Douluo See You For a Long Time

Vol 2 Chapter 362: species evolution

If you want a sensory organ, you need to refer to the evolution process of various sensory abilities in reality. The ability to perceive is not innate to life. The earliest beings had only the simplest responses to the outside world. Some were even unable to respond to external stimuli and could only act on the instinct of eating. These animals gradually became extinct during the process of evolution, and the remaining animals were those that gradually evolved various sensory abilities. As evolution continued, the animals' sensory abilities gradually became more powerful, and gradually It has become what we are now, and in a world with completely unfamiliar rules, how to evolve the ability to perceive the outside world depends on the process of the evolution of these animals and plants.

First of all, perceptual ability requires the ability to respond to external stimuli. Just like our sense of smell and our vision, certain special cells in the body undergo certain changes when they receive odor molecules and light signals. This change lets us know. Stimulations from the outside world to us.

So some originally useless structures played a role in that illusory world. The originally useless structures were structures that would break into pieces after slight external stimulation. These are very common types in that unknown world. The rules are quite complex, and there are many complex external environments, so some unstable structures are prone to damage, and these damages often correspond to different destructive effects. natural environment.

Under normal circumstances, these structures are too easy to break, so they cannot build superpowers. They are structures that are quickly abandoned by superpowers. They think these things are too fragile and continue to develop. They understand their nature. It does not help them obtain powerful extraordinary power, so few people conduct in-depth research on this aspect. But if you evolve to the point where you need to perceive the external environment in this strange world, then these relatively fragile structures will have their own meaning.

For example, a special environment defined as a strong wind will destroy some relatively stable structures. However, according to the rules, there are signs when this kind of environment appears. When signs appear, Their destructive power is relatively low. If such a structure is discovered at this time, the extraordinary structure you have built can be reinforced. After the reinforcement, it can be supported under the influence of a relatively strong natural environment, or at least reduce losses.

Under normal circumstances, those solid structures will not be damaged under relatively weak damage. Without damage and the existence of perception ability, there is no way to feel the danger coming. Until the enhanced destructive power reaches a certain level, Completely destroying the structure you built, you realize what happened. At this time, you install some relatively fragile structures on your own structure, so that if a special situation occurs, they will be destroyed first. , making people realize that there may be a strong wind next.

By taking precautions in advance, you can avoid a series of losses. This is similar to the stress response of some plants. They will only make specific actions when they receive specific stimuli. The types of these stimuli are actually It's hard to tell.

And now the perception of the outside world is carried out in an extremely vague manner.

In fact, many superpowers have not discovered that the area where the superpower structures they built is not a space with a stable natural environment at all. There will be various different natural environments, so that their superpowers After reaching a certain level, there may even be the possibility of being suddenly destroyed and falling back. Some even sum up the cycle in which their super powers are destroyed, and when their super powers are destroyed, they choose to retreat to avoid danger. This is even an undisclosed secret of some sects, that is, their sects keep secrets from the outside. The weaknesses of the super powers they use may one day weaken due to the destruction of the super powers, and the previous ones must be rebuilt. Only with the super power system can we recover little by little.

Many entities have discovered these manifestations, but they did not expect them because of the local environment. There will be changes over time.

As a result, they did not summarize the rules, which also led to this chaotic and uncertain change, making it impossible for many exercises and many summarized rules to be passed down. It is like someone summed up a set of rules to build it on land. A stable construction method, but everyone’s birth point is different. Some people may be born directly in the deep sea, and he borrowed the experience of the person who built his stable structure on land to build his own stable structure. The structure collapsed directly under the water pressure of the deep sea.

And the various environments in that strange world are much more complex than what was just described. It not only has land and deep seas, but also probably has a series of complex natural environments such as grasslands, deserts, and forests. .

This results in mutual experience that cannot be shared because of the differences in the regions where they are located. This difference in regions is considered by some people as talent and roots. Some sects will test a person through certain testing methods. The talent and foundation, and then specifically recruit the type that matches your sect.

This has led to a strange phenomenon. There are many sects of superpowers in this era, and each sect has different talent requirements. So whether you are a genius or not, you need to go to different sects to verify whether you are in this sect. A loser, maybe the next sect will just meet their requirements and he will be a genius.

However, due to the limited angle of exploration, not all natural environments have explored a path that can lead to strong development, or this path is considered to be very difficult to develop after being explored. Therefore, a considerable number of people are still considered useless without any talent. This may be because the location where they built the structure is really bad. They must find a way to make the structure they constructed have the ability to move to a less bad location before they can complete their start. Of course, it is also possible Relying on their own intelligence and wisdom to build a structure that can survive in such a harsh area, then they are at the level of establishing a sect. There are obviously very few people who can do this.

