Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 45 Legend of the Dragon King

"Yuhao, why are we here?"

Looking at the lush forest around, Tang Ya couldn't help but ask the question in her heart.

She was naturally familiar with the Sunset Forest, but the three of them didn't need to obtain spirit rings, so why were they here?

"Teach you how to use the Devouring Talent to practice."

Huo Yuhao explained softly, and as his voice fell, his pupils also bloomed with a light golden light, pulling Tang Ya and Gu Yuena into the shared spiritual detection.

Tang Ya immediately understood what Huo Yuhao meant, nodded and said nothing more.

Soon, with the help of spiritual detection, Huo Yuhao brought the two to an open space. Although it was called an open space, it looked like a battlefield where two huge spirit beasts had fought.

Large tracts of trees were cut off in half, some of which had hideous claw marks, and some were full of burnt marks. As far as plants were concerned, this scene was already tragic enough.

Huo Yuhao tilted his head to look at Tang Ya and spoke in a gentle voice.

"What you need to do now is to serve as a transit station between them and let the vitality of the entire system flow."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"If the vitality is completely confined to individual plants in the environment, then the entire environment will be like a pool of stagnant water. Conversely, only by letting it circulate in and out can the water not stink."

"Qingde is not only a tree of vitality, but also a trade wind that communicates the flow of all things."

Listening to Huo Yuhao's somewhat confusing words, Tang Ya scratched the back of her head and said hesitantly.

"You mean... let me save them by extracting the vitality of other plants?"

"Yes." Huo Yuhao nodded slightly.

"In this process, you can extract some vitality as a reward."

Following Huo Yuhao's instructions, Tang Ya came to a thick giant tree. She spread out her palms, and a dark blue silver grass continued to extend until it came into contact with the trunk, extracting some vitality from it.

Then she turned around and came to a stump that had been broken in half, and injected part of the vitality she had gained into it.

In just a moment, a tiny green bud poked out from the broken stump, making the originally lifeless stump seem like a new life.

"... I understand!"

"Let life flow and form a healthy cycle!"

Tang Ya's eyes lit up. She understood and was like a porter, happily extracting vitality from those huge trees, then keeping part of it in her body as a reward, and injecting the rest into those dying plants.

In layman's terms, it is the middleman who makes a little difference.

Gu Yuena watched this scene silently. Gradually, the forest seemed to be blown by the wind, and the reborn buds swayed gently, and Tang Ya was like being accepted by the surrounding plants, completely integrating into this environment. Every step she took, countless plants rose and fell with her movements.

As time went by, the fallen trees, the rolled grass, the withered shrubs, the tragic scenes that were originally ravaged by the soul beasts gradually began to have greenery, and the ecology that was almost destroyed was reorganized and full of vitality.

The vitality accumulated in Tang Ya's body also accumulated more and more in this process. If she could completely solve the current area, the vitality she obtained would be enough for her to digest for quite a long time.

Seeing that the other party had understood the trick so quickly, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but smile. Gu Yuena beside him heard the laughter and couldn't help but glanced at him.

"I didn't expect you to know this."

"I just wanted to try it. Judging from the results, those plants don't seem to resist."

Huo Yuhao explained with a chuckle.

Let's not talk about whether the values ​​of plants are the same as those of humans. Tang Ya can save other plants today, and she may save herself next time. As plants without the ability to resist, they will not refuse such an opportunity.

From some small scenes, it may be possible that the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker, but once the scale of the investigation is enlarged, it will be found that balance is the truth of nature.

As he was talking, Huo Yuhao suddenly felt the sound of wind behind him, and the next second, a pair of arms wrapped around his neck from behind.


Tang Ya spread her hands excitedly, revealing the blue silver grass in her hands that exuded the breath of life. The vitality she had accumulated after working for a long time had all gathered here.

"This is for you."


Before Huo Yuhao could react, Tang Ya had already taken the opportunity to turn her head and kissed him on the face, with a serious tone.

"You taught me these, so I think the first person to give back this vitality must be you."

".Thank you."

After Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, he reached out and took the particularly gorgeous blue silver grass. Although the effect was not as good as the gold of living beings, it would be of great benefit to the body to carry it with him for a long time.

"Hmm, I'll make another one for my aunt."

After saying that, Tang Ya attacked him on the face again, and then continued to work with a smile. Seeing that she was full of energy, Huo Yuhao touched his cheek with saliva on it and gently pulled the corner of his mouth.

Gu Yuena on the side just watched this scene silently, her eyes flickered slightly, as if she noticed her sight, Huo Yuhao turned his head to look at her.

"What's wrong?"


Gu Yuena shook her head, and suddenly seemed to sense something, looking at a certain place deep in the forest.

"There's something there."


Huo Yuhao raised his head and followed Gu Yuena's gaze, and immediately understood what she was talking about.

"Are you talking about the Ice and Fire Eyes?"

Although he was a little confused as to how Gu Yuena found out without any investigation, he didn't think too much and slowly told the information he knew.

He naturally had some thoughts about this place he had visited several times in his previous life, but because he was too weak, he temporarily stopped thinking about it.

Let's not talk about whether his ice-attribute martial soul can restrain the outer circle of poison barrier at the moment. Even if he successfully enters, his current strength may not be able to impress the eight-pointed black ice grass and let it become his soul.

Not to mention the cold spring, which says anyone who dares to drink will die.

The only one that can work is probably seeing through Qiushui Dew, but when the strength is weak, the second awakening of the main body's martial spirit puts a huge load on the body, so working hard for this is really not worth the gain.

"Not spring water."

After listening to Huo Yuhao's introduction, Gu Yuena shook her head slightly, her tone becoming a little complicated in a rare way.

"Those are the remains of the Dragon King. The spring water you mentioned is only formed by part of the power escaping from the remains."

"Dragon King?" Huo Yuhao subconsciously looked at Gu Yuena: "Like you?"

"That's right, but I'm different from them."

Gu Yuena's tone was calm, "Although they are stronger than me, if they are still alive, they need to kneel down on one knee when they see me."


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