Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 29: Run over by a truck (sad)

The terrifying energy fluctuations were rising steadily. The Blood-eroded Dragon Lizard realized something was wrong and stopped subconsciously. This also gave Zhang Lexuan a chance to distance herself.

She also felt the energy fluctuations behind her and immediately caught up with Huo Yuhao, hugged him in her arms, and rushed forward without slowing down at all.

Huo Yuhao, who was still running for his life, suddenly felt a softness coming from behind, and the feeling of being run over by a big car suddenly emerged in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the scenery on both sides quickly moved backwards. With Zhang Lexuan's help, he rushed forward several times faster.

A second later, there was a loud roar behind him, and the blood-eroded dragon lizard's shrill roar seemed to shatter a person's eardrums. Huo Yuhao, who had already exhausted his mental power, felt his eyes go black for a while, and even the mental detection was difficult. It cannot be maintained.

Fortunately, Zhang Lexuan behind him took him away in time, so he was not injured.

However, after the explosion just now, the battle was coming to an end, and his mental detection was no longer needed.

Zhang Lexuan turned around, and the miserable appearance of the Blood-eroded Dragon Lizard came into view.

The long and narrow wound on its abdomen was completely torn apart by the explosion, and a large amount of internal organs flowed out. However, even after suffering such a serious injury, the Blood-eroded Dragon Lizard still did not die, but lay on the ground wailing in pain. It was enough to see that this How terrifying this guy's vitality is.

Of course, this is also because the soul guidance bombs made by Huo Yuhao are composed of two or three levels of soul guidance devices, and are not very powerful. In fact, if we really want to compare, they may not be as good as Zhang Lexuan's sixth soul skill. , if it doesn't explode at the exact location of the wound, it's unknown whether it can break through the opponent's scale armor defense.

Although it is not dead yet, judging from the way the Blood-eroded Dragon Lizard is struggling desperately but unable to get up, it is obvious that it has no power to resist.

Zhang Lexuan obviously hated the guy who almost wiped out their team. The sixth soul ring under her feet lit up again, and a terrifying beam of light instantly penetrated the blood-eroded dragon lizard's head, finally ending its life.

Looking at the bloody soul ring slowly emerging on the corpse of the Blood-eroded Dragon Lizard, Huo Yuhao's heart moved. Only then did he remember that he seemed to have heard this matter from Elder Xuan in his previous life.

——Twelve inner court disciples were separated from their leading teacher and encountered a hundred thousand year soul beast. In the end, only four survived.

Although he saw twelve people on the other side last night, he didn't think about it. After all, who would have thought that he would catch up with the incident that was like listening to a story, and he would recall Zhang Lexuan's eighth soul ring with a hundred thousand years. , he was about to say something, but found that he was still subconsciously held in Zhang Lexuan's arms.

Although he has eaten well in the past two years, Huo Yuhao's body has obviously become stronger, but he still belongs to the category of a child. At this moment, he is like a pillow, held in the arms of the tall Zhang Lexuan with one hand, and his feet cannot touch him at all. land

An inexplicable sense of shame surged into his heart, and the corners of Huo Yuhao's mouth twitched slightly, but he was a little embarrassed to struggle.

Shame on you!

He didn't know whether it was because of the anger in his heart, or because the speed he had just burst out was already Zhang Lexuan's limit. At this moment, Huo Yuhao could only feel that the two large car lights behind his head were undulating violently, and there was a vague feeling. The scent penetrated his nostrils.

Finally, after a fruitless struggle, Huo Yuhao gave up.

He felt like a guinea pig entangled in a python. No matter how hard he struggled, it was all in vain.

"Well, Sister Lexuan, you can let me go."

"Ah? Oh." Zhang Lexuan was stunned for a moment when she heard this. Then she realized that Huo Yuhao was tightly held by her right hand and quickly put him down with a solemn tone.

"Yuhao, thank you very much this time."

