Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 231 Waiting for the Rabbit to Come to the Limit Douluo (Two in One)

Sun and Moon Empire.


In the wilderness, there seemed to be wind blowing, and the rice about half a person's height swayed slightly. Small paths intersected through the rice fields, but they all converged in one direction, leading directly to the small village that seemed to have less than a hundred households.

At the entrance of the village, in a broken house that looked like it had not been inhabited for a long time, nearly ten figures were hiding in the shadows.

Every few minutes, one of them would stick his head over the wall and look around the wilderness, as if searching for something.

After another fruitless search, one of the middle-aged men couldn't help but flash a hint of impatience in his eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he quickly came to a white-haired old man with an old face who was sitting in the corner with his eyes closed and resting, and spoke in a low voice.

"Senior Xue, we have been here for a long time, but we haven't seen Ling Bing. Will that guy go back to the academy?"

If Huo Yuhao was standing here at this moment, he would recognize that the old man in front of him was Xue Chen, the Shadow Douluo who had met him once when he was an exchange student in his previous life and followed Xu Tianran.

Hearing the voice, Xue Chen's turbid eyes slowly opened, and he looked at the man sharply, questioning in a cold voice.

"Why, you can't stand it? If you hadn't lost Ling Bing at that time, you wouldn't have been reduced to waiting here."

Damn, didn't you find him later?

You are pretending here now, do you really think you can avoid losing him just because you are a Titled Douluo?

Cursing in his heart, the man smiled apologetically and explained awkwardly.

"The senior is teaching me that I am not intolerable, but I am worried that it will be a waste of effort to continue waiting like this."

"After all, it has been almost a month since Ling Bing left the academy. Mingde Hall values ​​him so much that they should not let him stay alone outside for so long..."

Hearing this, Xue Chen's expression eased a little. After thinking for a moment, he quickly gave instructions.

"Send someone back to Sun Moon Academy tomorrow morning to see if Ling Bing has returned. If not, we will continue to wait. If he has returned..."

"Everyone, including me, must go to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to receive punishment."

Hearing the words "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince", the man shuddered subconsciously.

From the fact that Xu Tianran sent Shadow Douluo as soon as he got the news that Ling Bing had left the academy, it is enough to see how seriously he took this matter. It is conceivable that if they fail to gain anything from this operation, they will face severe punishment.

As a Titled Douluo, Xue Chen may not be in trouble, but they will be miserable.

It was agreed that once Ling Bing left the academy, Xu Tianran would be notified as soon as possible.

In the end, the notification was in place, and the Title Douluo responsible for the interception was also sent, but no one expected that Ling Bing would disappear as soon as he left Mingdu!

Nearly ten people actually lost a child. No matter how aggrieved they were about this matter, it was a manifestation of incompetence in Xu Tianran's eyes.

In order to avoid the mission being declared a failure directly, the people who were ready to try their best came to the hometown listed in Ling Bing's background information to ambush and pray for luck.

Now that the mission has been delayed for so long, if it fails again, their consequences will be very miserable.

Just when the man was thinking about what else he could do, his companion's surprised voice suddenly came from his side.

"Here, Ling Bing is coming!"

Just a few words, in the man's ears, it was like a heavenly sound, making him come alive.

Not only him, almost everyone stood up at this moment, and looked in the direction of the companion who had just spoken.

After seeing the white-haired figure walking out of the woods like a leisurely garden, they immediately rubbed their hands and showed excitement on their faces

Prepare to freeze your hands! Prepare to freeze your hands!

Damn, they actually wasted so much time. Before killing this little beast, I must torture it!

Looking at the figures with grim smiles on their faces from afar, Huo Yuhao paused and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It seems that you are coming for me?"

Noticing the hunched old man in the crowd, Huo Yuhao first raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then as if he had figured out something, a look of understanding flashed in his eyes.

As early as when he left Sun Moon Academy, he had already noticed that someone was following him, but at that time he was in a hurry to go to the Holy Spirit Church, and he thought the stalkers were Jing Hongchen's people, so he directly activated the simulated soul skills after leaving Mingdu and got rid of them.

