Although judging from the strength shown, Gu Yuena is not as strong as herself, but her ease and ease are obviously not what a normal soul master should have.

He and Huo Yuhao had to be reborn to possess powers beyond their levels in the early stage, so why did the other party do so?

After ruling out the possibility that the other party was also reborn, Tang San's frown deepened.

Could it be that he was a genius discovered and cultivated by Huo Yuhao?

In the lounge.

Xu Sanshi was squeezing Beibei's neck with a look of grief and indignation, shaking him vigorously, and roaring with grief and indignation.

"I'm just asking you, why did you take the initiative to pick a fight with my senior classmate, causing me to be so badly tortured? Did you know this a long time ago, so you deliberately set a trap for me!?"

"Ahem. I really don't know!"

Beibei spread her hands with an innocent look on her face: "I'm looking for my junior for other reasons. Besides, don't you always feel sorry for yourself that no one can break through your defense? Wouldn't it suit you to be abused now?"

"Can that be the same!?"

Recalling the nightmare scene he had just experienced, Xu Sanshi's body trembled subconsciously and he replied angrily.

"I almost saw my breasts just now!"

Speaking of this, he subconsciously looked at the two people who suddenly hugged each other without saying a few words, and his tone was a little hesitant.

"How do I feel about the relationship between these two people? Are they a couple?"

He didn't feel it when he first saw the two of them. It wasn't until Gu Yuena went to find Huo Yuhao without looking back after beating him that he realized something was wrong.

“Not quite”

Beibei shook his head slowly, and then he couldn't help but glance at Zhang Lexuan who was talking to Xian Lin'er Du Weilun, and sighed softly.

"But we really need to work harder."

Xu Sanshi was a little confused: "What's the matter?"

However, Beibei glanced at him with some mystery: "Because someone is not enlightened."

"What the hell?"

Xu Sanshi was even more confused: "Are you talking about me?"

"you guess."


After passing the assessment, Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena don't need to worry about the rest. They only need to wait for Yan Shaozhe and Xian Lin'er to recruit them with conditions.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Lexuan and others, the two of them walked towards the outside of the Soul Fighting Area.

Soon, they saw two beautiful figures waiting at the entrance of the Soul Fighting Area.

"Sister Xiaoya, sister Nannan, why haven't you left yet?"

Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan turned their heads subconsciously when they heard the voice, and their faces suddenly showed joy when they saw Huo Yuhao.

"It doesn't matter if it's your first day of school, so Nannan and I decided to have a meal together to celebrate."

"Originally, we were going to find you in the freshmen teaching building after class. We happened to hear the announcement on the way and came directly to the Soul Fighting Field."

Jiang Nannan, who heard what Tang Ya meant, said helplessly.

"Xiaoya, didn't you agree that I would treat you this time?"

When we eat together, we all share equally. Tang Ya obviously doesn't want her to spend money.

"Oh, our relationship is so good, we are all the same."

Seeing Tang Yasan smiling and scratching her head, Jiang Nannan said angrily.

"No, we just agreed. Besides, you have helped my family so much, what does it mean if I treat you to a meal?"

Tang Ya, who knew her roommate's stubborn character, had no choice but to shut her mouth and turned to look at Huo Yuhao for help, as if waiting for him to make a decision.

Looking at Jiang Nannan who was full of expectations, Huo Yuhao hesitated for a moment and then nodded with a chuckle.

"Okay, I've had so many meals before, and this one is not bad. Thank you, Sister Nannan."

Since Jiang Wanjun recovered from her illness, Jiang Nannan no longer needs to spend all the money she earns on treating her mother's illness.

Although he is still frugal on weekdays, Huo Yuhao, who often goes to each other's house, can intuitively feel how much the quality of life of mother and daughter has changed.

It's just a treat, it's nothing.

Jiang Nannan smiled again after hearing this.

"Then let's go, let's go outside the school to see what's good to eat."

Although the food in the school cafeteria is not bad, it does not have tables and chairs!

In addition, the meals cannot be taken away. In the eyes of the elderly in the outer courtyard, inviting people to eat in the cafeteria is no different from inviting people to go to jail.

Who is a nice person who invites people to eat standing up?

It was torture.

