Douluo see you

Chapter 1199

On the way to the atmosphere, the Sea God aimed at the travel manual. It is determined that the counterattacks that can be limited in the planet can be limited. Therefore, it has been retired for a long time. Seeing the Polygonity of Tang San to attack. It is also finally not intended to follow the indigenous passengers on this continent.

Sentinels on the planet also take time. And his faith is not close to his believer, it is also available. How long does it take, it is enough for him to fly.

"I shouldn't come to a ghost. What are you? Less it here to give me a long time!" The sea god held a trident, and the slap was confused.

Tang San feels that the power of the three fork is extremely horrible, and the agitation is chaotic. It seems that everything touched will return, and the chaotic state is general.

Tang San has no weapons, and the materials on this planet have been almost refined by him, and the gap is too big compared with the weapons of the sea. Therefore, it is just a flying sword. And truth, the strength gap between the two sides is not too big. Although the energy intensity of Tang San is much lower, it is his homeland. The soul of the world can be mobilized by it.

But their weapon gap is too big. Although the trident is not a military weapon. But there is too much to get too much compared to Tang San. I saw that the flying sword Peng broke into two cuts, and the vicinity of the fracture was also made in order to chaos, and the substance of these chaotic states lost control. Blooming huge energy, fry the sword blade into pieces.

Tang San also flew out after the shock wave, and the shield of the temporary triggered shield made a red alarm of the drop.

"Let's let go! Let me stop here, I believe I will cut you!" The sect of the sedation of the tulip has been waiting for a long time, and it has been a bit of the accent.

"I thought that I would like to be what I want?" Tang Sanzheng Chunfeng is proud, in the face of the sea, it can be said that it is strong, after all, there is already a legend in the mainland. More detailed, this kind of energy body that believes to be gods is described in front of you. Since it is God, it is definitely not the metamorphosis of tulips, that is, it is possible. It's just because you are not strong enough.

Tang San self believes that there are still many base cards, will never be more weak than this guy.

So, he took out, and the power of nature was driven, so that the soul of the square tens of miles aggregate toward its direction. For a time, the sky in the sky, the top of their head, almost the tornado, to form.

Tang San is like a thunder in the wind, and the weapons of the energy body are condensed. In his hand, for a Thunder javelin. The tip of the tip of the plasma, even a small anti-substance, which is invincible in most cases.

However, the nose god did not fear.

I even miss a little. The anti-substance weapon is indeed very horrible weapon. As long as it collides with ordinary substances, severe annihilation occurs, converting the substance into energy release. It can be said that it is invincible, even if it is a substance that combines strong interactions. It will also be annihilated together after touching the opposite.

But it does not mean that the anti-substance is invincible. He just will annihilate with the positive substance. If the anti-substance hits the opposite, then there is no difference with the ordinary collision.

The sectors truth, and there is a thin layer of ant substrates in front of it. After blocking the tang of Tang, after blocking the javelin, a dramatic explosion occurred, although his shield and the Tang San's javelin did not have a dramatic reaction, but it would be reacted with the surrounding air and other substances.

Only this extent of this exhibition is, for the current sea god, but it is a breeze. Take the strength of the civilian shield in his current use. The positive contrast of the following tons is annihilated, it is difficult to cause any substantive harm to him. That type of diffusion burst rush. In front of super interaction. The killing efficiency is really too low.

Tang San did not think of his own power attack, but did not have the effect at all. Just when he was going to continue to attack. Poseidon has wanted to waste time with him. Remove many trident from its own portable space.

One, two, three. At this time, Tang San's look was dignified, and the meeting of the gods was more than his imagination. This kind of artifact is the same, one person is even more than one.

However, very fast, his dignified look became sluggish. Because almost a moment, hundreds of the same weapons appeared. This makes Tang San have to suspect that the sea god is not taken out to scare people.

But soon he realized. These weapons are definitely not scared. Every weapon has a strong power with the first trident, that is, the gap is only between milligram.

Just the first first attack, the Tang San wolf is unbearable, and the most flying sword has been broken. Now there are hundreds of weapons. At your attack, each of them carry a lot of chaotic power. It is really unable to respond.

"What is the power of the external object, what is the matter?" Tang San angry, in his feelings, this self-power fighting, the sea god is definitely not his opponent. However, the other party took out the super-strong magic weapon. It's just that he crushed him.

"Once this year, still exercise itself? That is just the same project. You really want to rely on this to play all over the world!" The nose is brighter, he has already showed this The weapon of the times, this time must be speedable.

Hurry and get the strength of the beliefs he needs, if necessary, caught by the special police of tulips. He is dead.

Tang San's eyes look at their own strength, it is absolutely able to play this guy. Immediately move the eight square monuments of the front line back, the thorn flower army that is working hard, fierce the pressure, and seeing the terrible opponent is all flying away. For a time, the soldiers of the front line cheered.

But the troops responsible for the command and observation are dignified. At this point, there is no doubt means that behind these enemies have a manipulator, dealing with a race with behind-the-scenes, and dealing with one individual is not more wisdom. Just know the race of barbaric killing, the difficulty is very different.

Tang San this side. I saw a black pressure in the sky. When I flew, I was unclear, and the number of eight square monuments were unclear. The quantity had blocked the sky. It is only a big army that is only eight hundred weapons behind the sea.


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