Douluo See You For a Long Time

Vol 2 Chapter 401: artificial bait

Dust like dandelions is impossible to prevent. It is difficult for sandstorms to occur in the jungle. After all, with the obstruction of trees, most of the dust will be blocked. But if it is replaced, it can float in mid-air like a dandelion. Dust is another story. Unless it rains heavily, these dusts will almost never fall to the ground, and compared to real dandelions, their surfaces are quite waterproof. The coating, even in heavy rain, can continue to float as long as it is not directly hit by raindrops. Their dandelion-like floating method can easily be sucked into the air inlets of various rotating machinery. .

The consequences of this are often disastrous. In particular, these mechanized war weapons often have their own independent power devices, such as internal combustion engines. Although the principles may be different, they are all types that require the inhalation of air or other substances. In this case During the process, if the air containing these dusts is absorbed, the result will be catastrophic. After all, the internal structures of these devices are often quite precise. Once there is a little bit of wear, it may cause huge harm, and these The special sand itself is much harder than real sand. If it cannot be removed bit by bit, the wear will only become more serious as time goes by. The wear and tear can reach fatal levels.

Even if such an engine can be replaced, the price will definitely be quite high. After all, even if the other party does not have industrial capabilities, there is no limit to the production capacity of industrial precision equipment.

Therefore, in the early days of the war, before the white sand dust spread, the situation on the battlefield ended and changed. The effect of weapons designed specifically for mechanical enemies was definitely that before the sand retreated from the body of the living thing. Although It will feel very painful, but your own physiological structure will expel the foreign matter from the body little by little.

Normally, as long as the amount of normal substances in the body is generally small and the volume is still small, there is nothing the human body can do. We remove it bit by bit through metabolism or appetite and wounds.

Although dust and the like can also cause damage to living bodies, the damage is less severe, and even if it causes damage to living bodies, it cannot heal the wounds on its own. In comparison, the damage caused by the dust integrated into the machine is less. After all, mechanical parts have the ability to heal themselves. Before the damage occurs, there is no real damage and there is no recovery method. The only option is to replace parts. After all, in industrial situations, the cost of replacing parts is even higher than the cost of repair.

In such an environment, both sides were hurt at the same time, but it was obvious that the mechanical side suffered less damage. We are at a disadvantage when it comes to cutting down the initial crop.

At the same time, during the battle, Chenxi also began to pay attention to the development of machinery. It's just that I use mechanical parts for my own life form. Since I had not resorted to using sand and other methods to restrain the machinery that time, reducing the number of mechanical units on my side was simply adding to the chaos.

What I mean by attaching importance to is attaching importance to the development of the enemy's machinery industry. What those mechanical devices need is the ordered matter produced by photosynthesis. Rather, they are minerals contained in natural media. Through the reaction between minerals and ordered substances, a substance is formed that can not be used by living organisms, but is also ordered.

We are used to make various mechanical equipment, and those minerals cannot be produced continuously like photosynthesis. They can only be mined under the map, which means that the two sides need to fight for it in the ensuing war. There is one less resource point. Except there is another mineral missing from the territory. Compared to special territories, territories filled with minerals became more precious that time.

And the signs of mineral resources over there are also very obvious. The location of those mineral units can be detected from the air. It seems that to make it easier for both sides to collect minerals during the battle, all minerals are exposed on the surface. The distribution of those mineral resources can be roughly inferred from the area of ​​the minerals exposed on the surface.

But from another perspective, there is definitely no place that the enemy must attack, so the defense towers outside are even more ineffective than retreat weapons.

Is there any way that a vein that originally contained few minerals would look huge in the sky?

But there is no doubt that the mineral vein will be selected as the next key retreat area. But that mineral area is quite remote. Located in a valley, the majestic mountains only have one entrance on the front, similar to this kind of terrain where one man is blocked and no one can open it.

And that is undoubtedly a fatal trap for the opponent. The opponent needs a small amount of minerals, so there is no way to endure such temptation, and even if the opponent really breaks through it, it really discharges the mining robots. We will eventually discover that there are no minerals we want out there, it is just a trap to deceive us. With a trap like that, removing this layer of mineral veins from the surface is even less difficult than digging other large mines. This is definitely a gain that outweighs the loss, and it also means that a small loss of troops will be required in the process of retreating.

Those giant metal battleships have extremely thick inner shells, and almost all biological weapons cannot break my defense.

When Chen Xi discovered the place before leaving the mining area, he immediately put up heavy troops to protect it. Outside of that opening period, the opponent has no way to get the mining area, and the competition for initial resources is also passive due to sand and dust. Even if Chen Xi allocated part of his troops to protect the mining area, I still had a slight advantage in the initial land grabbing process. So that advantage was small, but it was enough. Decide the outcome of that war. But without Shachen to restrain the opponent, as long as they have the advantage, it will be difficult for the opponent to come back.

Chen Xi hadn't figured out what to do after the war ended. So when the enemy finished the reconnaissance map, they saw a giant mineral vein that had been refreshed in the area where the morning light was, and in an area far away from my small base camp.

