Yan Shaozhe, who knew nothing, hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but smile bitterly in confusion.

"Teacher, I don't quite understand."

Moon was not angry, but asked calmly: "You should understand evil soul masters, right?"

Seeing Yan Shaozhe nod, Moon continued to speak.

"Whether it is because of robbing treasures or because of hatred, normal people often consider the pros and cons when killing. Even crazy evil soul masters will not choose to kill when the cost of killing is greater than the benefits."

Yan Shaozhe nodded again to express his agreement.

But then, Moon's next words made him feel a piercing chill rising from the bottom of his heart and spreading rapidly to his limbs.

"But he will."

The simple three words hit everyone's heart like a heavy hammer, making them subconsciously tremble.

Moon said softly: "I saw an unimaginable obsession in the eyes of that child. On the surface, he seemed to be submissive and friendly to everyone, but the emotions hidden in his eyes were completely different."

"If the other party does not take death seriously and regards killing as cutting grass, as light as a feather, then killing is killing."

"But when a person who understands the meaning of death and knows that life is precious begins to pick up the butcher knife and start slaughtering, then on the scale in his heart, the weight of the matter that prompted him to kill may have exceeded his persistence and nature."

"Even if faced with the crying and pleading of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, even if he knows that he may regret it later, he will not put down the butcher knife in his hand, because he knows what he wants and has no hesitation."

"He will not start a war against anyone for the sake of profit. This also means that once he picks up a war because the other party has violated the bottom line, he will not stop because of simple pros and cons. As long as he is determined to do something, he will never hold back even if he has to slaughter hundreds of millions of people for it."

Yan Shaozhe opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

After a long time of thinking, he spoke cautiously: "Teacher, should we..."

"Everything should be as it is."


Yan Shaozhe raised his head and looked at Moon in disbelief.

So you said that there is a person in the academy who may become a big devil in the future, and then you don't care?

Shouldn't our Shrek punish evil and promote good, become the nemesis of evil and the partner of justice?

Looking at Yan Shaozhe's stunned look, Moon smiled.


"Just because the other party may bring destruction to the world in the future, we have to kill a boy who is not even twelve years old? And who can be sure whether the world will be good or bad after the turmoil?"

Speaking of this, Moon's turbid eyes became a little sharp, and he asked word by word.

"Shaozhe, when did you become like this? When did Shrek become like this?"

Hearing Moon's slightly questioning words, Yan Shaozhe seemed to finally realize that there was something wrong with his already somewhat morbid thoughts, and he was immediately shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

"We are Shrek, just an academy, a place to train soul masters. Since the academy was founded 10,000 years ago, the honor of being the first academy on the continent has made everyone, including me, arrogant. This is a terrible thing."

"Why do you think Shrek helped the Douluo Three Kingdoms to fight against the Sun and Moon Empire thousands of years ago? Was it for the so-called civilians? Was it to stop the war?"

"None of them."

"It's not for the so-called justice, nor for the so-called resistance to invasion. It's just because the current situation of confrontation between the parties is the same as the situation faced by the Spirit Hall 10,000 years ago, which is more suitable for Shrek to be independent. That's all."

Ten thousand years ago, the military power of the Xingluo Empire crushed the Tiandou Empire at that time, but it never started a war. Wasn't it because the Spirit Hall was obstructing it?

If the Xingluo Empire was allowed to unify the continent, where would their Spirit Hall survive?

Today's Shrek is not much smaller than the Spirit Hall at the time. How similar is the situation it faces to the Spirit Hall?

Not only the Sun and Moon Empire, but even the Douluo Three Kingdoms have complaints about Shrek. If the continent is unified, who can guarantee that Shrek will not be the next target?

"Calling himself the guardian of this continent, preventing wars between all parties, judging the evil..."

At this point, Moon paused, his voice calm and complicated.

"But in the final analysis, we are just human beings."

"We have never done the right thing, we are just selfish and pitiful people who want to hold this illusory glory in our hands for as long as possible."

He glanced at the people present, sighed lightly, and continued.

"I am already a dying man, with only a dozen years left to live at most. But both you and Xuanzi have fatal character flaws and are unable to shoulder heavy responsibilities."

"Originally, I was worried about the academy, but now I think that everything I care about is just blinded by this illusory honor. If this continues, Shrek will sooner or later face a catastrophe because of this arrogance that has accumulated for nearly ten thousand years."

