Douluo see you

Chapter 1,ham 26, April Fool's Day

After the two days, the two-legged legs had been completely restored, and the hose was pinched with a nose. He poked his feces with a wooden stick, and it was found that the crystal excluded into the intestines.

"Hey ... so disgusting, what do you do! It turned out to swim, good metamorphosis!" The Ice is hiding behind the inclusion, and he will not go to see that.

"Say it seems that you didn't go to the stool swamp! I didn't see the dumb of the Buffali. I didn't see you twisting into this way. Do you not be a soul beast? How to feel disgusting to people, you watch the dog on……"

In the measures, I feel that a soft and soft little hand is holding his back of his back: "If you continue to say, I just pressed, I really want to know if your face goes, I will apply it. Multi-average. "

Listening to the bad voice, inserting the horse, I feel that he doesn't want to experience him a second: "I found that the crystallization in his body has begun to exclude it. Next, He entered the environment of the soul of the soul, and most of them will not cause harm to themselves, but may promote his evolution and accelerate him to exclude foreign matter.

I think this should be an evolution to a node. After this node, I have basically spent the dangerous period, and the gods of those soul empire, it seems that when they gave the gods, the conclusion was they. The body has been allowed to quantize. It is similar to the body of the gang of guys. Now it seems that it will suddenly become like this. It should also be evolved from human evolution.

Well ... This practice road, although it is simple and thick, the mortality rate is slightly high, but at least cost should be much lower than that of the soul. If you promote it, the mainland should spend this. A round of disasters. "

"Ah! I remember that in the history of Gu Dou Lu, we seemed to see the strength and frequency of disasters after many victory disasters. In the last time, Gu Dou Lu is to limit the scale of disasters. The expansion of the territory and expanded, stopped all interstellar colonials, entered the general life model of Saibu, relying on the productivity of the report, continuously hanging the end of the day, and finally ushered in anti-anti-anti-anti-thesis

If we solve this last day, will we usher in the last strength of the next strength? If we have been carding the progress of the end, is it possible to have been delayed, the next time does not come? "The Ice Emperor has proved that she is still thinking about it.

"It's not possible, but this is not very good, it can be a disaster that has become the end of the day. It is basically able to destroy the ability to destroy this civilization. Otherwise, we can not find the end of the day, we can find the way to solve the end. However, it is only compressed without eradication.

However, after the suppression is mature, this disaster is probably not to destroy the level of civilization. We have no way to determine whether this situation has solved the end of the day. If you want to have always let the disaster card can destroy civilization, then A little state, this difficulty is afraid that when it is not asa h, he will give yourself inch. "The contract also gives its own understanding.

"Although I think you said it is very reasonable, I always feel that your metaphor is driving ... I understand, are you in a hint? Take later ... !" .

"No ... I am not! I am not! Don't think about it!"


Infected, the neighborhood, the adolescence and the ice emperor have got enough materials from the treated stall owner, and set up a shack that looks like an image.

After the stall owner cured the leg, I feel that God is refreshed, just in the city center, there is no problem, so I don't care about the supplies on him.

In fact,

There is no lack of materials in Tiangjing City. Just because all materials have been airdown to the city center of radiant environments, this will not make everyone can't get it. It is almost unwanted to have a state of high concentrations of soul, how much is it.

And the shadow of the contracted, also started the clinic of the patients with chicilline disease, and also traishes the craciane, preparing to train more unique doctors, so after she left here, there are other people to help this. Do surgery.

Although the empire has depends on a simple placement of materials, the infected people are differentiated into different classes, but there are still a few people who have a good time, willing to become the apprentice of this doctor.

At first, everyone's unknown doctors. It is still not particular trust. But in seeing the old legs of the stalls before, I actually gone, like a husk. And claiming that he was cured by the doctor, and suddenly, there was a doubts of most people.

The first thing to find, is the most difficult, all are similar to Lao Li's dead horse as a doctor doctor, can't get a big death, as soon as possible, may it be not? Of course it is negative.

It is really not to die, the king is still useless, and the body is struggling. It can also take the soul to resurrect, let alone, the physical condition of these patients in front of you can compare too much. At least you can gas.

Surgery for infected people, is not much large, mostly infected people's illness comes from the crystallization in the body, many crystals will oppress the internal organs and blood vessels, or truncate bones or joints, resulting in each body action and even Breathing will suffer.

If it is an ordinary person, cutting such a stone in the body, it is necessary to enter the operating room, careful 60% of the chances can save, let alone, the mental strength of the contrast, better than X-rays, the most subtle capillaries in the body, no need to worry about which arteries don't worry about it, leading to the bleeding .

When he was doing surgery, he also had a reason to explain his apprentice looking at it: "This is a moving pulse. If you go on, you will basically, if the patient's stone is long This location, then you'd better touch, after processing the stones of other locations in the body, you can only listen to life.

