
The scarlet afterimage flashed through the air like lightning, bringing with it a piercing sonic boom, and slammed into the man beside him.

The speed was so fast that the man had no time to react at all. Before the confusion on his face faded, he flew backwards like a cannonball.

After continuously breaking several trees that were so thick that they required two people to hug, the man suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood. With his bones broken all over his body, he fell to the ground like mud, breathing weakly, convulsing from time to time, and it seemed that he was already dead.

"Wu Luan!"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the remaining ten people in the field instantly turned red, staring at the soul beast in the field that suddenly rushed into their crowd.

It was a soul beast that looked like a gecko, with four limbs on the ground, but its body was much larger than a gecko. It was estimated to be more than ten meters long, and its body was covered with dark red scales. It was not its terrifying claws that had just launched the attack, but its huge tail that almost occupied half of its body length.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is an obvious scratch on its left eye, which seems to be blinded by other soul beasts. There are also several narrow wounds on its abdomen. From the blood that is still flowing out of the wound, it is obvious that this soul beast has just lost a battle with other soul beasts and fled here.

After killing two people in a row, the remaining right eye of the lizard became even more scarlet. Looking at the weak human in front of it, the vigilant look, it actually showed contempt and playfulness in its eyes, grinning in a very human way, and making an unpleasant laugh, as if mocking them for overestimating their own abilities.

With the fishy saliva dripping and feeling the bloody smell coming to his face, Zhang Lexuan, the leader, looked extremely ugly. They had lost two people in just one encounter, and the expression of an inner court disciple who had recognized the identity of this soul beast was obviously a little collapsed.

"Blood-eroded dragon lizard! It's 100,000 years old. Why is there a 100,000-year-old soul beast in the mixed zone!?"

"Where is Elder Xuan? Why hasn't he come out yet!?"

In addition to Zhang Lexuan, there are two Soul Saints in the team, and the rest are Soul Kings and Soul Emperors.

With this lineup, not to mention that they have lost two combat forces, even if all twelve people are here, they are probably not the opponent of the blood-eroded dragon lizard in front of them.

Facing a 100,000-year-old soul beast, even a Titled Douluo dare not say that he will definitely win, not to mention that the one in front of him is a blood-eroded dragon lizard known for its ferocity.

You know, even among the soul beast group, the blood-eroded dragon lizard is a notorious existence. It is not like the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger that devours other soul beasts for its own strength. It just simply likes to kill.

The egg-laying rate of the blood-eroded dragon lizard is actually very high, but the number that can survive is extremely rare. This is because from the moment of birth, the young blood-eroded dragon lizard will fight with its brothers and sisters born with it under the instruction of its mother to determine the final winner.

In this high-pressure environment, even the last individual who survived would be seriously injured in the fight and would not live long. It can be said that a litter of blood-eroded dragon lizard cubs often cannot survive, and only the last individual who survived will be recognized by the mother and taken care of until they can hunt for themselves.

The cruel competition conditions give them extremely terrifying fighting instincts and also create their bloodthirsty and crazy personalities. Not to mention encountering prey, even if they encounter the same kind, they will go crazy and kill you to death.

Facing this kind of soul beast, even the battle-hardened Shrek inner courtyard disciples can't help but feel a little desperate in their hearts. At this moment, a sharp shout like thunder exploded in their ears.


I saw a silver moon phantom emerging from behind Zhang Lexuan, and seven soul rings, two yellow, two purple and three black, rose under her feet. The powerful momentum directly made everyone tremble, and the atmosphere of despair was diluted a lot.

"Master Xuan is missing now. We can only rely on ourselves. This blood-eroded dragon lizard is obviously seriously injured. With so many of us, we may have a chance if we go all out."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Lexuan felt a sudden premonition of death in her heart. The scarlet afterimage fell again. It was not known whether the loud shout just now angered the blood-eroded dragon lizard, or because it sensed that Zhang Lexuan was the most threatening, the target of the tail whip was her.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Lexuan retreated violently, and the seventh and sixth soul rings suddenly lit up. In an instant, her body began to burst out with brilliant silver light, and the silver moon phantom behind her slowly moved forward, swallowing her whole body and the sixth soul ring that had just lit up.

As the black soul ring sank together, the color of the silver moon also turned into a deep and strange black, like an abyss that chooses people to devour, and this black was tightly bound by a circle of silver halo, which looked like a solar eclipse at first glance.

Just as the blood-eroded dragon lizard's tail was about to hit her, a deafening roar burst out from the dark moon, and with it appeared a dazzling beam of light that was so blinding that it made people unable to open their eyes.

With the blessing of the martial soul's true body and Zhang Lexuan's almost crazy soul power infusion, the power of her sixth soul skill even frightened the blood-eroded dragon lizard. It had no time to react, and this terrifying blow landed on its tail.

After a thunderous explosion, accompanied by a bloody rain, the blood-eroded dragon lizard let out a painful roar. It endured the severe pain and subconsciously tilted its head to look at its tail. Its scales were rolled up, and its flesh and blood were blurred. There was a huge wound with a diameter of half a meter in the center. A lot of flesh and blood evaporated in the huge energy fluctuations. It was obviously seriously injured.

As a soul beast famous for killing, it was now carelessly injured by a weak human. The blood-eroded dragon lizard was instantly shrouded in surging murderous intent. After a violent roar, it rushed straight towards the silver moon transformed by Zhang Lexuan.

Compared with the rage of the blood-eroded dragon lizard, the remaining inner courtyard disciples showed ecstasy when they saw this scene. Zhang Lexuan's attack could cause such serious damage to it, at least giving them hope of winning.

"Everyone, cover Zhang Lexuan!"

One of the soul saints shouted immediately and also lit up the seventh soul ring. The others also immediately released their own soul skills to meet it.

Soul skills have a cooldown. Now, among the crowd, only Zhang Lexuan has the ability to break the scales and hurt the blood-eroded dragon lizard, so naturally they have to fight around her.

Now what they have to do is to attack those wounds as much as possible, causing damage while attracting the attention of the blood-eroded dragon lizard, and gain enough opportunities for Zhang Lexuan's next attack.

Now that the opponent's tail is seriously injured, the threat is much smaller than before. As long as they delay, maybe Zhang Lexuan doesn't need to take action again, Xuanzi will be able to find them first!

Can win!

ps: Will win.jpg

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