Douluo see you

The first thousand one hundred and fifty-seventh chapter so-called cultivation

Tang San can completely borrow other cultivatters to experienmn the kind of cardiac and state. Borrowing a lot of calculation, and even evaluating how much these people can lend to his calculation, it is to determine whether they should be promoted.

It is a slower to provide more computational power, and anyway, the upgrade will not speed up the computation speed, and these people belong to the more potential. Need to press it.

Those who provide less computational force can be properly promoted, after all, these people are generally dull, even with powerful power. More than half of the future can only be a hand of others. Don't worry about what threats.

Just this also complies with the fool mind pure, but it is more likely to add immortal theory.

In this case, everyone has become a strong, and it can even be controlled by Tang San, as for those capable of being able to crack. The soul of the soul unlocks the secret, and Tang San will give them a faster promotion.

There is a shortcut to put it in front of yourself. Your own condition talent is a good top, who will still be able to study whether the shortcut is trap?

This makes it easy to let these dynamic studies to break the mysteries of the mystery, and give up the research. Take the road to Xianxian.

This is better than if you go back. Let a mobody become a great person of scientists, when you are gently, you will be in the business exhibition, and you can always make money. This person will not have a scientist.

Now, the final question is how to attract people to cultivate, and I have changed this extent by Tang San. The so-called cultivation, the speed of strength is probably not much better than normal soul.

Perhaps the level of equivalent energy is indeed a lot. But such an appeal wants to let the cultivation of the wind, it seems to be a little bit.

However, for this, Tang San has long thought of a way, that is, the biggest problem of Changsheng, Douro's practice is that it will not be able to have a long life. Even if it is a half-god, life is limited, and it is generally possible to get over the millennium. These strong people can feel the speed of their own vitality.

However, cultivation is not the same, and the lifetime of life is obvious. After all, the micro levels can be more easily repaired after the cell division, such as repairing telomer, these are macroeconomic control, more energy cannot be Done.

Even if it is repaired, it is not how high. Life will also increase significantly, with such an effect, his attractive skill is improved.

The rest is to find a chance to publish this practice. And if you want this skill, it has a reasonably legitimate source, then there is only one possibility, and it is discovered in a certain place to be reasonable.

As for where everyone thinks the most reasonable place, there is no doubt that is the remains of tulips, from that place to dig up, will not make people feel strange.

Even a lot of things are actually left behind, but the two empires masks the news that they have achieved significant technical breakthroughs in order to hide their eyes. Hard students are on the tulip head.

So that the ruins of tulips are simply like universal, which day is excavated from inside, and the time does not make people feel strange. In such a remainder, it is really normal to dig a cultural practice.

It can even explain to why the tulip is so fast, and it must be reversed in the institute to crack the ancient mysterious cultivation technology cloud cloud, even in the current disaster change.

Anyway, rumors don't need to be rational,

As long as most people think that they have to say, they are enough, they can get a practical benefit, how much will I care about this thing?

Tang three in this attitude, secretly went to the remaining area, all along the way, and avoid monitoring as much as possible. Even if it was taken, the problem is not big. After all, his optical invisibility is almost perfect. It is unlikely to be recorded by the camera.

If you don't have traces, you will come to the borders of the two countries. Original Rowin Kingdom, the ruins of Tulip Professor.

Even when it is time to today, the scene here is still shocking, many towering buildings, there is still a residual wall, no collapse, such as a root-breaking Optimus Juji generally tower above the plain, overlooking, large The distribution of small underground research institutes is in this earth, many have been fully discovered. More, it is afraid to buried under the soil. Not completely explored.

Some relatively safe, and have been explored, gradually developed by local tourism companies to attractions. The new era of a stream, come and see the remains of the most brilliant public, many people who have a fantasy, holding a protagonist, will also want to come to the attractions.

Holding everyone, I am the protagonist's mindset to touch the luck, maybe there is any adventure.

After all, this kind of thing is not the first time. How is Luo Yan's first written eye comes, it is already a well-known thing, who will not fantasize, in case you have such luck?

So, the endless tourists are coming. Unfortunately, they have been explored in a clean place. It is really nothing to encounter a true adventure.

However, this time the tour group, I am afraid that they have hit the Universiade. After all, they have encountered, preparing to cultivate the immortal skills, the first batch of people who get the practice and start cultivation, and will undoubtedly be the upcoming this. In the Dairy Times, it takes advantageous position.

Tang San is also ready to use these tour groups. Just, he is not intended to put the skills at a very large attraction of those people. Those places are too clean. Suddenly, a little IQ is a little bit of IQ knowing this definitely.

Good in the tour group. Some guys are more adventurous. These people are often driving. Or local people who are high prices do tour guides. It is often going to some. Human traces are travel routes, explore some of the relics that are really unpredictable.

However, this kind of tourist group will definitely sign the arguments before the departure, otherwise they will lose their things.

Let these people find hidden cultivation skills, just that they are not less. Basically, it is not possible to completely hide this secret. After selecting a good goal, Tang San began to prepare how to give this cultivation of a gorgeous law.


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