Without Huo Yuhao's help, they would have to sacrifice at least one more inner court disciple, and they still completely hoped that her last sixth soul skill could hit. If they made a mistake, the rest of them, including her, would be killed. Anyone who falls will die.

"It's okay, just do your best."

Before Huo Yuhao finished speaking, the remaining five inner courtyard disciples had already rushed over. When they saw the body of the Blood-eroded Dragon Lizard, their eyes widened.

"Sister Zhang, how did you do it?"

Zhang Lexuan was about to speak when she suddenly saw Huo Yuhao shaking his head slightly towards her. Understanding it, she did not tell him about his third eye and purple soul ring.

The whole process sounded like a coincidence like a blind cat encountering a dead mouse. The faces of several team members were full of luck. Only Zhang Lexuan was vaguely aware of the source of this luck.

Recalling Huo Yuhao's golden vertical eyes, she shuddered subconsciously.

Is that his martial spirit?

Why does it have such a strange ability?

Seeing that the crisis had been resolved, one of the inner courtyard disciples took another look at the body of the Blood-eroded Dragon Lizard. His throat was rolling, and his voice was trembling with excitement.

"Since the Blood Corrupted Dragon Lizard is dead, Senior Sister Zhang, please quickly absorb the soul ring!"

After hearing these words, several others looked at the blood-colored soul ring above the Blood-corrupted Dragon Lizard, and their breathing became somewhat rapid for a moment.

This is a hundred thousand year soul ring!

Not only soul rings, you must know that a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast will definitely produce soul bones. Although the process of obtaining it is very tragic, this rich reward can make up for it.

Huo Yuhao stood aside and said nothing. While several inner court disciples were staring at the hundred thousand year soul ring, the progress of unlocking the origin of greed in his mental space was also increasing rapidly.

The several inner court disciples in front of me are all Soul Emperors, and the greedy energy they provide is considerable. Coupled with the provision from the eighth-level half-soul instructor from the Heavenly Soul Empire, it may not take long for the dark golden origin of greed to be fully unlocked. .

Facing the hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring, it would be false to say that he was not moved. Although he felt greed from them, the source of jealousy in Huo Yuhao's spiritual space showed no sign of growing.

This actually made Huo Yuhao a little surprised.

That something like this happened proves that although these inner court disciples also want the hundred thousand year soul ring, they do not exclude Zhang Lexuan from obtaining it.

Judging from the previous titles, Zhang Lexuan is obviously not the senior sister of the inner court. Being able to have such prestige is enough to prove that she is very popular.

"The eighth soul ring will absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring. Will there be any problems?"

Another student asked with some worry. When they came back to their senses, they naturally knew that the only one who could absorb this soul ring was Zhang Lexuan. Not to mention the others who were not yet at the level to obtain the soul ring, they would not dare even if they were. ah.

"One hundred thousand year soul bones are of great help to your physique. You can absorb the soul bones first and then try."

Listening to the discussion of the people around her, Zhang Lexuan did not speak, but subconsciously looked at Huo Yuhao. Everyone contributed to this matter, and she could not monopolize it alone, both emotionally and rationally.

Other students can wait to make compensation after returning to the academy, but Huo Yuhao is different. At the moment, she does not have enough compensation to give him.

Sensing Zhang Lexuan's gaze, Huo Yuhao smiled.

"Sister Le Xuan has contributed the most, and the soul ring and soul bones will naturally return to you. If you can, please give me the body of the blood-corrupted dragon lizard."

The blood-eroded dragon lizard's attributes were not suitable for him, so he naturally wasn't interested in it. Moreover, he was only a first-level soul ring, and its lifespan was just over a thousand years. He would only run to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring if he was desperate.

But the corpse is different. The energy contained in the meat of the 100,000-year-old blood-corroded dragon lizard is very huge, and it is very filling when eaten. Through the absorption of the source of gluttony, it should be able to help him speed up his cultivation a lot.

With a body length of ten meters, it can be eaten as a snack for several years.

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