Douluo see you

Chapter 1180

Compared to the battleship cannon dealing with the underground race, the terrestrial force of the infected person is more inclined to use single soldier equipment, which is also due to national conditions. Infected people have a Hillva in the surface, which can be used as a firepower platform. And the strategy goal is to defense and delay time. If possible, the enemy is penetrated. Such strategic purposes make universal equipment more suitable. Summer warrior of infected people.

Let Tang San feel that you don't leave your hands, you are the tight body of their body table, and the overall tights are composed of biological macromolecules. When squeezing, some molecules are self-decomposed. Form a corresponding lubricant. At the same time, the lower molecule is converted into one spherical small particles. Convert larger sliding friction into smaller rolling friction. At the same time, the direction of the spherical rotation shaft is adjusted according to the direction of the force. This can slip away as long as there is a slight force. It can easily avoid large-scale attacks of the strong people.

In the face of the enemy that does not leave the hand, Tang San is cold and laughs: "I thought it was the same defense as this loach, I didn't help you?"

I saw the warrior who had just escaped from the soul suddenly slammed his neck, and his face was red, and it was so urgent, as if it was not breathed.

On the dashboard of his tactical eyepiece, you can clearly see that the air pressure is rapidly increased. Tang San is in order to prevent escape, and directly produced a spherical stand compressed air. Prepare the guys who don't leave this to press directly into a piece of meatball.

No one is compressed into this size. That soldiers also found the power farms around him.

However, he did not panic, but pulled the tactical eyepiece. Let the body table cover his face like a liquid general tight dress. This clothes seem softly, like liquid, actually curable hard shells. For him to resist the high pressure of the outside world.

Even in the deep sea of ​​millimeters, you can't hurt people in it.

At the same time, his palm actually starts gathering high energy, this scene is like high-end cultivar aggregation energy. Relying on the soul of the soul that can be finely handled into a reactor to achieve quality conversion.

Using this trick in front of Tang San and the shifts have no distinction, and immediately disturbed the soul, preparing to interrupt the skills of each other.

However, he had an unexpected scene. He disrupts the soul of the soul, and does not play a slight effect on high-energy condensation. I saw that the warrior palm pushed forward. And have a strong carrier.

Milting the Stand in Tang San in an instant. Even the gap is still ejected toward Tang San.

In the face of horrible high temperature torrents, Tang San is just hits, just put it, and the plot is like a liquid that is taken along with the liquid. When attacking, the soldier has retired far away.

At the same time, the sarcoma weapons in the hands have become well-sleeved, and it is a long rod step.

This time no longer needs energy. Just aim at Tang San, there is a plumber of a plumber.

Other soldiers have also made the same choice, transform the speed of the speed of the speed into a bit shot, for a while, the battlefield, the mass paste the trajectory, and the imperial soldiers who are responsible for the defensive wall see this, The eye beads almost flew out.

They have not been fighting for a long time. I didn't expect the other individual universal equipment to be exaggerated. Just the remaining wave of war. Let the shields of each segment frequently alarm.

Tang Sanwear is in the big net of the mass slurry, but the leaves are not smashed. Although he has no exaggerated speed and reflection, his soul has been programmed by him, it will encounter attack. At the same time, promote him to avoid, the whole process is automatic, and even does not need his operation, there is almost no mistakes.

Plus the information conduction speed of the soul force is quantum level, and you can ignore the effects of the speed. In other words, if the distance is enough, even if the attack is light speed, as long as his soul, the alert range, it is also possible to avoid after the attack is launched.

Although the speed of the gilry is very exaggerated, it is too far from the distance.

Tang San faces the intensive attack, picking the eyebrows: "It is a bit of meaning, but if you only have this level, then go to death!"

During the speech, the square round, the air temperature suddenly rose. Tang San has mastered a lot of soul. Then simply control the soul vibration. Accelerate particle movement. The effect of manifesting in the macro world is that the speed of rapid temperature rise in this area.

Moreover, the temperature rise is very fast. Blinking thousands of degrees, this high temperature, even steel is also melting. Most mechanical facilities have to lose the effect.

This trick of the original temperature is very restored by biochemical armor. After all, most biological macromolecules are the material of the protein class. Under the high temperature, it is easy to degenerate, and the original effect is lost.

But very unfortunately, infected people have just experienced a war in magma. Although the temperature is not so exaggerated, the high temperature resistance technology of equipment does have a great progress. The basic unit constituting the liquid coat is not a protein. After sacrificing the outermost cell, everyone has supported it in high temperatures.

It is only because of sacrificing a layer of cells, the combat power has dropped significantly. Especially for battery life.

Because it is a high-temperature molecular thermal motion simulation that relies on the soul. After the attack is over, the soul is automatically recovered, and the high temperature will return quickly.

Tang San, thought that these guys were instantly being treated into ashes, but they didn't expect to die in such a half day. This real makes him some unexpected.

The individual strength of these soldiers is indeed, even if it is not equipped. The energy intensity has the limit of Douro. It is obvious to experience a fairly high level of body transformation.

But don't say that these people's energy intensity did not break through the half god, even if they broke through, they should be like a antite in front of Tang San.

But I didn't expect that these people flew in his killing in his killing, and these guys may be generally in his killing. But the ability to live is really amazing.

"You are a group of guys, it is really annoyed!" Tang San suffocated because of the soul of the enemy. It was going to have a plan to sprinkle it. As a result, a group of guys who didn't leave the hands and unsatisfactory.

Just when he was ready to kill again, he fell into the light column, he blocked his next attack.

"I said, you are a bit too much!"


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