Douluo see you

Chapter 111

A warrior began to unlock our last bondage. If it is the most beginning they unope, the spiritual constraints. Then they will unlock the bondage of the body.

Technology left by tulips. Many of them have exceeded their level of industrial systems that this time. In terms of biochemical transformation, the body of the soldiers cannot afford their full power output.

Once the restrictions of the body will be released, the full power output is below. Even if only the radiation released by the energy cells in vivo, it can cause the gene crash from the inside out.

The chromosome is bombarded by radiation, and self-replication is not possible. The cells in vivo use a less than one less until each cell is burned, and then falling into permanent death.

This is the real burning, once life is restricted, it is almost unable to recover. Almost only the fate of this. With their current technical conditions. The release machine crashes. Must be in the well-conditioned laboratory.

Moreover, patients have enough stem cells. These must be stored before the battle begins. Otherwise, almost all chromosomes in the body are broken. It is difficult to restore this person's genetic information.

On the battlefield. There is no doubt that there is no such surgical conditions. Select people who unlock life restrictions. There is no difference between and choose death.

However, this moment, there are still hundreds of people who have chosen the liberation of the body, and they spurt their own dark steam, and promote the high-speed travel of the body.

Even in the dynamic vision of spiritual restrictions, it is difficult to capture their fast moving trajectories.

A dark lightning is like a dance of death, and it is expensive to interpret life in an instant, even if you want to be uploaded to your own awareness. On the occasion of death, there is still an unprecedented future will.

Each sweat simulation has become the most sophisticated induction instrument. Point to the direction of dangerous sources, being chased by hundreds of tips, but no one can touch them.

Ultra-high-speed movement, they have given up the defense. The double-held light sword dances in the air, leaving a brilliant glow trajectory.

It is a brightness that is generated when it is popular with atmospheric friction. Leave a large amount of chopped residue along the way, just like a comet to leave the tail of the night sky.

However, the gap between the two parties is too big. This moment of bloom. It is only to temporarily suppress the increase in the number of each other.

If the battle does not change,

At the last moment of these soldiers burned their lives, the soldiers will usher in their own collapses, not afraid of death and can take the initiative to choose war and experience this slow and desperate process. The courage that needs is completely different.

Not everyone can make such a decision to make a decision. Just do the remaining warriors, do not unlock the bondage of the body.

A shocking long, never know how far is far away. That is not an attack on the power of the army. The width has a huge light column of 100 meters, just like an electric mosquito shot in the air. Will count countless black spots from the air.

Countless eight square monuments, which are dowrgeized in this terrible attack into steam. Followed, the continuous Changhong has passed through the air. It is like the entire enemy of the eraser that cleared. Even the mountains and earth are also erased.

"What is it?" Even the soldiers served in the army, in the face of this spectacular scene, I couldn't help but show it.

Responsible for the commander of this area finally relieved, just he had already issued the contribution to the superior, but the responses received were, and the domestic warfare was tight and unable to send more troops.

However, when he thought that the War will not be saved. Support is reached in such an incredible way.

"Is the mainland gunnifier really successfully developed? I don't know how the military is solved. The plastic flood is surrounded by the surface of the planet, remember to only shoot at the atmosphere straight before."

In front of me, this spectacular scene finally made him a breath, just a few cannons, the enemy in the sky has been cut, and the number of easily destroyed can be easily suppressed.

At the same time, he also received the communication from the general headquarters: "Please answer, please answer! Here is the Ming Dynasty warhead, the front line staff has passed the information. Please perform the latest combat strategy immediately."

"Received! The war has been controlled, and the local room area is enough to destroy the enemy."

"Don't care, according to the line of other regions, these flying things are different from different regions, and they are the same as animals and plants, and the process of self-replication requires specific elements. And many of their complex compounds.

Mineral wind in different regions will affect the speed of self-replication. However, for them, it is undoubtedly their own body for them to self-replication.

Therefore, after controlling the Battle of War, collect their full body as much as possible. And placed in a safe and reliable place to be sealed. The Combat Head Office is in emergency study different elements lack of this hostile organism, the mineral of the mainland is not enough to support its infinite self-replication, and we need more samples. Confirm which is a rude element that is critical to them, and in this regard. "

After getting the command, the commander suddenly felt that he was responsible. Immediately re-release the command to adjust the military deployment, and apply to the nearby naval application, with them to block the sky.

The Navy that is preparing to support, has encountered a ship at this time. Formal battleship.

Of course, they can't determine the stuff that they meet is the warship. Because the style of the things is very surprised. It is better to say that it is a huge sea monster.

Overall, it is a huge ship. At least the shape is a ship. But if you look at it carefully. At the position of this bow. Have a huge eye. As is the giant eye of the squid, as the advancement is still turning.

There is a huge tone in front of the front, and the huge amount of sea is swallowed. On both sides, there are countless tentacles, waving underwater, occasionally roll, plugged into the sides of the sides of the sides.

In addition to those tentacles. The strange thing has many unclear amputation and crustal, which looks an unusual evil. At this time, it is close to their fleet with a slowness.


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