Even Huo Yuhao is starting to think about going directly to the canteen to get ingredients and cooking them himself.

After all, food cooked by oneself has a higher energy utilization rate. Although the chefs in the college cafeteria have good skills, in Huo Yuhao's opinion, they are still a little behind. The energy contained in many ingredients is wasted in the cooking process.

If he hadn't cared so much before, after all, his body couldn't fully absorb it.

But after suffering the original sin of gluttony, he naturally wanted to squeeze out every ounce of value from the food.

There is another reason, that is, the things he makes are more to the liking of Gu Yuena Tangya and the others.

In the past two days, every time he saw Gu Yuena frowning while eating in the cafeteria, and asking him for popsicles after eating, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Office of the Dean of the Martial Arts Department.

Dong dong dong——

Yan Shaozhe, who had just returned to the academy not long ago, heard a knock on the door and frowned subconsciously.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Come in."


As the words fell, the office door was pushed open from the outside, as if his premonition was fulfilled. Before anyone could walk in, Du Weilun's urgent voice rang first,

"Dean, you are finally back. Something serious has happened."

"Something happened again?"

Yan Shaozhe looked stunned, "Isn't it the matter with the freshmen again?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Du Weilun's face, and he opened his mouth to explain.

"Zhang Lexuan suddenly applied for the assessment of the unofficial candidate team members for Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena today. When I found out, the inner court had already approved the assessment application."

"The default assessment?"

Hearing this, Yan Shaozhe looked at Du Weilun subconsciously: "What is the content of the assessment? Did the two of them pass?"

Du Weilun nodded: "The content was a one-on-one battle with Beibei Xu Sanshi, and the results were all easy wins. The most important thing is that the Immortal Dean of the Soul Guidance Department rushed to the scene as soon as he learned the news. Come here and witness with your own eyes the preliminary assessment of the two of them."

At this point, there is actually no need to say any more. After seeing these two geniuses, Yan Shaozhe could guess how Xian Lin'er would react without even thinking about it.

I want to rob someone.

"Now we're in trouble"

Hearing Yan Shaozhe's murmur, Du Weilun lowered his head subconsciously, his voice full of self-blame.

"I'm sorry, Dean, this incident is entirely due to my negligence."

However, Yan Shaozhe, who lived like a man, couldn't tell Du Weilun's thoughts. He just glanced at him briefly and then looked away.

"Okay, I don't blame you for this. The plan for now is to think about how to keep these two geniuses in the martial arts department."

Zhang Lexuan's application for the informal assessment must have been through the senior management of the inner college. It is indeed not something Du Weilun, the dean of the outer college, can interfere with.

As for Xian Lin'er mentioned later, not to mention, with her fiery temper, even if he was present, he probably wouldn't be able to stop her.

But since things happened, they happened, so he just had to find a way to remedy them. He was not a person who would only regret when things happened.

Seeing that Yan Shaozhe did not blame him, Du Weilun breathed a sigh of relief and spoke slowly.

"Actually, this is what Zhang Lexuan said about this matter."

After repeating what Zhang Lexuan said to Xian Lin'er, Yan Shaozhe subconsciously raised his eyebrows and said with some emotion.

"Is this a condition for us to compete with the soul guidance system between the martial soul system and the soul guidance system? She really did her best for that boy!"

In fact, after returning from the meeting at Poseidon Pavilion last night, he remembered that Huo Yuhao seemed to be the young man who saved Zhang Lexuan in the Star Forest and insulted Mr. Xuan in person.

Then Yan Shaozhe seemed to think of something again, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Du Weilun and asked.

"Dean Xian agreed to Zhang Lexuan's proposal?"


Du Weilun nodded and spoke in a cautious tone.

"Dean Xian asked me to tell you that you should set a time to go find the two freshmen together. He said that recruiting people depends on their abilities."

"Everyone depends on their own ability. But this way it will be easier to handle."

A sly smile appeared on Yan Shaozhe's lips, and then he spoke again.

"Tell me about Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena's performance in the assessment, especially Dean Xian's attitude towards them. Tell me everything."


Although he didn't know what Yan Shaozhe wanted to do after hearing these things, Du Weilun still fully explained the process he saw.

