Douluo see you

Chapter 1186

Tang three is very serious, destroying an energy node, but he did not continue to go deep into the mainland, because the mobilization speed of the sun and moon is beyond his imagination.

Black sciences left by tulips, most of which were inherited by the Thorns Flower Legion, unlucky to dig the baby in the remains, the Thorns Flower Empire is in tulips, those who are not willing to go to the star sea. All kinds of scientific research materials are all preserved, even if they stay in Douro, leading to the slow progress, the technology they own is also leading the mainland.

One of the technologies has led to the speed mobilization of the full moon, that is, wired space transfer technology.

Since the researcher, research and development spatial technology, the individual, has a misunderstanding, that is, space transfer is carried out in two different points, there is no process in the middle.

It is very easy to achieve this space technology, it is easy to achieve after technology maturity, at least with the strength of the soul, but it is after technology maturity.

For example, when the radio technology has just had theoretical basis, it is a brain to achieve remote communication. It is definitely more simple to have a watery communication.

Although space technology is not exactly the same as radio technology, there is no doubt that there is no doubt that there is no doubt that it will greatly reduce the difficulty of transmission technology.

And the pre-technology of this technology, the tulip has taken a seven or eight eight. In the past few years, the Thorns Flower Legion has worked hard, and finally completed the technical breakthrough, and the technology is fully promoted. It has been partially applied to civilian use. The logistics field, so that the express delivery in this side is to be complained.

It is conceivable that there is a terrible degree of mobility to reach a terrible degree of mobility in the area that has your energy node and energy pipeline.

After the first wave of opponents, Tang San has fallen into terrible people. It is too fast with the transmission of energy, but less than an hour, nearly 100,000 army has rushed to the scene.

At the beginning, Tang San can still rely on its own strong strength town, can be too much in the number of 100,000 people, even if it is 100,000 pigs, it is waiting to be killed, and it is necessary to waste. . Not to mention, this 100,000 army, each can release the mass shock, and a cannon is put on the metamorphosis of 100 mm alloy armor.

Don't say that the ghost gun is, it is a 10,000 laser pen to shoot, you can burn someone half, Tang San, even if it controls the soul of dozens of miles, facing such an attack, it seems that some power is not from the heart.

"Damn! Is this? Is it not afraid of death? It has been dead close to 30%, but still dare to go? Crazy?"

Tang San release soul to affect the communication of electronic equipment,

In an instant, there were more than 500 thunderstorms around him, and at the same time attracted Tianlei, hundreds of millions of Thunders descended from the sky, and torn the thunderstorms that lost their shield protection into a fragment.

Tang San's control of electronic equipment, it is increasingly difficult to complete huge damage, starting to control the chariot of the Thorns Flower Legion, attacking their own people, but soon this trick is not good, the warrior of the thorn flower In the first time, it is handed into manual driving, close the vast majority of electronic devices, using mechanical conduction, and immunized the vast majority of electronic invasion.

This is like, hackers can invade an advanced sports car with automatic driving functions, but there is no way to a farm tractor.

The military products of the thorn flower, in order to defend the enemy's electronic warfare, all set a manual control mode of mechanical transmission. In this mode, even some devices require electric control, it is not a chip, but a simple and thick analog circuit.

The degree of accuracy of the analog circuit has no chip is so high, but also more plenty of peaks, imagine that EMP shocks destroys a computer difficulty, or destroying a flashlight is difficult?

Similarly, the cost of manipulating the opponent equipment through the analog circuit is also greater, and Tang San can simultaneously control the three digits, it is better to release a strong EMP impact, and the battle around is.

However, the effect of human tactics came out, the Thorns Flower Legion is not a piggy, a pork dog, and Tang San can interfere with the linkage, breaking the army shield, but the army shield has a joint shield of the tactical group, There is also a personal shield again and again, and the armored armor on everyone, blasting rebounded armor, strong defense, even if Tang San feels the teeth.

And the leader of the guy is extremely unique, the warrior of the Thorns Flower Legion, as long as standing above the earth, the strength of the strength is endless, if the equipment is damaged, the unique equipment can release the legion attack.

This is not afraid of death guys to launch crazy to leave, Tang San, watching, a total of more than 300 people open the overload mode, with the price of self-explosion, throwing three hundred legion attacks, almost got him Subtother from the sky.

"These guys do you have a believer? If you are desperate!" Tang San's power source is endless, if you really pay the hard steel, you can't kill these 100,000 people, but he also Not really abnormal, with murder is fun, seeing this group of mad people still continue to increase the troops, decisive retreat.

Human tactics Tang San is not afraid, he is only unprepared, relying on his personal strength and human sea against natural expenses, Tang San diamonds, the individual's ability, does not increase productivity.

At the same time, Montoya also received a loss of a headache for him.

The front line is a total of more than 37,000 people, and this, I haven't done the strange power.

As for the injured, there are very few, most injured soldiers have chosen self-explosion, release the legion attack.

This is not a strange religion, but cutly, you can see the interests of the interests, you can first improve the social status is no doubt, but this can only make people fight, but can't call people dead.

The reason for letting these people will be willing to die is that they have come out from the center of the sun and moon, fishing out of the comfort of the genuine Yingling Temple of tulips!

At the beginning of Tang Chen, as the first batch of universities, it was the most legend in the sun and the moon. When I built the Eli Temple, I was thrown into the crazy mouth of the Silicon-based virus.

After the Thorn Flower Legion entered the mainland, I originally thought that I was going to open the crafts. The result was mistaken. I missed this thing. This is good, as long as the name is engraved, I will enter English. The temple, even if there is no one to pass, the spirit can also live longer.


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