Douluo see you

The first thousand chapters of the battle is traffic

The number of eight square monuments is too much. The overloaded shield crashed, facing this large enemy, the linkage shield has become a burden, and the shield broken anti-anti-anti-load shield. In a few seconds of this heavy load shield, there will be hundreds of soldiers who have killed, the flesh and flying scenes, even if they are not afraid of death, they can't help but nausea.

Especially those soldiers who strengthen the dynamic vision, they can even see the body of the comrades through a root eight square, and the flesh is mixed with the broken bones and the viscera from the other sore, and the blood fog The whole process.

Such scenes have been able to cause physiological discomfort, but some people are afraid that natural people have broke out, perhaps to protect comrades, or fear the death of skeletal bones.

More than a dozen soldiers have passed the body of the shield generator and release a temporary linkage invincible shield.

Although there is no previous linkage big protection shield, it is a steel defense, and the defense is lower, but it can also guarantee that the eight square monuments hit it will definitely beat bones.

This trick is a high-speed attack in a certain sense. Several warriors have delayed enough response time for the entire army to delay enough response time, and immediately rushed into the armory. Shield generator, inserted into the underground energy network, replaced the golden invincible shield.

The blue huge shield is rising, and everyone is wrapped in it. Everyone is temporarily tone, looking at the top of the top of the hovering and the cloud looks.

"What is this!" The commander looked almost a five hundred people who killed in an instant, and the face was ugly.

"It's unclear, but they should not come in short time." "The warrior report responsible for monitoring the shield.

"Collect the sample, I want to know what this is, and there is a news that we encounter our unknown arms attack back to the Command. If there are other things on the mainland, we can't meet their characteristics. Never encounter a huge loss! "Commander seriously.

Just when the soldiers collected eight square monuments, the obsolete hand re-visited the high platform suddenly came from the emergency information. If it is not the tight intelligence, the obsolete hand is definitely not directly building his local highest commander.

"what happened?"

The voice of the watchmaker is urgent: "those guys ... that guy is attacking a mountain!"

"What? Attack a mountain?" The commander is in a face, he is now suspected that attacking them may not be a weapon of hostile forces.

It is a strange wild animal, but it is no wonder that he will think so, it is really attacking a mountain.

"It is to attack a mountain. Their group rushed towards the mountains, surrounded by the hill head, now there is a layer on the mountain, it may be blinded by them for a while!" Looking forward to report.

The commander is in thinking, even if it is ordinary animal, it will rarely do this meaningless thing. Even the rats suicide are all rumors after the rumor. Most animals will not have such unnecessary. .

It is not difficult to see the result of impacting the shield before the eight square monuments. These things are not indestructible, hit on a sturdy object, they will also pink the bones.

"Continue to observe, inform the departments to release the shield, beware of sneak attack, and notify the surrounding towns to do dustproof."

"Dust Dust?" Watching Hands: "Why is it dust?"

"You don't mean those guys who attack a mountain? Isn't there raising a large sand? On the plain, this kind of sand is enough to form a sandstorm."

"Reporting the Chief Executive! Nothing to see dust, the reason is unknown!" The watchman also realized that it was not right.

"How could it be! Isn't the mountain have lack a big piece?" The intuition of the commander reminded him that there is a bad thing.

"Wait! I know! You will see the number of shuttle, see if there is anything! The material of the mountain is likely to be taken away by them!"

At this point, the other side suddenly came to the watch hands: "This is said, it seems to be more, the cloud is like it is more than 30%!"

"Fast! Commands everyone to arrange the position shield as soon as possible! At the same time, the legion attack will stop those blinds from being swallowed in the mountain! They are breeding!"

Although this is just the intuition of the commander, but this time, I believe that intuitive is undoubtedly the most insurance.

The large shield generator that has been prepared to withdrawn is re-moved back, and more people began to assemble and install new large shield generators.

The rest has opened its energy output, assemble the position of the array, and launched a linkage attack.

Unlike the linkage attack of the Douro, it is equivalent to a large-scale soul technology.

The Thorn Flower Legion does not stick to the traditional idea of ​​the soul tunner. Their linkage attack is released directly from the giant weapon in the position, and the underground energy network and the power of the surrounding warriors are selected, and the super attack released.

The turning and aiming of the guns, giving a strong industrial aesthetic, with the gathering of the blue plasma floods, and the fierce guns are shot towards the eight square monuments.

High temperature plasma substances instantly destroyed the hill, steward along the mountains along with the above substances, and the monuments of the eight squares were unsaused.

However, their quantity is more than one, just attack, only to talk about it, just cut a small amount of eight square monuments, more, spread the attack of the mass slurstone.

Lost mountain range, does not affect them to continue to eaten the material around the surroundings, for them, there is no difference between the mountains and the earth, can become the raw materials of their self-replication, the difference is different from different regional minerals, leading to various elements It is rich and different, which will certainly affect the speed of self-replication.

After losing the mountain range, the Eight Floors will begin to scratch the land, continue to copy it, this time, even the scatter action, let the gunger each shoot, only a lot of results can be achieved.

The commander of the army has fallen into two difficulties. It is the best way to disperse acts, and clean up in units of scattered action.

But that means that they lost the protection of the linkage shield, the number of eight square monuments can break the personal shield of the warrior, even directly killed a whole team, such fighting, casualties will be very heavy If you don't take the initiative to attack, you only use the remote attack, let the other party self-copy, the whole army is not covered, it is just a matter of time.


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