"Compared to illusory honor, I don't want the academy to go to the fate of destruction."

Yan Shaozhe and Xuanzi lowered their heads and didn't say anything. I don't know if they heard it. After a long silence, Yan Shaozhe asked hesitantly.

"Teacher, what should we do in the future?"

"How to do it?"

Moon raised his eyebrows: "No support, no objection, fulfill your duties, cultivate geniuses, and keep a low profile."

"The students go to school and we teach them how to practice. That's enough."

"From now on, let the people and teachers in the inner court put away their arrogance, especially in the next soul master competition, and tell the few participating inner court disciples that they can show their strength, but don't Just rely on Shrek's back to bully others."

"And so are you, Xuanzi, do you understand?"

Seeing that he was called by name without saying anything, Xuanzi's face stiffened and he nodded dully.

"I understand, Mr. Mu."

Seeing this, Mu En's eyes fell on Yan Shaozhe again: "As for your fight for three geniuses, I won't care about it. Just like Xian Lin'er said, you two each rely on your own abilities, and I will also take advantage of it. I’ll take this opportunity to take a closer look at you two.”


Yan Shaozhe nodded awkwardly: "Yes, teacher"

"Well, if you have nothing else to do, you can go. Le Xuan, please stay for a while."


As the two left, the conference room fell into silence again. Zhang Lexuan, who had roughly guessed why Mr. Mu was looking for her this time, raised her head and asked softly.

"Mr. Mu, is there anything else?"

"Don't be nervous, it's just about Huo Yuhao."

Moon smiled: "After all, you were the one who specially recruited me. What do you think of this child? Tell me what you think."

".I have no idea."

Zhang Lexuan was silent, recalling in her mind the two encounters with the boy and what happened after he came to Shrek Academy. The scene finally settled on the scene where Huo Yuhao talked about his thoughts in class.

She could not comment on Huo Yuhao.

"I just think he's special"


After hearing Zhang Lexuan's answer, instead of being angry, Mu En nodded with emotion.

"He's so special, I felt that way the first time I laid eyes on that kid."

After saying that, Munn seemed to have remembered something, and his tone was filled with a smile.

"Since you came back from your mission to Tiandou City last time, your mentality seems to have improved a lot. Now that I think about it, it must be the child's contribution, right?"

Zhang Lexuan looked stunned, and just as she was about to speak, Mu En raised his palm towards her with a smile and pressed it lightly, interrupting what she was about to say.

"I don't mean anything else. I'm very happy to see that your mentality has improved a lot. Please listen to me first."


"It has been more than ten years since you joined Shrek, Le Xuan. The contribution you have made to the academy in these ten years, old man, I have seen. It has far exceeded what I did for you back then." of."

Moon looked at the silent girl calmly, recalling the scene when he first saw her in his mind, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Time flies, and the little girl with empty eyes has grown up so much.

"You are a good child and a smart child, but smart children are more delicate than others and are often more likely to get into trouble. I know you have always kept the agreement in mind, but that is just a bad old man like me. Just an impulse."

"If you only focus on the destination, you will miss too much scenery along the way. You are still young, and young people should be more energetic and should not give up their lives for the sake of the academy."

Mr. Mu paused and spoke solemnly.

"So from this moment on, you no longer need to abide by the original agreement."

Zhang Lexuan suddenly raised her head and looked at the old man with a kind smile in front of her, her voice trembling.

"Mr. Mu."

"I hope that for you, the academy is never a constraint."

Speaking of this, Mr. Mu seemed to have thought of something funny, and the wrinkles on his face were squeezed together by his grinning movements.

"If you want to yearn for a boring life day after day, you should wait until you are two or three hundred years old like me, and you are too old to move."


Zhang Lexuan was silent.

It wasn't until Mr. Mu woke up at this moment that she belatedly realized that what she had done seemed to be more than just repaying Huo Yuhao's life-saving grace.

Recalling her feelings when getting along with Huo Yuhao, Zhang Lexuan couldn't help but blush slightly.

Do you really like a brother who is so much younger than yourself?

Isn't that a perversion?

Thinking of this, she spoke with a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"Mr. Mu, I may need some time to think about it."


Realizing that Zhang Lexuan was still a little confused, Munn nodded and said with a chuckle.

"I hope you can find your own answer next time you come to see me."

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