Look at this up and down two times, although these two are veins, they will not want to take the knife for this place! Even if it is not a artery, you don't have a knife, and you will! What are you doing! Collect the knife, you don't have this enemy! "


Although the process of surgery is a bit less abilities, this seems simple teaching or fruitful, as long as the rendezvous of this helper, the probability of successful surgery will not be too low.

Of course, there are also a few brains that have a pit guy. I don't know if I 's question or anti-social personality. After these bungee, I have a deceived place, watching the private enmity of the public ...


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The news that treated the infected person, there is no sign of the outgoing sign in a short time, it is really a high impact on various scientific equipment, so before do not develop a targeted shield. In the soul environment, the monitoring instrument will lose the effect in a short period of time.

Precision parts inside the instrument will first transistize the first step, leading to damage to the entire instrument, and except for the most primitive manager monitoring, there is only a satellite monitoring and aerial photography.

These ways cannot draw a very accurate image, at least a precise image with the technical skills of the Tiangou Empire.

It is taking into account this, and the infected person who has already been dissatisfied with his own situation in Tianjing City, and spontaneously gathered, and began to discuss to fight for more rights to the empire.

Most of these infected people are in the bottom or have not joined any organization, self-cultivation of a lonely wolf.

They are the most dissatisfied groups of the Empire, in order to prevent it, they gather in the ruins of the city center.

Because the radiation concentration is too high, the building has not been overdone, but it is only surrounded by the cluster, as long as it can endure the effects of radiation. It is fully able to live in these very well-preserved buildings.

Here is here to not be affected by aerial photography and satellite monitoring.

One of the patients first open: "The right of infected people will be strive by infected people!"

This start suddenly caused everyone's response, they will be isolated, they will be crowded into such a radiated city. Not because infected people do not unite, I don't know what to fight for themselves.

Before becoming infected, each of them is ordinary residents. They will not consider their own infections. Wait until they are infected, they are not prepared after being infected. After being detected, they are sent here to force isolation.

The face is a hard living environment, so that they have not considered how to strive for the integrity of the infection, now the pain on them is basically cured.

Even if you live in this radiated environment, there will be no danger in life. In this way, they have the power considering their rights.

"Before the confrontation of force, I think we should unify the opinions of infected people, at least the views of the large part of the infected person."

Although not everyone is a smart person, but want to see the movement of the Different Empire differentiated infected people, do not need to smart, as long as settled, then think more about it, less think of it.

"Indeficit need to be unified, although we represent the interests of most infected people, but infected this kind of war, most of them focus on those boss.

If you really want to say, their days are actually quite good, some are even better than being outside, I don't think they have the power of resistance. Especially in the case of armed for rights, it is necessary to use them as the main force, which is basically impossible. "This is a relatively pessimistic infected person.

"It is necessary to say that those boss, that is the previous thing, now? Hey! I can hammer it with a hand. It is because there are too many stones in the body. Now we don't Is the energy in the body, or the control of energy, it is definitely not weaker than they.

Some doctors are, our quantity will only get more and more, now it is four or five times the boss, and I have been playing with my son in a few days. At that time, they did not agree with them, and they did not agree. "The violent infected person took a table, and the crystallized table was taken by him.

"I don't object to we can overcome the guy, but how much can I have the will of the rebellion of the empire after winning? So the life of the leaders is not much luxurious, but I am afraid and we have passed Compared with the days, it is already a poor luxury, how many people can resist? "This time the people open, and continue to say:

"Even if you don't say these, we can really unite all infected people, facing the enrollment of the empire. How many people can stick to the body of the body? I am afraid that as long as the empire is proposed, give us the same soul of the same strength. Even a secondary treatment, many people will stand directly! "

"Fart! I haven't started to question your brother! I think because you are infected with you can't unite!" The violent infected person wanted to hit people.

"Hey! I just said that there may happen, now discuss a charter, always get better than to the foot! And you, you are the factory manager of a small factory before, naturally don't care about the empire Give the temptation.

But your mother is clear, how much is your person before you come in, how much is a unique person! I am not saying that I can't afford the poor, I am a poor, so I am very clear about what kind of virtue, we don't have a reasonable system, saying that I am not listening to me, I will not rebel. I don't Dare to guarantee!

Relying on people's hearts and beliefs, they can't make things, only benefits can unite most people. "

This is too difficult to listen, so that there is no one in the room in the room. But everyone thinks, and feels that this is true, faith and will have a lot of miracles, but it is because of difficulties and rare, these things are called miracles.

A mature and rational interest group will never be simply rely on beliefs and will, and it is more impossible to expect the miracle. Only the most realistic will not be the benefit of the countertops, in order to unite them.


The surprised applause sounded from the shadow of the secret room. Everyone was vigilant to pick up the weapon, and those who had no weapons also condensed high energy in the palm. This is not a world of power, and the enemy headquarters, there is very A large probability is pressed by the opponent's strength, a group of commanders on the ground.

However, when people in the shadow came out, after his appearance, the atmosphere of the sword was alleviated, and everyone consciously put down the weapons, and even started the way with the five-flowers, and the tangible rhetoric came from the room. :

"I have seen the doctor!"


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