Douluo see you

Chapter 1,155

Losing the powerful logistics capabilities of the shield machine and the empire, it can make a new one in a short time, but if you lose a lot of soil attributes, it is another matter.

The property of the soul is a quite followed, most souls are not available, such as the martial arts is a cyclone dart, or the unconpected fairy, these can't calculate the property, it is difficult to calculate the mechanical and insects ? The soul is not a treasure dream, certainly can't be so statistics.

Therefore, there are not many proportions that have a spiritual teacher who have the soul of the attribute, but it does not mean precious, screamer, and is very rare in human beings, but they have not seen their salary than others.

Therefore, the soul of the property will not get how much resources are tilted, and the soul of the empire is needed, and the cultivated earth attribute soul is less.

Even if the empire wants to temporarily call the soul ring to cultivate, it is not immediately able to push a servant and even higher cultivation.

Indeed, no additional soul ring will not delay the improvement of the soul, but the problem is that the cultural spirit of the soul of the soul, and the speed of cultivating the 50th grade soul, it must be different, the latter is undoubtedly fast many.

That is, the speed of the normal soul of the soul is the square of X, and the soul is limited to one level, the speed of the improvement is only x, so those souls who have not obtained the soul ring will work hard, dying It is also a one-time to get two soul rings.

Even if the empire can use drug aids, the effect is definitely very limited, and there is no need to say that the strategy of infection is cruel, but it is quite correct.

Lost the soul of the earth property, the excavation speed of the shield machine, from 10 meters per second, farther down, a few meters per minute, although it is still very fast, but it has no advantage over the speed of the infected person. .

The first battle of the Tiangou Empire was frustrated, the troops of the assembly were completely not the opponents of infected people. After the breakout team killed a gap, 20,000 infected people killed them.

These are infected, the death team after the treatment of failures, they all know that they are so late, so they are willing to use their own death unwaffled people to benefit.

Although the treatment failure, the symptoms of severe infection make their strength more violent, and the 20,000 people after breakout, they have killed the four industrial treasures of the Tiangou Empire.

All four major cities are all industrial development, dense population, short peaceful make the expansion of the city, and let the army of the infected person can drive straight, five thousand comparable to the strong, when I really have a mountaineering Energy.

Although the city has already arrived for a helper, it is a big army that can't stop the infected person of the bamboo, and the city defense system only supports the poor two hours. The joint attack of the infected person is bursting the shield.

The diameter of a hundred meters flew over the city, and I took the atmosphere in a breath. This disappeared, the residents in the city were all looked at this scene. If this episode is coming to the city center, I am afraid that most of you have to evaporate instantly.

After the infection, the intention of the slightest people, there was no intention of the slightest, and the military was strict, and the city began military controls. All kinds of materials were all equipped, and they organized the construction of the city wall, and the technician took the drawings. Restart the urban shield, the four city is the retreat of infected people.

They have been calculated before touching,

It is the industrial key town, and the production capacity is almost 30% of the all industrial capabilities of the empire. If the city is irreversible radiant pollution, the empire will undoubtedly face the incredible huge loss.

After successful occupation of the four industrial treaschers, the infected people began to implement the secret plans under the initial setting, and the infected people in the four industrial treasures have begun to count the foreign population in the city.

And find out those who are about to leave the city, take away their identity documents and start easy.

Empire has entered the information age, and the organization's ability is still difficult to drop to the village and town level, and the speed of responding to national policies in remote areas is extremely slow.

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At this point, the infected people are doing less than forty-eight hours. Most regions don't even know that the infected people have uprising.

Numerous height and body type meet the requirements of the infected person, immediately abuts the identity documents of the people, after easygoing. I quietly left the city and lurked to the area where they were.

These people are the final card of infected people. Once things are not for them, they will actively run the practice and make their own dust.

In this way, it can be quickly infected with a thousand meters in a thousand meters, and the dust is contaminated, while manufacturing a larger permanent radiation area. If there is 30% industrial capabilities in China, it is still within the end of the empire.

Then the loss of millions of people and the rule of grassroots township is the empire unacceptable.

If things are really deteriorated to the point. Infected people will send broadcasts throughout the country with the final equipment, clarify the infected people, let them understand that once the infection has been defined in the past life.

The only way you want to live for yourself, the only way is to let more people become infected, so that the infected people become most.

What happens next, even if they are not expected. Very large probability is like a biochemical crisis. Many crazy infected people use simple weapons, and they are crazy to attack those who are not infected.

Those who are scratched by weapons will also be in a short time. After all, the infected people and zombies are still different. They have their own wisdom. After weighing the pros and cons, it will also choose a more favorable strategy for themselves. .

This also infects the ultimate means of people, if this is still not possible to go to equal rights, then they can only blame themselves.

After receiving the infected people who saw the breakout, it probably guess their ideas.

"The words say such a loss, is you giving them?" Ice emperor asked.

"I am not, I don't, don't say it! These are the idea they think out, and even if their plan is really like this, it may not be able to practice smoothly.

Humanity is more complicated than they imagined, not everyone will consider the interests of infected people after infection, hate beliefs and even luck, can lead their plan to fail.

However, their plans have been relatively improved, even if they fail, they will retain many infected people in the empire, and the huge amount is enough to give them a certain right. "


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