Huo Yuhao was puzzled for a while because of this. After all, after three months of getting along, he could feel that Jing Hongchen's trust in him was not fake, and he should not send someone to follow him at this time.

Now, after seeing Xuechen, whom he had met once during his exchange student life in his previous life, he finally realized who was the person behind the scenes who sent people to follow him this time.

So it wasn't Jing Hongchen, but Xu Tianran?

He actually targeted him so quickly, this guy is really impatient.

"Isn't it obvious, kid?"

The man sneered, already looking like he had won.

At this moment, even Huo Yuhao's calm face looked like a forced calm before collapse in his eyes.

"Why, aren't you very good at hiding? Why don't you hide anymore? Didn't you expect us to wait for you here?"

As if he wanted to see a desperate expression on Huo Yuhao's stunning face, he took the lead in releasing his martial soul.

Two yellow, three purple and three black, the eight soul rings symbolizing the Soul Douluo's cultivation slowly rose from his feet.

And his companions followed closely behind, releasing their martial souls one by one.

Except for Xue Chen who remained silent and seemed to think that Huo Yuhao was not worthy of her, so she did not release her martial soul, there were eleven people left, four Soul Saints and seven Soul Douluos.

In an instant, the superimposed soul power fluctuations swept like a mountain torrent and tsunami, even pressing the rice in the distance to some extent.

"Are you ready to start now?"

Huo Yuhao swept his eyes over everyone one by one, and asked with a smile.

"But why do you think that you can take me down with just these?"

"Isn't this enough to deal with a level 6 soul guide like you? Or do you think you can disappear right under our noses like last time?"

The smile on the man's lips became more mocking, revealing his malicious intent without disguising himself.

"Is this your hometown? We have already placed more than a dozen level 6 fixed soul guide shells in the village in advance. To be honest, in order not to disturb the villagers, we placed them at night. This took us a lot of effort. I think they don't know it until now."

"After all, if we really let you run away, we will have to get something from other places to get by... Don't you think so?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he froze as if he had seen something terrifying.

The smile on Huo Yuhao's face disappeared, followed by a bone-chilling coldness that made people feel like they were falling into an ice cave, and a violent rage that seemed to be mixed with raging anger.

Before the man could react, golden light bloomed from Huo Yuhao's pupils, and the four soul rings that appeared at his feet at some point also flashed one after another at this moment.

Soul deprivation, mental amplitude, soul impact, life thread.

After completely destroying the man's mental defense, after the blessing of mental amplitude, the soul impact with doubled power came crashing down on him.


The painful wailing that seemed to pierce the eardrums of people sounded, and everyone present shuddered, because the cry was too shrill, just listening to it made them feel the man's pain.

The man leaned back uncontrollably as if his head had been hit hard, and at this moment, an invisible silk thread entangled his neck.

Huo Yuhao pulled his right hand back, and in a trance, the man who had lost the power to resist only felt a flash in front of his eyes, followed by a feeling of flying in the clouds.

When he came to his senses, a white palm had pinched his neck.

All this happened too fast. It was not until he fell completely into Huo Yuhao's hands that scarlet liquid oozed out of his seven orifices. It was the sequelae of the soul shock.

"You, you..."

No longer proud as before, the man's dark eyes flashed with lingering fear. He trembled violently, and the tingling pain from his brain made him unable to speak a complete sentence.

He never thought that he, a Soul Douluo, would be powerless in front of Huo Yuhao. The opponent's only attack almost made his spiritual sea on the verge of collapse.

Huo Yuhao did not speak, but stared at him indifferently. In his majestic eyes filled with golden light, a strange dark red light flashed.

Senses magnified.

"Ah! Ah!!!"

Like a maggot, the man twisted his body wildly. It seemed that Huo Yuhao did nothing, but he seemed to be experiencing the most painful torture in the world, and he was worse than death.

Witnessing their companions being tortured, everyone on the scene instinctively took a half step back, and couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts at the thundering means displayed by Huo Yuhao.

