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Chapter 1135 Science and Technology Explosion

A large number of qualified technicians have a revolutionary improvement in an industrial system. When the derivatives and infected people have initially established trust, the communication between the two sides has become frequent. Hosts are also in the same way in studying abroad.

At first, the personnel exchanged people exchanged, most of them are equivalent to the virtual world vacation, where derivatives can get a luxurious enjoyment as long as one thought is.

However, with several successful exchanges, as a human infection, there is no longer the trend of death. The idea of ​​eating the meal is light, but it is actively observing the actions of derivatives.

They are still free in the data world, after all, the player's data is very weak, even the weakest level four-level derivative, can also easily uniform novice players with no equipment.

In this way, they can see many relatively confidential content. For example, the derivatives have built virtual practice space in the world in the world, starting to practice and delighted higher reality technology.

At first, these people were still confused, and later later were discovered. The two sides said, and intend to carry out more and more steps.

That is, the derivatives study technology in reality, build a true virtual simulation laboratory in the world, and then study the infected people who sent exchanges to study, research results, and then get realistic verification feasibility.

After all, through the experimental space formed by simulation, the physical laws and the real world are still few different. If you have been dressed in this model, you will get back, the more fallacy, until it is finally unable to synchronize with the real world.

Now the two parties have reached a cooperation. You can conduct an experimental attempt to experiment with the technology sharing to the real world. Constantly correct the environment in the simulated space. Faster research project experiments.

After all, in reality, if you want to build a ring accelerated track, it may take a few years. It takes only a few derivatives that only need to cooperate with a virtual world, and a thought will be done.

This is also one of the important reasons for the rapid explosion of tulips after the popularity of neural networking technology. Therefore, it is difficult to deal with experimentation and experience in this way, but almost all the mechanical tests of almost all classic physics can be thrown here, designing a main battle tank, may even need only a few day.

After in-depth cooperation, the people exchanged by both parties will no longer be hostile, but the general existence of international students, derived such a scientific research speed, but their ontology is unable to come to reality, but only most of the technology and realistic Infected people shared, so they can continue to develop.

The underground of Hillva began to gradually change.

Although biotechnology is not suitable for simulation in the virtual world. After all, the genes involved are quite microscopic, but the speed of improvement is also considerable.

The machinery of the machine has begun to replace the biological creation, and it will still make some uncomfortable. But after it habits, I found that such a life is also good.

The past cafés, milk tea shops, are certainly some metal machinery, and give you a drink from the big box. But now, the painting wind is much more hunting. Service students are like squeezing milk, from one look like a biological. On the big meat ball, extruded the drink, and there are different flavors depending on the model.

Although the image of the big meatball is relatively cute, it is more likely to accept some, some of the theme restaurants may even design it into the shape of a mammal, but this hunting style is just like many people. hard to accept.

However, most people, after taste the taste, it is really fragrant, and there is no place to drink milk in this past few years. Things who can drink taste and milk are already a very happy thing.

In addition, other daily necessities have also changed. The shared bicycle began to be replaced, the original development trajectory. Should be a motor vehicle replacing the carriage. However, here is just over.

Deepening the transformed vehicle replaces the motor vehicle, the four legs may not be better than the two wheels, as long as the mechanical structure is designed enough. In fact, it can be very smooth. Just like the Billeo triangle, it is not round, but it can be rolled as the round wood.

Replacing a bicycle is a transformation of six legs, because it is specifically designed to ride, so there is no complex digestive system, directly injecting the nutrients such as glucose in the body, so that this Renovate the compact body of the biological body, burst out more powerful power.

There is no need for a complex nervous system, no brain, in a sense, this thing is not a creature, will not think, will not breed, no physiological instinct, the only function is, through emergency response in the user's control Going down and steering, running very stable, speed is fast, and more importantly, endurance is very good, after a nutrition, you can run a whole day.

Because there is no need to digest food, the metabolic waste is relatively small. Like the organs such as kidney, the liver, it is only necessary to mean it, so the discharged waste is generally only water and carbon dioxide, calculating the type of environmentally friendly.

at this point. Silva is still very important, because if you are in an urgent moment, the entire Hil Ti is completely closed, isolated from the outside natural system.

In this case, the internal self-circulation must be guaranteed. If the pollution is too serious, the internal air cannot be circulated with the outside world, even if the underground space is digging, they will not survive.

In addition to catering and transportation, housing and daily necessities, it is also replaced by a large amount of biological products, but these things are generally not living, most of them are products such as biotic secretions.

The building looks quite normal, and the high-rise building of the outside world, can't see anything, but in fact, these buildings are actually growing, just like trees. The cells inside the inner cells after a circle of circles will lose most of the activity.

In theory, you will plant a group of trees into a shape of a house, ensuring that each tree has enough sunshine, after a period of time, it is not possible to grow into a house, but the trees grow too slow, only through The transformed special species can only complete this rapidly built work, and a high-rise building is long in a few days.


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