Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 32 Picked up a dragon family

Although she had never met the other person in person, Qiu'er had felt the other person's aura several times during those more than 10,000 years, and had also seen with her own eyes the scene where Di Tian respectfully called the other person his lord.

Huo Yuhao, who had exchanged memories with Qiu'er, naturally recognized that unique aura.

But it was precisely because he knew the identity of the other party that he was even more surprised. After all, the person in front of him could be said to be a legendary existence, and judging from her actions, it was obvious that she had deliberately discovered it.

Even if he was a god in his previous life, that was a matter of his previous life. Now there is a huge strength gap between him and this soul beast co-master. If the other party wants to hide himself, he is unlikely to find the other party even if he uses mental detection.

From this point of view, the other party's willingness to take the initiative to expose his whereabouts should not be malicious. The reason why he came to find me...

Is it because Qiu'er sensed him?

Just as Huo Yuhao was thinking, he suddenly felt a fragrance coming to his nose. He raised his head subconsciously and saw that the girl had traveled through space and came to him. A pair of amethyst-like eyes looked at him with undisguised curiosity.

Huo Yuhao, who felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by the other party, finally couldn't help but speak again.

"I wonder what senior wants to see me for?"

"Why not kill him?"


After listening to the girl's question, Huo Yuhao took a deep look at her and said, "Senior, you are joking. How can I, a being who has just reached the first level, kill a ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo?"

"I have never heard of a Yihuan dare to challenge a titled Douluo."

The girl paused and continued: "And when he looked at you, you were not afraid."

".I'm just emotionally restrained."

Huo Yuhao shook his head calmly and changed the topic casually: "Senior, you didn't come to me for this insignificant matter, right? Is there anything else?"

Indeed, as the girl said, if he dared to say those words in front of Xuanzi, he would not be afraid that the other party would do something to him. If he did not have this ability before merging with Brother Tianmeng, then after the fusion, everything would become different. .

As long as the mental power of Tianmeng Iceworm's millions of years of cultivation is used, the fate of death can completely have an effect on Xuanzi, but this thing is not something that can be used. At the moment, his physical strength cannot withstand such a huge mental power. Even with the Eye of Destiny as a transit protection, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured and can only be used as a desperate measure at best.

The girl in front of him obviously did not believe his lies, but she did not dwell on the matter anymore and said calmly.

".I saw your ritual with that silkworm, and I want to know what it was."

Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, but then he realized that the other party was talking about the soul ceremony he and Brother Tianmeng had performed before, but he was not too surprised by this.

When he entered the Star Forest, the Eye of Destiny sensed Qiu'er's approximate position. After discovering that Qiu'er's position had not changed, he thought that this sense was one-way, so Qiu'er didn't sense it. As for him, now I think he must have been stopped by the Silver Dragon King.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Huo Yuhao suddenly felt something in his heart.

The real boss of the soul beast is now standing in front of him, and he is curious about the soul contract. Isn't this a good opportunity for promotion?

Huo Yuhao, who quickly entered the state, coughed twice and began to introduce the soul contract in a serious manner.

"This is a new technology invented by my teacher, called soul. As for the effect, I believe my seniors have seen it before. It can transform the soul beast into some kind of special energy body while retaining its consciousness."

Although the emergence of the soul contract in the previous life could not really prevent the decline of the number of soul beasts, at least the general direction was correct. Now that the teacher Electrolux has come to his side again, as long as they are given some time to improve the soul contract, those problems will be solved completely. can be resolved.

The girl just listened silently. It wasn't until Huo Yuhao finished explaining the benefits of the soul contract to both parties that she asked in a calm tone.

"So, you want to convince me so that the soul contract can be promoted?"



The girl's voice seemed to be filled with some inexplicable emotions. Her eyes fell on Huo Yuhao with a slightly scrutinizing gaze, "I don't understand what benefit this will do to you. You are obviously a..."

She did not say the last four words 'human god', but she believed that this was enough for Huo Yuhao to understand that his identity had been revealed to her.

As for the soul contract, she can naturally tell that this thing is very helpful in easing the relationship between humans and soul beasts, and the example was clearly placed in front of her just now.

