Douluo See You For a Long Time

Vol 2 Chapter 365: map idea

It is normal for them to define the collapse of a large number of people's mental structures as natural disasters. After all, this phenomenon has never been seen suddenly before, and its impact is huge. Almost everyone will be affected to a greater or lesser extent, and their own structure The relatively simple ones are less affected, and their structures are complex, while the larger ones are more affected, and the larger they are, the greater the impact will be as time goes by. In fact, during the process of hunting, the population will pass on food information to members of the same population. This is a very normal design to facilitate finding more organic matter. In the early oceans, organic matter often existed in large areas, and many early businesses also had similar genes.

Although the environment here is different from the ocean, the concentration of organic matter is higher than in the ocean. To be precise, it is not organic matter, but the negative entropy equivalent to organic matter in this universe.

When these order structures are gathered together, a single eating individual cannot collect all the order contained in these structures, and more beings are required to participate in this collection process. In this way, the extraordinary person whose extraordinary structure collapses will find that the collapse speed of his own structure may not be too fast at the beginning, and his manual repair speed can even catch up with the speed of collapse, but as time goes by , the collapse speed will become faster and faster, just like knocking down dominoes at the same time. And it is out of control. If you adjust your structure when the collapse occurs at the beginning, there is a certain possibility of escaping the collapse. But as the subsequent collapse becomes more and more severe, it will be incurable. If you suffer from the disease, basically the mental structure you built will be completely broken, and you have to start from scratch, and even if you start from scratch, you may not be able to succeed, and you may encounter such interference.

Those who adjust their own structure from the beginning and escape in this situation are actually because adjusting their own structure will affect the surrounding structures, which leads to the production of those who go to The surrounding creatures that collect energy may have their own structures rewritten during this process. After all, although the rules of that world are special, there is no such thing as making something out of nothing. In that world, you can build your own structure. The structure also needs to absorb material from the surroundings, and the target of this absorption can be extracted from the living body. After all, the creatures in this world have just been born, and they are not even complete creatures and cannot continue to self-sustain.

Therefore, it is completely possible to absorb substances from such things. Imagine that if a person can absorb substances out of thin air, he only needs to absorb a few important nerves in his brain when facing an enemy. Perhaps all it takes is the removal of a few dozen cells to collapse a person. And this is a rather exquisite physiological structure designed by the human body that has evolved over countless years. If it were placed at the earliest time, when life had just evolved, if a piece of basic wood was removed, it would probably lead to the collapse of the entire structure.

This is actually one of the shortcomings of the dynamic balance structure compared to the static stacking structure chosen by most people. In the dynamic balance structure, the stability is actually worse. Taking away any node in it may lead to complete failure. Crash.

This kind of collapse is almost impossible to recover from. It is for these reasons that I created Chengying. These similar creatures will suffer casualties in the process of preying. If they find that their mental structure has been damaged, they will immediately modify their mental structure. During the modification process, they will naturally absorb materials from the surroundings. Although There is no control over what type of substance is absorbed. But it is very likely that the substances in the bodies of those suspected biological beings have been absorbed.

After removing this building block, the structure of the creature is likely to collapse and fall into death. In this case, naturally no more predators will go to this area in the future.

After all, a prerequisite for a large number of predators to gather here is that the first being obtains the physical object here and secretes the corresponding structure. Can be identified and guided in this direction for those who come after you. If the sent structure collapsed because it could not find food, then the route he explored would be considered a meaningless route.

It will eventually be completely cleared away to prevent the accumulation of too many guiding structures in the future, which will lead to getting lost in the subsequent development process.

When facing a crisis, a big difference between humans and animals is that humans will sum up their experiences and lessons in the crisis, and then use the rules summarized from these experiences and lessons to deal with disasters. This time is defined as a natural disaster. , things that are actually man-made disasters are constantly being summarized, and the first thing they made clear is the issue of whether the spiritual world that they have been discussing before is common, and whether everyone is in the same spiritual world. , now it seems that the results have been obtained, the answer is yes, otherwise, the possibility of everyone being affected by the disaster at the same time is too low. Under the premise that everyone is in the same spiritual world, many people have already thought of a question before they have survived the disaster, that is, whether the structure they built in the spiritual space can destroy other people. The structure built by people in their mental space? Since everyone is in the same space to achieve regional crossing, and then destroy other people's mental structures, it should be theoretically possible, and in the future this may become a special fighting method. In reality, people use their own Superpower combat is constructed in space, and when superpowers and superpowers face each other, they may have a more efficient way of fighting, but it is not certain yet. Can everyone find each other by moving through space? The only thing that was certain was that a terrible disaster was erupting in the spiritual world where they were.

