Douluo see you

Chapter 110

Unfamiliar ceiling ...

Yac once again opened his eyes, saw bright fluorescent lamps and plain cement sheds, quite a few talents of the hospital.

"Where is this? It hurts ..." Yac's head, the previous scene memory gradually became clear.

"I remember that I was shot down ... Why did you appear in the hospital? Is the Imperial army won, save me back?" On the occasion of Yax, the patrol nurse noted that he woke up, so he pressed on the communication device. A few times, report: "A7 has awake, do you want to ask him? Ok, I know."

Yac saw that the black crystals on the back of the nurses were stunned. It was the symbol of the infected person. Only infected people, there will be such a strong crystallization.

Nurses seem to be noticed to the eyes of Yac, and they sway their hands to him: "Are you watching my sputum?"

Yac consciousness nodded.

"The sputum that is long on the back does not affect everyday life. I think it is quite good, there is no surgery to take it down, the crystal stone is long, very luck, it is said that some people have the following below the eyes. Like tears. "

The focus of Yac is not on the spark, but the identity of the nurse, there is no doubt that she is an infected person, and it has many infected people here.

"Is this a hospital infected?"

Nurse nodded: "Yes."

"Then I was captured? Why don't you kill me?"

"I don't know, I have no need to answer you, so I will ask someone to interrogate you. You want to know what, you can ask them." The nurse said, while injection on Yac.

Yack did not resist, and I would like to use the toes. I also know that in this place resistance, don't look at the sisters in front of you weak, but people are infected, and the time infected is absolutely longer, as Okina Three cat's kung fu, can you still have a small nurse in front of him or two?

"What is your injection? Is this?"

The nurse holds the needle tube in his hand, point the point: "This is a pharmacy that stabilizes infection. After injection, it can inhibit the crystalline condition in the blood, reducing the crystalline puncture, the probability of bleeding, can reduce the difficulty of removing the crystallization. "

These knowledge seem to be common sense for infection, and there is nothing worthy of concealing.

However, you can know that you can know that you can know that you can know that from this tube agent, it is not difficult to see that the medical level of infected people is not low, and even how to remove infected people, it is also the technical level of the Empire.

The infected people in Yac is not the present, he often needs to open the fighter, and the infected person is patrolling, leaning against his strong vision, almost seeing the daily life of infected people.

He remembers that there is no difference with refugees. The street is dirty throughout the garbage. It is all temporary shacks in both sides. The people living in it are generally yellowing, ragged, don't say surgery or hospital, they even have the most ordinary Drugs must be obtained through their own colleagues.

How do you want to have such a modern medical facility, the only relatively large possibility of only a few infected people monopolizing the resources of airdrops, which may maintain such excellent medical expenses.

But this makes Yac in a new doubt, if the truth is really the same as he guess. It is no way to explain why the infected person will give him a good treatment such as a captive.

Many doubts are hovering in his heart, but there is less than a result.

We can only wait until you are asked, try to get some information.

No matter how to see? He has already broken the big things of infected people, even if the infected people have their own order, he will definitely want to do it only.

Yac is ignored, that is, he is also infected. He has just infected a week, and there is no way to accept your new identity.

There is no window in the room, and Yac doesn't know how long. I only feel that my body gradually restores the limb, and the effect of the anesthetic is gradually returned, and the pain is unbearable.

Just then, you push the guards of the guards, the door of the ward, starting his rack from the bed, and racks him towards the interrogation room.

He seems to be in a huge building. The style of architecture is similar. Simple cement walls and bright fluorescent lamps, monotonous don't have a little more color.

The interrogation room is different from his imagination. There is no and a horrible tool, only relatively placed tables and chairs, compared to other rooms, the only relatively different configuration is a huge landing mirror.

According to the experience of his service, the mirror should be a one-way glass, and the other side of the mirror may have a look at him.

Although aeriaria is painful, it is not strong, but the guard is still locked his hands on the armrest of the chair. It looks that this is much more whistle of handcuffs than his practical effect.

Sitting on the opposite is a middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged, can't see the appearance is because he puts a pair of the standard posture, and the half face is blocked by the index finger.


Yac looks at the interrogator who only exposes half of the face, turns a white eye: "You aren't you already got my household registration card?"

The trial snorted and finally put down his hand and fill in a form, and asked: "Gender."

"You look at it yourself."

"You don't cooperate, I can only say that this is quite a reckless decision for you." The trial is closed: "You are very clear what you have done, if you want to live, I advise you to cooperate."

"Then you should also understand that when I launched a charge, I have been prepared to die when I launched your more than five hundred fighters." Yac is not moving for threats.

The trial is silently recorded, and the inquiry of the endless expression is continued, and the audio is not issued, or the trick is scratched, but the trial does not seem to answer if Ike is willing to answer, and people in the back of the mirror are busy. Records, inference through the variety of trails on Ak.

"So the goal does not cooperate, but also is full of hostile, but it can be seen from his performance. He does not know the answer to our question. As a aperator, he has a strategy for the Imperial army. I don't know anything, this is not normal.

Have his strong performance, even if the rank is not high, it is definitely qualified to know many secrets, and he is going to have a lot of information that ordinary soldiers knows. "


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