Douluo see you

The first thousand seventy-five chapters

"To be honest, I don't know why I suddenly changed this. I didn't know how to use it. I suddenly fused. Even I didn't think it would be so smoothly.

In fact, I have to say that I will skill is not much more than before, but I used to feel fancy. But there is almost no way to use it in the battle, I am now available in actual combat.

It feels like playing games, the game characteristics that can be used out is simplified to simplify a one-button trigger, and can also adjust the effect. "

"Do you have a breakthrough or explosive? I have always thought that your career can only rely on technology, and it will become strong." Chen Zihan's practice is the speed after turning into infected, so for merits and Explosive, she is still more experience.

However, the martial artist's ability to rely on skills is similar to the ability to rely on the body. It is basically no shortcut, theory should only be exercised by efforts, as well as the excellent talent to progress, but this situation is no longer working hard and talents.

"I don't know if there is such a situation in others. Anyway, I suddenly feel what the operation will be, I always feel this super-hard feel, it can continue to the game."

"Then I wish you good luck, but I think the difference between the game and the reality is quite big. I have been abused in the game." Chen Zihan took Yac, all the way to the lower level of Hillva.

Generally, this position does not involve the production of combat will be placed in the middle and lower layers, which are safe. Even if there is a battle, the probability of the wavefront here is also small.

The scale of the game Raiders is very small. There are only two twenty square meters of studios, and a lounge, a total of 24 game warehouses, thirty staff, divided into days and night, daytime twenty People, ten people at night.

Although it is indeed sleeping in the game warehouse, sleep mode can make the brain think that he has been resting, but it will be so tired that the axis will be sure.

"Introduce you to know, this is your next new teammate, Yak." Chen Zihan introduced this name, and infected people only knew that there was a strong leveled genius Master Master to give their strategic transfer plan to cause huge Trouble, but I don't know the look and name of this machine. So this is no need to conceal.

"Hello! Call me Peng Shuai, the minister here, welcome to join!" Reception of Yac is a fat man who has been twenty.

"Thank you, our work is the game?" Yac is the first time to join the professional team. Although his spare time is not less, but there is too much less than that, his high win rate is also technically Instead of the character of the role.

"Almost, just have to enter sleep mode, you are still a few booking qualifiers, let's fight together to team up, team survival mode is best, try to use the team, you will use it first Short machine! Seven machines sent to repair. "

Peng Shuai is very straightforward. It is only a little introduced to the theme, and there are many emotions in the professional players. It is obvious that this is what this is.

Yac is not a person who cares about these things. It was captured and can play games. This treatment is no longer. What else does he pick three picked four?

I immediately logged in to the game.

To say games, he has not played for many days, but this time he didn't feel his life, but he had a feeling of hand.

Even if the game's manipulation feels more smooth than before, oh, it seems that the depth of the neural connection is better than before.

I immediately took advantage of my state and matched a round of game ...


"I said ... this guy is captured, you can play games!" The appearance of the appearance: "This treatment is too good, I feel that the half-level sister is going to be white."

"Why didn't I see it? If this guy is still with the root source algorithm, is it not going against the sky?" Ice Emperor joined the meeting room of the contract, and watched the live broadcast of Aka.

"I can only say that he can be as powerful in the game, but his algorithm is contrary to the greatest in the game. In realities, the operation can be made almost unlimited, but there is too much in the game. .

Like the earliest game handle, plus two buttons started and pause, there is a total of ten buttons, in such a game, even if you operate against the sky. If you encounter the kind of monsters that are exceeded by players. It is definitely not possible to win.

His algorithm is to choose more. And the choice of the game is less than the reality. He faces a copy of the copy. It can almost 100% winning rate because the winning may always be zero.

But if he faces other players, it is another thing. If the character is poor, there is too much difference. The possibility of winning is zero. "

"Although you are deeply told so much, I don't know much, wait for his opponents to be hit." Ice emperor pointed at the screen, two people's stadium is an ice origin.

However, it is not to be on the ground, but a huge ice floating on the ocean.

The ability of Yack in the game is a bow and arrow. In his case of vacation, you can enter a status of a similar bullet time. In this state, they can shoot at a faster speed. And have a longer time for aiming.

However, I want to use this trick. Basically only jump from top up. There is no high and low drop. To achieve this effect, a very complex skill combination is required. It is simple to say that it is very highlighting the player's reaction ability. It is necessary to have a relatively high technology to play, belongs to the high-limit and low limits.

And his opponent's ability is much simpler, at least easy to manipulate. It is a big sword of a flame property, and the short-lived power can release the sword.

Although it will be weakened by the ice, it has the advantage that it is easy to change the terrain. On this battlefield, as long as there is no brain, there is a lot of probability to melt the ice. Put your opponent into the sea.

The game is quite true for various sympathetic simulations. Although it will weaken. However, the form of physiological reactions is hurt. In the survival value, the ordinary person will lose temperature in a short time, even if it is not drowning, it is difficult to stick to more than a minute, even if the player's physical quality is far more, it is also in the water. It is definitely not a trouble.

However, there is such a big sword player, but it is chased.


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