Douluo see you

Chapter 116 knowledge is strength

The Oscarmo is sent to the wall, and as the natural old snake skin, Ma Hongjun can find those places that are not positive in hair salons, pedicure shops, bath, and the like, which is a natural intuition, extremely accurate.

It is only a good technology that can be found that it does not mean to go, Ma Hongjun makeup is really good. But you can make the mature mature that you can increase the height.

Ma Hongjun's development has been very fast, but this age, even if it is matched in his own shoes, it is only nearly one meter and two.

This height, as long as it is not a brain, it is absolutely able to see if there is a problem. However, Ma Hongjun is also a matter, still don't know if he has eaten it, but Oscar once again saw him again, it was already a local policeman pulled him back.

It seems that he doesn't seem to have, and it has encountered a somewhere. But because of the age of too small, there is no way to be convicted and repatriated.

As for the homeless hairdclop shop he went ... It can only be said that they are unlucky. If the business that does not have a minor, it is necessary to pay for it, and the extent to be horsoned by Ma Hongjun, the store is afraid that it is not a short time. coming.

In the bedroom, Ma Hongjun took a Pocky, like a bite like a random smoke, and the fu is spit out.

"How to suck chocolate rods is also spitting!" Oscar couldn't help but spit, no more Pocky? Do you think you are Texas?

"Fu! You don't understand!" Ma Hongjun was shameless and spitted with smoke: "You still have a child, will not understand the happiness of these adults!"

"Adults have a ghost! You haven't had a five-year-old birthday!" Oscar's mouth convulsions: "What do you do? I have seen it when you are urinary, what can I do? ! "

"I have said that you don't understand, this is a happiness that adulpers knows, you will not understand the dead house of Little Loli every day."

"Let me not believe me!"

"Come! Who is afraid!"


Almost at the same time, local public security organs received reports, in the last time, the local police officers found a very harsh hiring child labor case.

The criminal suspect is suspected of hiring male young children to perform X service, the service content is not limited to X, licking X, buckle X, the plot is extremely bad, the local police criminally detained for the suspect, the court will be tried to hear the case ...


The inquiry is naturally concerned about Shrek's seven strange, and after seeing Ma Hongjun to give him a whole, the whole person is ignorant.

"Good guy, I thought that the Naruto can develop outstanding incense in the young, it is already enough to go against the sky. This Nima is almost because of this kind of criminal detention, it is really you!"

Ask the contract, this time it is absolutely not his pot. He is not involved in Ma Hongjun, which is mixed in this goods.

"I think the law of the Tiangou Empire has a huge vulnerability, like Ma Hongjun, this unnamed, it will not be punished." Ice Emperor smoked the drink in the trophy.

After putting the soy sauce, cherry cola, pepper drinks, the ice is finally able to taste the drink in the cup.

"This is also something wrong.

The law does not stipulate what it is not necessary, such as the law, there is no provision in the past public toilet to steal the stool, because normal people can't do this!

You feel the normal four-year-old child, you can know to find the shampoo, you can also learn skillfully, tall the fingertips? "Even now, the contrast is still very egg pain."

"However, after this time, the Tiangou Empire will probably consider the content of legislation, but it is estimated that it can only limit the service of minors, increasing crime costs, no way, except for a very small number of freaks, under five years old It is impossible to think that they have civil capacity. "With a helpless way.

Some things don't have a way to solve the technological rehabilitation, otherwise, why there are so many people say sociology is pseudoscience. This kind of satisfaction is difficult to calculate, get a quantitative result, and one of the top headaches of insertion.

At present, tulips solve this method of this issue, quite simple and rude, and only the ancient emperors can do.

That is to establish a partial brain in various planets, use spiritual to monitor every resident on the planet, this slight privacy does not have the earth, definitely to explode in place, but if it is everyone They are all monitored, and the monitor's reputation is high enough, and it is time, most people will happen to this.

Just like the earth we have gradually happily accustomed to the filing of personal information into various websites and applications, I am used to targeting advertising, selling calls, habiting, analyzing personal preferences by big data, is used to the recommended page of a treasure See a plane cup or mouth (pull)

"Well, no matter what they are, let's go to a copy! Some things, we can get our strength." In the case of the licking lips, there is an almost invincible equipment, Get the same, basically you can rash in the game.

"Okay! What is the copy of our row? If you want to be taught! Every time I see you, I will give it a compulsory one, I will pay it to the NPC in the game, and I still have a positive guidance they learn 3- 3 miles of basic formulas, I feel extremely violated. "The Emperor couldn't help the vomiting, and the missionary pose of the contrast is too strange. There is no such a wonderful missionary in history.

"Cut! I don't understand what is the knowledge is power?" I said that she took out the original application of this book, the thick book cover is a hard alloy. The book ridge and the edge of the cover are all over the thorn, and the blood tank has also been opened, a tough metal chain is connected to the bookmark, and its coarseness is completely like a bookmark.

Grab a chain of the chain, you can use this thick, rounded book as a meteor hammer.

"I have added Feng Ruger, crit, crushed, violent, and many spells, etc.

The infants who hold this book can use the body to make the enemy understand, what is the power! "

ice King:"……"

What is the strength? What is the problem with your understanding of this sentence? The power of knowledge is definitely not to put the knowledge on the enemy's face with a high-speed high-speed in one hundred and eighty meters! It is definitely not!


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