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Chapter 108 The Fire of Civilization

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Chengying didn't feel very good, not just because the wild and backwardness here couldn't bring them benefits, but also because of the knots in the previous life.

In fact, many people have thought about the history of China if the explorers of the China Land discovered the New World.

Will it still be the bloody plunder of the original great nautical era?Maybe not!Different civilizations are different after all. Compared with the European civilization, the Chinese people who like to farm may instead immigrate a little bit to the New World, teach the indigenous farming there, and then assimilate the grassland nomads. Little by little, assimilate the people of the New World into a part of China.

Although Chengying knew that the real situation could not be so beautiful and ideal, he had a very poor impression of the colonists. Without harming his fundamental interests, he was unwilling to do the same with those colonists.

Thinking of this, he let go instead, and took the food shared by the natives with peace of mind. After the ice emperor condensed the ice and snow to clean the rotten parts, he took out the pots and pans in front of the natives. Kitchen knife chopping board, a lot of kitchen utensils come out.

Don’t ask why Chengying came out with so many kitchen utensils... You should know that the iron wok cooking of the original Tiandou Empire was passed down from him. If you go overseas, if you don’t bring these things, the ghost knows if you can eat them. It's a weird thing like looking up at the stars.

The language communication between the two parties is obviously very difficult, and no one can understand the babble, but the communication through the smell is very smooth. After Chengying is frying the pot with chopped green onion, adding meat and several ingredients that have not been seen in the New World. , The aroma has perfectly helped both parties complete the communication.

In fact, Chengying is only a strong-mouthed king when it comes to cooking, but these primitives are more than enough to fool these primitive people. For a while, the natives swallowed their saliva and looked at food with extremely attractive color and aroma.

Chengying didn't let them wait for long. After plucking a few huge leaves, they greeted the natives to come and eat together. In fact, the natives rushed to eat all the food, and the crew ate more. The dry food that comes with it.

Chengying had educated them about hygiene before taking them out to sea. The aboriginals all caught them with their hands. It wasn't that Chengying thought they were dirty. Whose ancestor did not come here.

The biggest reason is that different continents have different bacteria and viruses. After Columbus discovered the New World, he brought the Black Death to the New World, almost killing the Indians, and the colonists also brought back diseases such as syphilis from the New World. , Has caused considerable disasters on the world island.

Many bacteria and viruses that bear their own antibodies are fatal to the people of the New World, and vice versa. Therefore, on their own mainland, it is not a big deal if they do not pay attention to hygiene. They can be replaced by the New World, and it is very likely to be destroyed. Up.

Anyway, Chengying prohibits them from eating raw water or under-cooked food, as little as possible contact with the people of the New World, at least as little as possible before he can produce antibiotics, which is good for people on both continents.

Although the indigenous people's food was basically not touched, after this dinner, the relationship between the two parties was obviously much closer. The indigenous people circled the kitchen utensils of Chengying and wanted to know what it was.

Chengying didn’t explain, she just connected their grandmother leader with mental power, and said in her mind: “Want to know how to make the food so delicious? Send a few young people from the tribe to follow me, I will tell them."

The old grandmother was a little surprised by the thoughts in her mind, and hesitated to respond: "Are you the noble high priest?"

Cheng Ying estimated that the so-called high priest should be a spirit master with strong spiritual power, so he shook his head and conveyed consciousness in the spiritual link: "I am not the high priest, I am just a passing by... well... the leader of the tribe! The purpose is to spread civilization on the mainland."

"Civilization?" The old grandmother did not understand the word, but she realized the profound artistic conception from the spiritual connection, so she agreed: "Please take my people to find civilization, and I will let the strongest warrior and you Together, they both killed three beasts and gained their souls."

Cheng Ying understood as soon as he heard it, there should be a few three-ringed spirit masters in the tribe. It is normal to have a spirit master. If there is no spirit master, under the pressure of the spirit beast, they can't survive at all.

Chengying watched the three most robust male natives come out, and did not hesitate to connect with them mentally and greet them to move forward together.

Their goal was a dry lake, which was the closest saline soil that was found by the shadow within the range of the mental power scan. It is estimated that this tribe settled here because of the need to regularly eat the soil on the saline soil to ensure the penetration of the body. Pressure balance.

The three aboriginals also saw Chengying's destination, and all of them sent out doubts in his mind. Obviously, their thoughts were much simpler than those of the old grandmother. There were almost no words, and only emotions were conveyed.

Chengying calmed them in their spirits. When they reached the salt-alkali soil, they stuck a bit of soil with their fingers. After tasting the salty ones, they took out a few clay pots with satisfaction.

Soak the salty soil in water, and then pour out the salt-dissolved water. The ignition starts the most primitive boiling salt. There is no lotus seed, and no temperature influence method is used. Even so, the white color is obtained. At the time of the crystallization, the three aboriginals still made the sound of wonder.

Chengying put only a little bit of salt in the clay pot, impure, and some yellow salt, and handed it to the three natives. They hesitated to stick a little with their fingers and put them in their mouths, and then their eyes rounded. , Showing an incredible look.

The salty taste is a very beautiful and very luxurious taste for them. They used to have to lick the bitter stones on the saline ground for a little salty taste, but the white particles in the jar are completely different. Yu's bitter taste gave them shock and admiration in their eyes looking at Chengying.

Chengying smiled at them and told them mentally: "Remember the steps I just took, and you can do it yourself in the future." Then he handed them two empty clay pots.

Immediately I saw them holding them as treasures. Even if their IQ was not high, they could tell that it would be impossible to make those white powders without the clay pot.

Chengying was thinking about how to quickly teach them how to make pottery, how to use bows and arrows, how to plant them, how to recognize the role of herbs, and to make them aware of the meaning of language, numbers and logic. He doesn’t have much time. , If you want to ignite the fire of civilization, you have to hurry up.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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