Douluo see you

The first three hundred and fifty-one chapter gene wealth

This is the value of the Codge gene, and the artificial squatting a DNA is simply the heavens and nights, the general things, the technical conditions are not progress, I am afraid that I am old.

But now it is different, I have used ready-made templates, and the rest is simple. After all, the genetic information is self-replication, as long as I have the first one, it is easy. You can copy thousands of people.

As for how to transplant this thing to others, it is generally a virus. After all, this era, it is almost impossible to make a molecular level, or you still need to rely on this original means, add the gene added In the gene sequence, and remove those unnecessary parts.

This may not be perfect, it is not possible to achieve the same perfect genes as the Cai Wei, but it is still more than enough.

In this regard, the action of the inquiry is very fast, and it is necessary to get a little faster. This is also the backhand that does not have successfully blocked the end of the day.

For this latest transformation, the first tried, there is no doubt that is three people who are being dead, two dedication and an unlicensed doctors.

At least they confirmed that this inexplicable genetics in their own, they won't be dead, at least will be inexplicably equipped with a virus of the gene fragment.

Under the choice of the variant of the ceramic virus, there is nothing else, it is because the individual's individual is large enough. You can reduce more DNA at one time, which can reduce the retrofitting course, which is also conducive to the popularization of technology. After all, you will have a few hundred times, every time you have to lose a week, after the injection is completed, Huanghua The dishes are cold.

Xiwei is still lying there, although the body has returned to half, but after considering that this car is waken, it will definitely be worried, first step by a strong anesthetic can tighten him.

The strong anesthetic here has been separated from the conventional drug. It is a simple nano machinery in many structures, even if it is not accumulated in the hands of the contract. Now use him now. Even now, the exhibition of the current, the throws, and it is also crawling.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, two physician's hands and feet have extracted samples on his body. After realizing the ability of the other party's speed and regeneration. The two god doctors have revealed that people are like a hungry Wolf.

Diwi glanced at his body almost shaved into a skeleton, and then fly quickly. Such reciprocation, don't know how many times, or now he can easily cut the painful nerve. I am afraid not to be blurred.

Even so, he has also fallen into the edge of a sensible collapse, and the doctor is really a terrible career, especially when this profession and crazy scientist combines.

Clinical trials for three people transformed their own genes,

It is also a successful, and the inquiry is the strongest in the physical quality. Of course, it is the first to try, even if his gene collapsed, it can also temporarily borrow the strength of the three kids, the strength of the gods, and denied the real factor collapse. Forcibly, wait for Hua Yu to restore his cell status.

Even if there is such multiple insurance, he still hangs up when he is trying. The breeding speed of the virus did not control, and the genes itself did not exclude clean, leading to the process of replication, some viruses will destroy the host cells. .

This makes a large number of cells in the body, almost become a bad meat, so I have died in the power of the gods, and the Huayuan shot is enough to stabilize his situation. Solve excess viruses against targeted drugs.

Then after some adjustments. Try again still had a strong adverse reaction, but compared to the first time, have been much better, until Cheng Ying completed a thorough transformation of genetic information itself, technology has matured a lot.

ZhangZhongJing to change the test time, side effects have been much smaller, even if there is no probability Hua and Cheng Ying next to the rescue, to complete the full course of treatment has survived more than eighty percent.

Hua Tuo wait until the last moment of implantation has been basically do not see significant adverse reactions, and basically after injection is completed, the two have become a little old man they look when young, but looks more or less some aspects and Wade approximation, muscle is a bit exaggerated, simply look at the shape of these two words is more like the anti-boxing.

"...... saying you actually do not feel the presence of so many ethical problems, but we replaced almost all the genetic material has become Wade, even if his son can not, as few as we have such a high genetic information approximation."

Two geniuses still experience the powerful new body, picked up the beaker to chew a mouthful, heard into a brief thought: "I just have not thought about this problem, but as long as people do not know, not what the ethical problems .

Even if you go out with people propaganda, telling people, you have a way to turn their body into the son of a stranger, no one would believe this argument.

In contrast, to enhance the physical fitness of the whole people, it is far more important than this little ethical issues. "

Hua and Cheng Ying meaning coincide, ZhangZhongJing have raised different opinions: "I would think that all this, in fact, wrong transformation, admittedly this extremely tough body can adapt to almost any extreme environment.

Gene utilization is too high it, and almost no redundancy segments. This means that unless genetic mutation, relying on conventional breeding of gender, is difficult to occur much variation.

The diversity of genes for a population, it should be very important, if all single homogenization of genetic information, it may lead to some kind of self-restraint this condition, the large-scale death and even extinction Condition.

So I do not think everyone should transform us into what it is today, but different people inherit only a portion of the gene Wade, the premise of ensuring the viability of the foundation, as much as possible to retain the diversity of genes. "

Cheng Ying agree nodded, in fact, inside the tulip did just that, perfect human pharmaceutical powerful, but there are also high risks, but will make a genetic homogeneity of the population vulnerable, if there is a special restraint perfect human virus, and the lack of human variation, probably in the extreme time, cause a very great casualties, and even leading to human extinction.

Zhongjing time contact with this knowledge so short, you can think of it, can only say that geniuses is Niubi.


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