At the same time, they judged the disaster differently according to different people's situations. It did not cover the entire world in an instant, but spread little by little, or only a part of the area was affected by the disaster. After all, no matter how fast the population expands, it is impossible to fill the entire universe in a short time, or in other words The current generation will never see these species occupying the entire space of the universe even until their death.

According to the descriptions of those who have been affected by the disaster, some rules can be summarized. The spiritual structures they constructed have certain things in common, that is, the spiritual structures they constructed also contain a structure that seems to contain People with this structure are more likely to be attacked, so when necessary, they need to dismantle the corresponding structure from their own mental structure to prevent themselves from becoming the target of subsequent unexpected events.

In addition, some people have summarized other rules. Some people have noticed that the external environment of the structures built by different people is actually different. This is also one of the important reasons why each person's structure is different from person to person. There is no way to pass it on to the other party easily. This is because The areas they are in are different from each other.

When they build their own mental structure, if the analogy is in reality, it is actually like building their own castle bit by bit in the ocean. At this time, the structure of the seabed is not flat, and they want to build it on top of it. For a regular castle, you need to lay a foundation first, and then plan your own flat, standardized grid layer. Most extraordinary beings use similar methods to build their own superpowers, and certain problems are bound to arise in this process, that is, not all places have similar foundations that can be standardized. Realize your own transcendence.

As for the reason for choosing standardization, it is actually very simple. If we standardize, we can follow the path pioneered by our predecessors. After the standardized structure is completed, the practice routines built by previous people can be used. Otherwise, it is like someone else built a building on the ground. This building is straight upward, and you choose a piece of If you try to build a building vertically on sloping land, you will definitely not be able to build it, and it will completely collapse halfway through. And if you make a flat foundation first and build it into a plane yourself, then the relevant experience can become a reference and be absorbed.

Based on these foundation-building experiences, people in this world actually have a more or less certain understanding of the different material spaces in the spiritual world. Different people have certain differences in their starting environment. If you really feel that your starting point is too difficult, you can restart it, which means completely destroying your mental structure, leaving nothing behind, and then you can randomly give yourself a new birth point from scratch.

These rules are basically unknown, but they also know that everyone's talents are different, and the biggest influence is probably the different positions they are in. If they were all in the same starting position, people with the same intelligence would not be able to make such a big difference.

Being able to realize that the environment will be different means that some geniuses can use these differences to identify what kind of activities are suitable. What kind of structural architecture is suitable?

They call it the gifted environment. As for the various differences in talent environments, there are actually relatively detailed records at present. In some of these talent environments, the probability of encountering disasters is greatly increased. In other words, in these special areas, there may be unforeseen consequences. The dangers of names lie hidden.

People in similar areas should be careful, or they should improve their defenses to prevent being attacked by natural disasters. Once their mental structure is damaged, they should replace their mental structure on a large scale. In this way, you will lose your super power in a short period of time, but the biggest difference between this kind of loss and passive loss is that it is controllable and can affect your own abilities under your own control.

If you can control when you lose this power, you can be fully prepared before losing it. It is obviously much easier to deal with real-life troubles when you are prepared. However, even if they are prepared, many people still find that when they complete the reconstruction after the collapse of their mental structure, they collapse again. Only after waiting for a long period of time, waiting for the last collapse of their mental structure, the remaining structures It can only be rebuilt after it completely disappears, which is like a curse.

And this natural disaster also allowed the humans in this world to figure out a weird map of the spiritual world bit by bit. This map was constructed through their own guesswork.

To be precise, this isn't even a map. It is the most vivid metaphor they can make for the space in the spiritual world.

Only people in a part of this map would be attacked, and some people who were good at calculations jointly guessed and deduced a map based on the order in which their mental structures collapsed. UU reading www. uuuummThis is like a contour line. If a disaster breaks out from a central point, and then moves towards the surroundings, we can speculate according to the farther the distance, the later it will be affected, and then add some other influencing factors to build a mathematical model, which can be based on the environment. Parameters to develop a map. For the time being, this map seems to be just for entertainment, and it does not even have much influence. But when we look back at this point in time in the distant future, everyone will realize how important this map is, precisely because The birth of such a map made people realize that the true face of the spiritual world is actually similar to the real world. It is also a strange and bizarre world with complex and numerous rules. Under the framework of these rules, life as rich and colorful as the real world can be nurtured. And by that time, people were finally able to realize that what had happened was not a natural disaster, but the life that had finally been born in this world. Life itself is like a natural disaster to the world, just like the photosynthetic creatures that were born in the earliest days of the earth. They spread oxygen that did not exist on the earth throughout the atmosphere and oceans, causing a horrific biological extinction. After that, organisms evolved into what they are today, into the type that needs oxygen to survive. And this is the transformation that living things have used to transform the world over countless years. The grandeur of this transformation is beyond the reach of even humans in the 21st century.

[To be continued]

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