Somewhere near an unknown lake.

Zhang Lexuan sat on a huge stone and looked quietly at Huo Yuhao who was building a barbecue grill.

The moonlight is just right, and the silvery lake surface is constantly blown by the breeze, mixed with the slightly cool moisture, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The unprecedented tranquil atmosphere caused Zhang Lexuan's pupils to gradually lose focus, making it impossible to tell whether she was looking at Huo Yuhao, the lake with occasional waves behind Huo Yuhao, or both.

Looking at it, Zhang Lexuan suddenly spoke.

"Yuhao, were you the one who made the barbecue burrito last time?"


Huo Yuhao raised his head in confusion, and after thinking for a moment, he remembered that the other party was talking about the time in the Star Dou Forest two years ago.

"Yes, how does it taste?"

The corners of Zhang Lexuan's mouth curved, and she spoke with a smile while recalling the scene at that time.

"As soon as I took the first bite, I regretted sharing the roast."

"Really? Then I'll invite Sister Lexuan to eat next time I have the chance, but we won't eat ready-made food tonight."

Huo Yuhao smiled and raised the deer he had just caught in the woods, "Eat something fresh."

Zhang Lexuan didn't reply. She just kept a semi-curled position, with her elbows supporting her knees and her hands supporting her head, watching Huo Yuhao working around.

Soon, orange fire light rose up, illuminating her eyes and the profile of the young man reflected in her eyes.

Barbecuing is something that Huo Yuhao is already familiar with. This deer is quite fat, so he doesn't need to apply any extra oil. It just sizzles under the flames. From time to time, a drop of golden fat falls into the fire, making the area clear. There was a burst of fire.

As the strips of meat gradually shrank, a mouth-watering aroma spread, making Zhang Lexuan's nose twitch.

I don't know whether it was because she had already been embarrassed in front of Huo Yuhao once, or because there were no other outsiders at the moment, Zhang Lexuan did not hide her swallowing movements, and looked eagerly at the barbecue in Huo Yuhao's hand with a pair of beautiful eyes, already looking impatient. appearance.

Sprinkling in the final seasoning, Huo Yuhao said two words that sounded like heavenly sounds in the other person's heart at this moment.



Facing the firelight, Zhang Lexuan reached out to take it, opened her mouth and took a bite, feeling the delicious taste blooming from the tip of her tongue, and a look of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

After chewing for a while, Zhang Lexuan swallowed the food in her mouth, suddenly looked at Huo Yuhao, and spoke seemingly unintentionally.

"Yuhao, do you want to do something?"

After a brief pause, Zhang Lexuan added: "About the evil soul master."

Huo Yuhao's action of grilling meat paused for a moment, but then he continued as if nothing had happened, but his tone of voice was a little more teasing.

"Sister Lexuan, it's not a good habit to eavesdrop on people."

"It's just a coincidence, okay?"

Zhang Lexuan couldn't help but laugh, without any embarrassment at being teased.

".So I guessed it right?"

Huo Yuhao turned over the kebabs in silence for a long time before letting out a soft hum.

Zhang Lexuan asked: "Even if all this has nothing to do with you?"

"Even if it has nothing to do with me, I still want to do something for them."

Huo Yuhao lowered his eyes, looked at the burning charcoal fire, and spoke with a slight smile.

"Sister Lexuan, I'm still a child, okay? At a hot-blooded age, isn't it normal for me to want to be stupid and do irrational things when my brain gets hot?"

"Still a child?"

Zhang Lexuan didn't give him any face. She stuffed the roasted meat on the stick into her mouth, glared at him, and said vaguely.

"Except for looks, there is no trace of a child at all. Children as big as you are born with older sisters and younger sisters. How can a person like you do big things in a low voice?"

Huo Yuhao's expression twitched, but he didn't know how to refute, so he could only silently turn over the barbecue in his hand.


I saw Zhang Lexuan raising her arms and stretching with a contented expression. Her beautiful figure was fully displayed in this ambiguous movement.

With a breath of turbid air, Zhang Lexuan seemed to have expelled all the troubles in her heart, and spoke to Huo Yuhao in a serious tone.

"Thank you anyway."


"Thanks to the guidance of a certain little brother, I finally figured out some things that have been bothering me for a while."

She didn't intend to become someone like Yan Shaozhe or Xuanzi, but she didn't have the ability to change. But as Huo Yuhao said, when there is no choice, just have a clear conscience, at least don't betray everything you once insisted on.

The world is not beautiful, but precisely because of this, those beautiful things will be more attractive

Seeing Huo Yuhao's confused look, Zhang Lexuan blinked her eyes and smiled brightly.

"Although I'm a little older than you, I don't seem to be old enough to be stupid."

"So, if you need me during your stupidity, just ask."

"Sister Lexuan, walk slowly and come back to play when you have time."

Not long after lunch, Huo Yuhao stood at the door and waved goodbye to Zhang Lexuan.

It wasn't until the other party's figure disappeared into the crowd that Huo Yuhao returned to the house.

After closing the door and turning around, Huo Yuhao froze in place when he met the eyes of the two figures sitting on the sofa looking at him.

"Mom, what, what's wrong?"

Compared to Gu Yuena's calm and simply looking at him, her mother's eyes were obviously countless times more complicated.

"Yuhao, what's the matter with you looking like this?"

She was not curious about Zhang Lexuan. After all, she had learned from the past several times and had a clear understanding of the efficiency of her son's cabbage harvesting.

If she didn't bring back a girl from a trip, she might still be curious.

In contrast, Zhang Lexuan is a little older. Apart from sighing that girls nowadays can even attack her brothers who are more than ten years younger than herself, Huo Yun'er doesn't have any special thoughts.

But her appearance is different. The way she looked before was enough to hook up with one person at a time, but now she looks like this and it's okay if she goes on a long trip! ?

"It became like this after I obtained the second soul ring. Don't worry, Mom, it won't have any negative effects on the body."

Huo Yun'er nodded, and just when she was about to say something, the entrance door was opened from the outside again.

"I'm back!"

He heard his voice before seeing him, and soon, a beautiful figure walked in. It was Tang Ya who had returned from vacation.

"Let me tell you, you must have never imagined who I met just now. The senior sister from the inner courtyard would actually appear in Tiandou."

Then, after seeing the long-haired boy sitting on the sofa and looking at her with a smile, her words stopped abruptly.


After careful identification, Tang Ya finally recognized the identity of the other person from the familiar outline, and her eyes couldn't help but widen.

"Yu Hao? How did you become so beautiful!?"

There was no other way, Huo Yuhao had to explain it again, and after listening, Tang Ya thought for a moment, then said seriously with a solemn expression on his face.

"How can such a thing be so casual? I'll sleep with you tonight and give you a good physical check-up."


Feeling the original sin of lust suddenly growing in his mind, Huo Yuhao felt like he couldn't hold himself any longer.

He subconsciously looked at his mother for help, and saw Huo Yun'er coughing slightly and smiling at Tang Ya.

"Xiaoya just came back. I'll cut some fruit for you."

After saying that, she walked towards the kitchen without looking back.

When his plan failed, Huo Yuhao looked at Gu Yuena again, winking like crazy.

As if she understood what he meant, Gu Yuena blinked at him twice.

Although there was no verbal communication, this simple action made Huo Yuhao suddenly feel relieved.

The tacit understanding formed over the past two years made him understand that it meant 'no problem, leave it to me'.

At this moment, he was even moved to tears.

Gu Yuena is still reliable!


Huo Yuhao, who was squeezed in the middle of the bed by Gu Yuena and Tang Ya, stared blankly at the ceiling in front of him, lost in thought.

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