A group of Soul Saint Soul Douluos, fighting against a four-ring Soul Sect, they were clearly the ones who had an absolute advantage, but at this moment, they were the first to feel the fear of death.

At this moment, a cold and fierce shout exploded in everyone's ears like thunder.

"A bunch of trash! A child makes you so scared!?"

Not knowing whether he was really embarrassed by the reactions of others, or angry that he, as a Titled Douluo, was actually frightened by a child just now, Shadow Douluo Xuechen's eyes became gloomy and cold, and finally activated his martial soul.

Two yellow, two purple, and five black, as nine soul rings emerged from under his feet, the pressure from the Titled Douluo instantly dispelled most of the fear in everyone's eyes.

After a short moment of shock, the people who reacted showed an unprecedented ferocity. They stared at the boy in front of them, especially after noticing that Huo Yuhao did not waver even when he saw the Title Douluo, which was completely different from their own reaction just now when they overreacted to the other party's eyes. A surge of blood rushed to their brains.

"His four skills have been used. He can't be used again in a short time. Kill him!"

Someone suddenly said, erasing the last trace of timidity in everyone's heart.

Because they often help Xu Tianran deal with such shady tasks, everyone's mentality has surpassed that of ordinary people. Now that they have overcome their fear of Huo Yuhao, each of them has a fierce look in their eyes and takes out their soul guides without hesitation.

The dark muzzle burst out with deadly tongues of flame, and colorful light clusters poured down towards Huo Yuhao like a barrage. The terrifying power seemed to destroy the area where he was standing into nothingness.

Faced with so many attacks, even a ninth-level soul engineer may not be able to deal with them easily. Just when Huo Yuhao was about to do something, a stream of blood streaked across the sky, and it only took a blink of an eye to arrive. in front of him.

A strange scene occurred. The moment those terrifying energy bombs came into contact with the blood light, they melted rapidly like snow falling into boiling water.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

Only Xue Chen seemed to recognize the origin of that mass of blood, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes. After a brief moment of astonishment, he seemed to have realized something, and without hesitation he jumped into the air, preparing to leave everyone behind and run away.

However, before he could make a move, another ball of blood-colored light quietly descended and landed on him impartially.


Blood burst out.

Before anyone could react, they heard the faint scream mixed with the explosion. The next second, Xue Chen, with a look of pain on his face, fell upright from the bloody light. Under the dull eyes of everyone, It hit the ground with a thud.

In less than two or three seconds, this titled Douluo, who was neatly dressed just now and had an old face that was calm and confident, had transformed into a completely different look.

Not to mention his clothes were in tatters, his body was covered with wounds of all sizes, and he was bleeding profusely.

The most important thing is that there is a faint red light flickering on those wounds, and the strong blood-evil aura is like poison, scrambling to enter Xue Chen's body, crazily eroding his vitality.

After seeing clearly what happened to Xue Chen, everyone present felt as if their hearts had stopped. An indescribable coldness surged from their hearts, silently spreading to their limbs, bones, and entire body.

"You've already come, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

A slightly hoarse joking sound echoed from the sky, with a sense of temptation that made people feel itchy. Everyone subconsciously raised their heads and saw the figure walking out of the bloody light.

"I saw that I didn't even say hello. Are the dogs in the royal family so disrespectful now?"

Six black and three red.

The unimaginable color scheme of the soul ring was like a sledgehammer at the moment, hitting everyone's heart hard. They didn't need to deliberately release their breath like Xue Chen. The scene in front of them was enough to make them feel suffocated. , legs trembling.

Compared with the shock and panic of others, Huo Yuhao seemed much calmer. He knew from the beginning that Ye Xishui was secretly following him.

After all, no matter what, the time he joined the Holy Spirit Cult was too short. Even if he was promoted to the Holy Son, he still had to take the necessary precautions.

Especially before this, he had a history of ruining his reputation. Even the death of the three Zhongli brothers a few months ago was found to be related to him. No matter how you look at him, he is an extremely unstable factor.