The size of this vein is about ten times that of the special mine. If it definitely occupies me, there will basically be a shortage of minerals. The only drawback is that this vein is too close to the core area where the opponent is. If you want to grab it first, it is possible.

Chen Xi had not figured out the rule in the next battle. The smaller the surface area occupied by the mineral area, the smaller the total amount of minerals it contained. And that rule cannot actually be used in reverse.

Originally, those species degenerated from the water, but after leaving the water for too long, the ability of those species to live in the water was weakened. After all, they are combat units on land and must adapt to various simple conditions on land. , we must give up part of it and sacrifice part of our ability, and in that case, we will often lose quite a few abilities.

Therefore, the battle was not quite a fierce war just now. The combat effectiveness of the mechanical army was indeed weaker from the front. It was only the appearance of a small amount of non-combat attrition that evened the combat effectiveness between the two sides.

The subsequent construction of defense towers is a relatively light and relatively passive defense. After all, the enemy will definitely come and fight back with the defense tower. And his defense tower can move everywhere. In that case, the retreating party will actually have an advantage, and its resource consumption will be less than that of the defending party.

Of course, there is no way to do that. Although a small part of those minerals are shallow minerals, they will disappear if you continue to dig upward. But if you just scrape off one layer and lay it next to it, there is no problem at all. All the soldiers in the town were busy with that matter during this time. Create a face-saving project that is not attractive enough.

Designs like that are all over the entire valley, and the enemy must launch a retreat due to lack of resources. As soon as the land grab was over, the territory around that area was violently snatched away by the opponent. This is not the end of the story. The dangerous terrain of the canyon is really difficult to deal with. There is no river flowing through the canyon, and that river is under control. Dawn cannot deploy its own defenses under the river, and it is difficult to cross the river.

In order to cause enough trouble for the enemy's retreating troops, few professional dust defense towers were deployed during the installation of defense towers in those areas, turning the long valley into a foggy area, making it impossible for any machine to escape from those areas. If you pass through the fog, fine dust will be mixed into the interior, causing damage to the machinery.

Reconnaissance from the sky revealed no clues. Anyone who has not seen me would suspect that it is filled with precious minerals, but in reality that is not the case.

Facing such terrain, it is really difficult to fight back the intruders, and a small amount of troops will be consumed by the defense towers along the way. But the temptation outside is definitely worth it.

In theory, the river does not have a certain value for competition, but that value is actually quite unlimited. Even if the river is captured, it can only be used as a barrier in the end and cannot be used as a production area. After all, it is outside Not just a river, but a vast ocean.

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Before experiencing that battlefield once, Chen Xi discovered that the map in the battlefield would change every time he retreated. That kind of change will make the terrain random, and both sides must use reconnaissance to know the situation under the map.

Dawn only needs to place these creatures that can only live in water in the river. You cannot cross the river professionally, or you cannot cross the river weakly, and suffer losses caused by a small number of attacks in the process. They crossed the river weakly and suffered a small amount of damage in the process.

Faced with that situation, reconnaissance is still necessary. Not because the enemy needs to send troops to conduct reconnaissance after each battle, I am sure that the opponent does not know every change of terrain.

The child also needs to take into account the ability to move in the water and the ability to fight on land. In this way, the ability to fight on land will inevitably be weakened. In addition, metal things will be extremely affected in the water, and the child will retreat into the water. If fighting in water, the probability of damage is even smaller.

Chenxi relied on the end of the sandstorm to gain a huge advantage in the initial competition for resources. At the same time, relying on manned aircraft to conduct low-altitude reconnaissance, Xiaozhi obtained the routine of that space. Although we were fighting with a small army, the size of the room was not very large, and there were even mountains, rivers, and lakes.

A fierce fight broke out under the river, and the opponent also showed his trump card that had never been seen before. Obviously, although he forced out a small part of the opponent's trump card, some super weak abilities were still retained, such as A giant battleship built under the river.

But in the final analysis, it is still inside the pyramid. Even if the combat space is not extremely small, there is actually no lower limit.

And since the enemy also knows about it, there will be nothing to do outside. Since the distribution of minerals itself is random. Moreover, the size of the mineral vein can be basically determined by the area seen from the sky.

Now there are no areas full of minerals. Those areas are areas where the enemy will inevitably retreat. Setting up a small number of defense towers outside there will naturally be very effective.

Although the effect of those minerals on the morning light is very, I must also find ways to occupy those areas. Until I occupy those areas, I can't use those areas as bait to create traps that can't ambush the enemy.

The minerals are spread around before being mined, forming a mining area that looks extremely huge from the sky. As a result, what was originally a large mine was abruptly expanded into a super small mine with an area dozens of times larger than the original one.

Defense towers need to be moved. It must be just that the cost is too high. As long as you ensure that the enemy will frequently retreat to that area, defense will definitely pay off.

As long as the mineral area occupied by one's own side is small enough, the opponent's resources will definitely be in short supply, and the focus of attack must be those mineral areas. Before those important strategic locations appeared, the role of defense towers was reflected in a step back.

It's just that as a guardian, we don't know that the results we detect in the air may not be real. Otherwise, our eyes will deceive us.

If the flying unit must be used to retreat and explore that range, it will actually take a long time to record the entire map.

[To be continued]

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