As time passed, Huo Yuhao's spine and ribs were all emitting a green light, which also meant that the fusion of soul bones was about to be completed. At this moment, the dark golden light group in Huo Yuhao's mental space finally There is movement.


The sudden change immediately attracted Huo Yuhao's attention. He had completely unlocked the original sin of greed more than a month ago, but he had never discovered its effect.

The next second, the dark golden light group separated into a group of energy liquid of the same color. After getting out of Huo Yuhao's mental space, it rushed towards the merging soul bones.

From the Snow Emperor's perspective, you will see Huo Yuhao's forehead suddenly light up with a dark golden light, and it rushes towards the torso bones on his chest at a not too fast speed.

"Is this... fusion?"

Huo Yuhao frowned. Looking inside, he could clearly see that with the addition of the Original Sin of Greed, the torso bones of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, which were originally green, began to alternately flash green and dark gold like they were breathing. light.

And in this process, the two rays of light began to merge slowly, like water and milk blending together.

After about a minute, the entire torso bones had taken on a deep green-gold color. Realizing that the fusion was complete, Huo Yuhao subconsciously checked it through his mental power.

Seeing Huo Yuhao's eyes gradually widening and the look of surprise in his eyes, several soul beasts around him couldn't hold back their curiosity and asked.

"Yuhao, what happened?"

"This is a bit complicated to talk about. Let's start the soul ritual first, and I will explain it to you slowly."

While Huo Yuhao quickly arranged the soul ritual, he said that the Ice Emperor had already fused the soul bones to him, and dragging him down would be dangerous to the Ice Emperor.

Huo Yuhao managed to survive the fused soul bone easily, and the soul ritual was naturally not a big problem. With his explanation, everyone finally understood the function of the dark golden energy just now.

To put it simply, after being transformed by the origin of greed, the torso bone given by the Ice Emperor also has the qualifications to evolve like the ice-attribute martial spirit.

Huo Yuhao can increase the life of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion's trunk bones by absorbing other trunk bones or energy.

If the average person can only attach one soul bone to a part, then this torso bone modified by the origin of greed allows Huo Yuhao to continue to attach other soul bones at this position.

It's just that compared to the evolution of the martial soul, the evolution of the soul bone can only increase its lifespan. But from this point of view, the martial soul that can evolve is more powerful. After all, the evolution of the martial soul is a qualitative leap.


Tianmeng Bingcan hesitated for a moment and subconsciously wanted to express the bold idea that came to his mind, but Huo Yuhao shook his head first.

"No, I sensed it, and there are two restrictions for soul bone evolution. One is that the attributes must be the same, and the other is that the quality of the absorbed soul bone needs to be stronger than the one already absorbed, otherwise it cannot be absorbed at all."

"How come you are not greedy at all because of your greedy nature, but you actually look down on low-level soul bones?"

After understanding what Huo Yuhao meant, Tianmeng Bingsi couldn't help but complain.

"Be content."

Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes and said, "This thing is more effective than you imagine, Brother Tianmeng."

If you want the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion's trunk bones to evolve over time, I'm afraid you can only do so by absorbing the trunk bones provided by the Snow Emperor.

After all, except for the Snow Emperor, there is no ice attribute soul beast in the entire continent that can provide higher quality soul bones than the Ice Emperor. This also means that it will be extremely difficult for the trunk bones to evolve. matter.

However, Huo Yuhao did not feel that the effect of greed was useless. Although higher quality soul bones could not be found, higher quality energy was not necessarily available.

Moreover, the origin of greed does not only affect the trunk bones. In the future, he can also evolve by absorbing soul bones from other parts.

The purpose of this thing is not to be the best, but to make up for the shortcomings. When he realized the origin of greed, the first thing that Huo Yuhao thought of was actually the left arm bone of the Ice Jade Scorpion with the Ice Explosion Technique in his previous life.

The reason why the Ice Explosion Technique in the previous life was so powerful was largely because when Huo Yuhao absorbed it, the Ice Emperor transformed it through the torso bone and gave it the quality of a hundred thousand year soul bone. This made it The power is even higher.

Otherwise, it is just a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone, no matter how strong it is, it will not be much stronger.

And with the origin of greed, he can even make this soul bone more powerful than in the previous life. When that time comes, the power of the ice blast technique can be imagined.

Shrek Academy.

The inner court.

"Hey, look, there's a new mission."

When passing by the bulletin board, a sharp-eyed disciple from the inner courtyard subconsciously grabbed the companion next to him. The companion's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Let's go and take a look."

For the inner court disciples of Shrek Academy who want to graduate from the inner court, one of the requirements is to perform thirty tasks issued by the Shrek Supervisory Team, and these tasks will be registered on a special notice board by the teachers responsible for them every day. For the disciples in the inner courtyard to check and receive.

So every time the disciples in the inner courtyard pass by here, they will subconsciously glance at the bulletin board to see if there are any tasks suitable for them. After all, in addition to the graduation requirements, this is also a way for them to make money, so they cannot help but be active.

Although it is said that the execution of tasks is entirely voluntary and the academy does not pay any reward, there are goals for those tasks!

Especially those tasks about officials from various countries are so popular that once they appear, they will even attract the inner court disciples to snatch them.

Compared with those soul masters, many officials are ordinary people. It is not only easier to perform tasks, but also more profitable.

Even though the Shrek Supervisory Group has always claimed to be the guardian of the continent, it still needs money to protect it better, right?

Moreover, those officials can often seize a lot of money by killing one person. It can be seen at a glance that they have been exploiting civilians and making black money against their conscience.

Such ill-gotten gains can just be used as a reward for their justice and good deeds.

"Many people have disappeared in Ruixue City recently. It is suspected that there are evil soul masters. The number is unknown. We need to explore and solve them by ourselves. I remember it seems to be a small city north of Tiandou City?"

"Tsk, evil soul master?"

The disciple couldn't help curling his lips, "Not only is it dangerous, but there is no profit. Do you want to take it?"

The companion beside him pondered for a moment and spoke slowly.

"I think it's OK. From the description of the task, the missing people are ordinary people, and there are not many of them. Even if they are evil soul masters, they are not very strong. Thirty tasks must be completed. This task is relatively simple."

"Alas, this is the only way. How can Dai Yueheng be so lucky? We often come here to squat and never encounter tasks of officials. The targets of the boy's recent two tasks are officials. I also heard that he even found more than 100,000 gold soul coins from the official's ring in the last task."

"Okay, don't complain about the world. Hurry up and take it and register it."

Just as the two inner courtyard disciples were discussing, a voice came from behind them.

"Classmate, can you give me this task?"

The two subconsciously turned around and were shocked when they saw the person coming.

"Hello, senior sister!"


Zhang Lexuan nodded slightly, as if she didn't hear their discussion just now, and pointed to the paper in their hands calmly.

"Can you give me this task?"

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