Huo Yuhao didn't have any special ideas about this. No matter whether he behaved stably or not, he was bound to be monitored. The reason why he created a persona of being crazy and reckless was just to make it easier for him to kill people.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Xishui would actually choose to reveal his whereabouts and help him. Could he really be a bodyguard?

As if aware of his gaze, Ye Xishui just ignored the gazes of others and looked towards him. Through the bloody light in front of her, a meaningful chuckle appeared on the corners of her lips.

"It seems that I was right to follow you secretly. The little guy has a lot of enemies. He has only been out for two days before he was intercepted and killed. Let me guess."

Having said this, her face showed a playful expression like a cat playing with a mouse. Her eyes swept over the people below one by one, and finally landed on Xue Chen, who looked extremely miserable.

"Since you are here, the person behind the scenes should be someone from the royal family? Is it the crippled prince who has the ability to invite a titled Douluo? Or is it the third prince?"

After saying that, she shook her head and said, "Forget it, these are not important, your soul will tell me anyway."

Xue Chen's pupils shrank, and he forced his eroded body to move, struggling to maintain a kneeling posture, and began to beg for mercy in a panicked tone.

"Ye, Senior Ye, please spare me. I really didn't know that this boy was yours. Please spare me this time."

He was a half-buried person, and logically he should have seen through life and death long ago, but at this moment, he was looking at the figure in front of him with a look of fear, his eyes full of fear.

If you meet other people, you will die, but if you meet Ye Xishui, it is really worse than death. Even if the body dies, the soul will be tortured in her hands.

You can't live, you can't die.

"Looking at you like this, you should know something about me? Then how could you say such a thing?"

Ye Xishui raised his eyebrows in surprise, looked at the old man below with a half-smile, and continued to add.

"Don't you know what happened to those who tried to beg me to spare their lives?"

From the moment she chose to show up, these people were already destined to die.

Not to mention anything else, just considering the importance Huo Yuhao received in Mingde Hall, today's incident cannot be spread out at all.

Hearing Ye Xishui's reminder, Xuechen trembled all over, and his face turned visibly gray. Only his lips seemed to have not given up yet, constantly murmuring words of begging for mercy, hoping that the woman in front of him could give him any charity. mercy.


Ye Xishui shook her head, and a touch of blood quietly spread from her feet, covering everyone except Huo Yuhao.

There was no scream, and there was no terrifying momentum. It was as if everything was isolated within the bloody light. When the bloody light dissipated, there were only eleven corpses on the ground that made no sound.

Except for the snow dust that had been hit at the beginning, there were not even a single scratch on the other corpses.

The man in Huo Yuhao's hand was already frightened out of his wits by this hell-like scene. His mouth opened and closed slightly, but it was as if he had forgotten how to speak. He could only make some meaningless noises, and helplessly shed tears. .

If given the chance, he would even want to kill Xu Tianran, who was sent here to intercept Huo Yuhao, a thousand times or ten thousand times.

As if he had guessed what the man was thinking, Huo Yuhao looked at the resentment flashing in the man's eyes and crushed his throat indifferently.

After the light in those eyes completely dissipated, he let go of his hand and let the man slip from his hand.

"I thought you would only attack your own people, but now it seems that I was wrong?"

Hearing the chuckle coming from his ears, Huo Yuhao spoke lightly.

"He wanted to kill me, so I killed him."


Ye Xishui looked him up and down, then glanced at the village behind him as if on purpose.

"But how do I remember that you took action after hearing that the other party had buried fixed soul-guided cannon shells in the village?"

"Because at first I just wanted them dead, but after that"

Huo Yuhao raised his eyes, looked at Ye Xishui quietly, and spoke word by word.

"I suddenly don't want them to die so easily."

Ye Xishui was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth again.

"Why didn't you realize before that the Holy Son I personally established is actually someone who doesn't want to affect innocent people? Are you telling me this, aren't you afraid that I will do something to you?"

Huo Yuhao smiled: "Since you took the initiative to help me this time, I will spare you this time."

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