Douluo see you

The essence of the evolution of the first thousand and twenty-five

"Don't tell me this to cure! The other infected people don't take the crystals on themselves, you can restore health." The owner did not believe in the contract.

"Probably, do you usually do this? I look at you all kinds of strange scars, it should be the trace left behind the place to crystallize." Pointing in his arm. Block scarred scar.

"You said that it is true, just started with a crystal on your body, and then it's still a dangerous, it's almost infected several times.

But there is a lot of time, it may be more times, and the wound healing of the crystal behind the rear is getting faster and faster. I don't worry about the problem of infection. "

The infection is nodded, probably understands the situation of infected people, the strange self-healing ability, should be improved with the degree of infection, like him to die, will be so exaggerated before his eyes Self-healing.

For other people, if the crystal hurts the bones, I am afraid that I have to stay ten and a half. If I don't go to the city center for ten or a half, I have to live and starve, and there is no social security system.

What's more, most of the spars is not simple in the body surface, and the greater probability is to appear directly in the body, and grow from the organ position in the body.

If it is in the heart of the heart, even if it can be taken, it will not be asked since healed, and it will bleed too much, and there are many other functional organs.

Even if the crystal is in some less than a key location in the body, it is not an easy thing to take it out, and the needle to seal the nerve is a technology, and the nerve this is in a seven tuning. There are fewer differences in each person. You must take a position once, if you have tied it many times, it is likely that you can break the nerve. Their is big.

If there is no way to make a anesthesia, it is not a perseverance to open a mouthful of mouth, I am afraid I haven't taken the crystals, and I am active to have myself.

In addition, in this bad living environment, it is likely to be infected in this bad living environment. Therefore, unless the crystal is directly long in the meter. Otherwise, few people will try to make them out.

The self-healing ability of Uncle's uncle is obviously exceeded, saying that he is a human change, and there is no problem.

The adult thinks of some speculation of his early speculation, the lactary disease may not be a disease, but a certain evolution of human beings, but this evolutionary process is fierce, which will eliminate a considerable number of people.

The most typical one is the gods of the soul of the Empire, they have the ability to accurately control the soul,

It is possible to control the soul of the soul, and their physical examination shows that their tissue cells contain a lot of soul crystals, almost completed the symbiotic symbiotic, after surgery, after cutting the bulk effort, after crystallization, These sisters are very healthy.

As for why they are all women, and some individuals have shown obvious non-human characteristics, this is unknown, probably genetic mutation ...

The doctrine of the eyes seems to have the trend of developing towards the direction of the gods, but the mother's words are not thinking, anyway, from the perspective of the second sexy, he is a signs of women.

"I always feel that you have such a strong recovery ability, it has been varied! It may be a matter of object, you have a deeper infection in the future. It may not be squeezed into the body's crystals, you don't have to do surgery. It can also quickly repair the body. "

The contrast is not a laugh, his mental scan, this doctrine has already been ill, not just his leg, the kidney, the lungs, intestines, the vicinity is different. Crystals.

These things will not be good for his life. I will go on this way. He can think about the words, and you will pick up your death.

In the observation of the induction, the crystallization of his intestinal position is being squeezed out, enter his intestines, it seems that it will be pulled out soon, and the crystal situation at other organs is similar.

Perhaps infected people also have a threshold, before the threshold, the damage caused by the spill is much greater than the self-healing capacity, and after the threshold, the powerful self-healing ability can bridge the body crystal s damage.

Only the living environment here is too bad, and there is almost no one can cross this threshold. It is basically like a stall owner. After the illness, it is silently died in hunger and cold.

"It is not too bad, if you can get better, I think I should try to save more people, but I have to wait for their infection, so they can be able to get their organs."

The inquiry is very clear that this is a certain luck. If there is a crystalline in the heart before the illness, there is an important position such as the heart, then I am afraid that I can't wait until the illness of the paste is already cold.

You said that before the degree of infection reached the threshold, it was not until it did not do it, but he did not do it, but he did not die, it was likely that the person did not die, just like a step after surgery. Bacterial infection kills, plus the degree of crystalism is not high enough, and self-healing is not strong enough.

Even if it is not killed by bacterial infection, it takes ten days to resume the ability to restore the ability. In this period, the patient will be extremely weak, even if it is able to maintain life, there is no ability to protect himself. .

And the food that he accumulated, but it will be brought to himself to himself. It is the so-called , neighbor is my granary. In this chaotic social environment, there is no difference in resistance and death, and it is very difficult to trust each other, and it is very difficult in this last day.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the child's method, can you live in a crystalline, it is also a thing that needs to be looked at, but after all, if you think, you will always do this. Not strong.

Maybe, this is the future direction of Douro's future? Nowadays, the continent has been underway, and the number of population has begun to grow, the aura recovery, the number of souls has begun to surprise. Don't say that the hunter, the soul has become a violation, even if it is legal, such a number of soul teachers in humans, even if a person is only a soul ring, all soul beasts are not enough ... can only rely on manual Breeding.

This situation is greater than the supply, leading to the price of the soul rings and the increasing day, and the cost of the soul is too high.


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