But this was also the reason for her confusion. She originally thought that it was just the remnant soul of a god that came to this world after its death, but the emergence of the soul contract made her realize that this matter might be more complicated than she imagined.

".Just think of it as the struggle of a person who is afraid of death."

The other party didn't mention the auspicious beast, so Huo Yuhao naturally wouldn't take the initiative to talk about his relationship with the auspicious beast. He only twitched the corner of his mouth.

"No matter how powerful you were in the past, it was still in the past. Now facing the soul beast co-master, you have to show some value if you want to survive, right?"


The girl took a step forward, staring at him motionlessly with a pair of purple eyes, as if she wanted to see through him.

A moment later, the ethereal voice sounded again, exposing his lie mercilessly.

"In my opinion, you have never been afraid of me from the beginning, just like you have never been afraid of that Titled Douluo, and your eyes tell me that you are not that afraid of death."

Looking at the girl's purple eyes, Huo Yuhao's smile slowly faded, his expression became unusually calm, and after a long time, he sighed lightly, his lips opened and closed.

"Because I have this ability, I will do it."

The scene before rushing into the turbulence of time and space in the previous life appeared in his mind. Huo Yuhao raised his head slightly, his eyes passed through the gaps in the leaves, and the blue sky seemed to merge with his eyes.

"I can get to this point, relying on the help of many soul beasts."

He slowly lowered his eyes, staring at her with emotions that the girl could not understand, and said word by word.

"So I think I should do something for them, that's all."


The girl did not seem to expect this answer. She did not look into Huo Yuhao's eyes again, but was silent for a while and shook her head gently.

"I'm sorry, although your soul contract has a certain effect on repairing the relationship between humans and soul beasts, I can't promise you yet."

"I can indeed promote the soul contract among soul beasts, but you can't promote it among humans, at least not now."

Even if the boy in front of him was once a god, he is very weak now. Although humans are more orderly than soul beasts, if they want to have the right to speak, strength is still indispensable.

"And judging from the current effect of the soul contract, you humans still have the upper hand. Among the soul beasts, the proportion of those who are about to die and disabled and dying is not high, and there is no way to meet the needs of your soul masters. Once these are consumed, how can you guarantee that humans will not attack other mature soul beasts?"

"Although you said that you would make improvements to the soul contract, there has been no progress at present. Of course, I don't need you to improve it completely, but you have to show me that you have the ability to improve it, instead of using a semi-finished product to deceive me."

"So, when you have enough say in the human world and let me see the progress of the soul contract with my own eyes, I will agree to your proposal, and you will be our soul beasts' eternal friend."

". A very reasonable request."

Huo Yuhao nodded. He naturally didn't think that he could convince the soul beast co-lord with just his mouth. The other party's request was entirely for the soul beasts' consideration. It was good enough to give a promise.

And even if the other party agreed now, he really couldn't promote the soul contract among soul masters as the other party said, and this matter could not be rushed.

"I will produce results as soon as possible, and come to visit the Xingdou Great Forest when the time is right."

"No need to bother."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the girl, who glanced at Huo Yuhao with a calm tone.

"I will go with you. I also want to see what the human race has become now."


Huo Yuhao was a little unresponsive for a while, and the girl seemed to have anticipated his reaction and spoke slowly.

"Just think of it as an investment."

"If you can really change the situation of soul beasts in the future, then this will be a reward for your kindness."

Huo Yuhao was a little surprised, "You think so highly of me?"

He guessed that the Silver Dragon King might be curious about what he showed and the God Realm, but in contrast, he would be accompanied by a potential bodyguard who was more powerful than Di Tian.

Compared to the disadvantages that had almost no effect on him, the benefits were simply unimaginable.

The girl shook her head: "I just think that people like you should achieve something."

After saying that, she thought for a moment and added: "Of course, if the investment fails, I won't lose anything."

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

He always felt that something was strange

After a long pause, he looked up at the stunning girl in front of him and asked hesitantly.

"Then where do you live?"

Hearing this, the girl tilted her head to look at him, and her eyes like amethyst just blinked.

Blinked again.

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