not be particularly great for some soul beasts with extremely sensitive sense of smell, this is the limit of what he can do. If his luck is really bad, he can't say anything, and he can sense some dangers with the Eye of Destiny, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

"If you want to become stronger, there is no way to avoid taking any risks."

Muttering softly, Huo Yuhao put on his clothes again, feeling the waves from the Eye of Destiny. He looked at the center of the forest with a complicated look, but soon the complicated look was replaced by determination.

"It's not time yet."

Relying on the ointment and the warning of the Eye of Destiny, Huo Yuhao moved forward very quickly, without any cautious intention. With his current strength, it would be the most dangerous if he searched slowly. The longer he stayed in the forest, the more dangerous it would be.

When passing the place where he met Tianmeng Ice Silkworm in his previous life, Huo Yuhao deliberately stopped for a while. After waiting for a while, he found that there was no strange sound in his mind, and then he set off again.

When you concentrate, time always passes quickly. As the sky gradually darkened, Huo Yuhao finally arrived at the edge of the mixed zone.

The soul beasts on the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest are generally not strong, and even thousand-year soul beasts are rare. However, it is different in the mixed zone. You may encounter ten-thousand-year soul beasts at any time. If you are unlucky, you may become fertilizer for the forest.

After a long journey, Huo Yuhao simply started to look for a suitable place to camp nearby. Soul beasts active at night are often more ferocious and not suitable for going deeper. It is better to keep up the energy and wait until tomorrow morning to continue.

After a simple detour, Huo Yuhao found a clearing with a wide view and suitable for camping.

Now that he has come to the interior of the forest, he certainly cannot make a fire to cook, but he has the habit of carrying enough food, especially after unlocking the original sin of gluttony, he will hardly let himself go hungry.

He skillfully sprinkled a circle of animal repellent powder around him. Just after he set up the tent, he heard footsteps coming, accompanied by noisy voices.

"There seems to be an open space ahead, let's go and have a look."

The footsteps gradually approached, and soon a group of people appeared in Huo Yuhao's field of vision. There were a total of twelve people, both men and women, who looked about twenty years old.

After seeing the appearance of the woman in the lead, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but flash a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Zhang Lexuan, the senior sister of the Shrek Inner Courtyard who he was very familiar with in his previous life.

As for the other eleven people, he didn't recognize any of them. He thought they should be the inner courtyard disciples of Shrek.

Xuan Zi: Hi, hi, here you come!

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