After hearing that Xian Lin'er seemed to be more interested in Huo Yuhao, Yan Shaozhe subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at the student files on the table, and the corners of his mouth became wider and wider.

"Eye Wuhun, no wonder she is so interested in it. In that case, let's give it to her."


Du Weilun was stunned for a moment. He immediately thought that Yan Shaozhe had been stimulated by something and his brain was not working well, so he quickly reminded him.

"Dean, although Huo Yuhao is only a great soul master, he is also a genius with the first and second soul rings for a thousand years, and judging from his assessment performance, he is definitely not weak. We can't"

However, before he finished speaking, Yan Shaozhe interrupted him with a wave of his hand and slowly explained.

"Of course I know that Huo Yuhao is also a rare genius. If it weren't for Gu Yuena, I would try my best to keep him in the martial arts department. However, among the new talents in the past few years, there are not only Gu Yuena and Huo Yuhao, but also Tang San. "

"If we don't give up on Huo Yuhao, the soul guidance system will shift its target to Gu Yuena or Tang San."

"Under this situation, if we want to recruit all three geniuses into our martial arts system, it means that we have to give three conditions at the same time that are not weaker than those of the soul guidance system. Our martial arts system simply cannot afford such a price. rise."

After hearing Yan Shaozhe's explanation, Du Weilun, who understood somewhat, nodded repeatedly.

For example, if the recruitment condition given by the Soul Guidance Department is a 90,000-year-old soul bone, their Martial Soul Department will have to give a 100,000-year-old soul bone to snatch people from the opponent.

If you want to recruit three people at the same time, you need three hundred thousand year soul bones.

After all, if only one of them was given a 100,000-year-old soul bone, then the other two might go to the soul guidance department.

And a hundred thousand year soul bone is not a piece of cabbage. If you give three pieces at the same time, even their martial souls can't afford it, so naturally they can only give up one.

As for the abandoned candidate, Yan Shaozhe chose Huo Yuhao.

"In comparison, Tang San has twin martial spirits and the strongest combat power, Gu Yuena has three thousand-year spirit rings and the highest cultivation level, and although Huo Yuhao has a body martial spirit, neither his combat power nor his cultivation level are outstanding."

"Plus, Dean Xian thinks highly of him, and it is not worth it to fight with the Soul Guidance Department for Huo Yuhao, who has the worst talent among the three. Sometimes we, the Martial Soul Department, should be more generous!"

"I understand."

Looking at Yan Shaozhe's confident appearance, Du Weilun nodded, and then changed the subject.

"But Dean, Huo Yuhao is a rare genius after all. Wouldn't it be too easy for the Soul Guidance Department to just give him up?"

"Of course I won't let them have it easy. This is my next plan."

Yan Shaozhe's eyes gleamed, and he chuckled and said, "Didn't Dean Xian say that everyone should rely on their own abilities? Then we should be more fair. When the time comes, we will directly call Huo Yuhao, Gu Yuena, and Tang San together to make a joint choice with the Soul Guidance Department."

"In this process, we will offer top-level conditions to Gu Yuena and Tang San in front of Huo Yuhao. In this way, the conditions offered by the Soul Guidance Department to Huo Yuhao will definitely be higher than ours."

"After all, if the conditions offered by the Soul Guidance Department are not as good as our Wuhun Department, even if Huo Yuhao joins them, he will definitely have some grudges in his heart. Xian Lin'er will not fail to think of this. In order to make Huo Yuhao feel valued, it is even possible that the conditions offered are much higher than ours."

Speaking of this, Yan Shaozhe's mouth curled up with a confident smile that showed he had planned everything.

"It's not a loss for us to make the Soul Guidance Department bleed for a student who is not as good as Gu Yuena and Tang San."

After listening to Yan Shaozhe's plan, Du Weilun's eyes widened and he was completely stunned.

What a beastly idea! ?

What a vicious conspiracy! ?

As different factions of the same academy, the only one who can think about pitting his own people all day long is the Dean of the Martial Soul Department in front of him!

Even he couldn't help but give a fair evaluation in his heart at this moment.

Live cub!

Thinking so in his heart, Du Weilun's eyes burst into a light of surprise, and his tone was excited and respectful.

"The Dean is wise!"

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