Cheng Ying's theoretical system is already ahead of countless others. He has discovered that his environment will change over time, and will also change as the structure he built moves, so he has begun to construct own sensory equipment.

This is a very interesting exploration, the process of discovering a whole new world. At first, he didn't even know that a structure he constructed could be moved. Instead, he discovered that the structure he was in was the one he had summarized after constructing it. The rules begin. became inaccurate.

He had constructed a set of rules before and accumulated a part of his experience. He found that he could sum up the rules in the process and adjust his subsequent structure according to the changes in the surrounding environment. In this way, his super powers would not be interrupted, and they would change after adapting to these rules. Be stronger.

But as he built a special structure, he found that the rules he had summarized before did not apply, and there were some environmental changes that were not included in the previous rules. This means that he may have ushered in the changes of the times, and the natural environment has undergone drastic changes. It may also mean that he has changed in his spatial position or other concepts, which has led to changes in his surrounding environment. In the beginning, At that time, he had not thought of himself, but it was actually his moving spatial position, which led to changes in the rules.

At that time, he just instinctively wanted to study clearly the laws contained in the changes in the rules. Later, after an accidental structural transformation of his own structure, he found that he had rediscovered the laws he had summarized before. At this point, He gradually realized that he might have come into contact with the secret of movement. Before, he had moved to different places, which led to his current location. The rules summarized no longer apply, as if it had moved from the ocean to the land, so the survival rules summarized in the ocean naturally cannot be used on the land, but due to a coincidence of movement, it returned to the sea. The rules summarized can naturally continue to be used.

It's just that although he has mastered the structure of movement now, he can't control the direction of his movement. He doesn't even know the direction he moves to. He can only rely on luck, which is obviously not possible. Many people may have accumulated to this step by mistake, but because of the rules they summarized before, they all failed after moving the spatial position, causing the constructed structure to completely collapse. After reaching this step, because the rules changed, , and need to adapt to this set of rules from scratch and build a brand new system, so that after the collapse of the previous super power, it is impossible to build a new super power again, which may even lead to the decline of one's social status and the loss of super power in reality. Yes, he could be killed by his enemies or something like that.

This phenomenon is called out-of-control by superpowers. It is what they fear most. If the super-power goes out of control, everything accumulated before will be meaningless. If you build it again, you will have to start from scratch. Although it is better than ordinary people, , they have richer experience, and part of the experience accumulated before is still valid. But he will inevitably fall into a period of weakness for a long time, and may even never reach the peak when he was at his strongest.

Cheng Ying successfully crossed this most difficult threshold. After the move, the structure it built collapsed due to changes in rules, but he did not give up, but restructured it and summarized the common points. Regularity and difference. A new structure was built, and a mobile unit was built. After several attempts, luckily it moved back to the previous regular area. What he needs now is to guide himself in how to move. Without vision, hearing, and smell, an animal moves without any feeling. It's impossible to tell where you have moved. Only after you have perception can you define your own movement. Otherwise, movement is just a concept and cannot be recognized.

And now he is trying to build a perceptual system that is complex enough in this new world. He is still using the relatively simple structure of the previous principles. There are some types with fragile structures and easy destruction, and placing them in his own surface of the structure. Or build a special perception area in your own structural system. You can judge what kind of environment you are in through the collapse of these fragile structures. You can even judge the direction in which you are moving, because some special natural phenomena will occur during the movement. These natural phenomena can also be judged by other fragile structures. UU Reading and judge these natural directions The direction in which these natural phenomena occur can be judged by the different directions of collapse.

This may be a bit abstract, but as an analogy, it is like a creature growing many tiny hairs on its body, similar to our hairs. If airflow is triggered during movement, it can pass through the airflow. Judging by direction. The direction you are moving is as if you are in a windless space. When you run forward, your hairs can feel the wind blowing towards you. In fact, it is not the wind blowing over you, but you. The forward process leads to the relative motion between the wind and you. In this special natural environment, although there is no wind, there are some vectors that will change due to movement, but they are not necessarily wind. They may also be Inertia, for example, when running forward and accelerating, we also have the same villi in our cochlea. We can judge from the flow of liquid in the cochlea that the inertial system we are in has changed and is accelerating forward. In this way, even if Even with our eyes closed, we can feel that we are accelerating, decelerating, or falling.

Cheng Ying doesn't know what kind of natural environment in that strange world the perception system he built senses. Maybe it's gravity, maybe inertia, maybe the area he's in is indeed filled with fluids, or maybe it's... A natural phenomenon that is beyond our cognitive concepts, which requires a more complex perceptual system to recognize, but he can roughly do it now. Through this complex perceptual system, we can understand our surrounding environment. By understanding our surrounding environment, we can understand how we can survive better and build a more grand and complex structure?

[To be continued]

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