Douluo see you

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-six chapter

Lost the archway of the fleet, the air defense system of the immigrant army, which is equivalent to the loss of most firepower, and in this case the attack on a large number of missiles. Only part of it can only be intercepted as possible.

foreseeable. The construction base is bombed in this round. I am afraid that there is no more left. Especially in this unclear missile, three nuclear bombs are also hidden.

Perhaps the human body responds to participating radiation can be pressed through a certain means. You can also make these people to work without radiation by brainwashing. But the base destroyed infrastructure, as well as the destroyed resources. It is not so easy to recover.

Jose did directly chose to withdraw, he needs to bring his own strength, to rescue people who are still living in the ruins, restore production.

It is not reached between the progress of the cousin. The most important thing is that the placement of the sleeping and refuge is still completed, now triggered a natural disaster, he himself is nowhere to hide.

The intensive missile falls in the air, like it is raining. But the rain can not have such a terrible destructive power.

After any missile falls, it is a mushroom cloud. Then, the steel fragments that are twisted and distorted in the shock wave, twistedly deformed in the explosive storm. Just like the dead sickle. Wherever you have, all life will be cut by a thousand holes.

Even in the influence of evil spirits, it has become a genus, and it is still unable to survive in this frequent explosion. Even the self-repairing ability of far extraordinary people. In the end, it is also squeezed in the continuous explosion.

With more and more people die, it is very weak to operate. The three dead gods in the sky have fallen.

The next is true end, even in the process of conquering such as multonym, tulips rarely use this large-scale anti-weapon. At this time, it is used to attract a relatively backward base, which is quite a few killed chickens. The feeling of cow knife.

As a white light, it is white. The impact wave swepts the entire sea area, and the core temperature of the nuclear bomb explosion is really high. However, the way the killing is actually in fact and the usual bomb does not have much difference. They are all relying on the strong shock waves to spread the horror mechanical energy, destroy everything along the way.

This time the attack seems to be an alone. Under the impact of nuclear bomb explosion, the explosion of other missiles. It has become insignificant and integrated into the impact wave. It's like a drop of water into the pond, no trace of traces.

Even very far, you can also see the rising mushroom cloud after a while. Although many bomb explosions will produce mushroom clouds, but this represents destroyed mushrooms seems to be bound with nuclear bombs in people's minds.

In the battleship, Jose who saw this scene has known that his old nest, I am afraid that there is nothing left. However, he is still cautious to send someone to search.

If the type of molded balloid container used in the liquid layer has been completed before the explosion, it may be completely saved.

After all, those things are to throw the stellate, but the depths of the heart, but there is liquid iron, high temperature and high pressure is more normal. When faced with shock waves, it is soaked in the sea. There is a great probability that it can be intact and harmful. As long as you can get back, you can continue to use.

This time is dispatched. They are all somewhat fondress, critical driving. These people are the genus behind the evil spirits. Although it is still a reason to maintain human beings because of a card for a BUG.

However, the shape has been completely strange, and the physiological structure has also happened the same change. For them, radiation is not fatal. Even some people think that radiation is delicious lunch.

Even if the nuclear explosion is just over, the radiation in the core area is still serious. They still have a round trip between the explosive area and the safety area.

The radio signal has been greatly disturbed in this area, and it takes another time to reply, but for them, even if there is no direct command, you can easily complete the search work.

In fact, as long as the eyes can basically be completed, because the production workshop as a sea base has been torn into pieces. Can float on the sea. There are very few fragments that exceed one meter diameter.

At this time, the sea is floating three giant spheres, which is huge compared to their warships. If you don't need to ask, you know. It is to overcome the difficulty of liquid layer. Sketch-type delivery points for integrated casting.

It looks only three super big balls. In fact, the step of every ball has a small number of balls, so that the gradual knot will never be nested.

There is no doubt that if you get these three guys, there is a huge help for the next three-thirds of the way.

The fleet threw the cable. The boat traces the cable and wraps them on a huge sphere. Then several boats like the cattle of the ancient eight cars, tragging huge spheres slow forward on the sea.

Just things are often not as smooth as expected. The base exploded in place. It is not just a production plant, and an unlucky egg situated in the base has been disaster.

Hard halogen is very bad. Not just because he listens to the name, it is even because he can't harvest his negative emotions he wants from his own devout believers. Sohu has a problem with the teachings of believers.

At first, the believers also feared screams, and the turbcommines occurred on their body, but after a certain limit, they suddenly began to become active and optimistic, struggling up, this is not evil, he thinks When you go to the tire, you must have encountered the error code.

This is already unlucky, but it is clear that more unlucky things are still behind. Although the road has been truncated from the believers, it has a constant source of positive emotions into his spiritual world, but for him, these are not particularly important. He just wants to find a place to sleep well. Then return to his place, and then you will never go to the world!

But things will be violated. Huge flacker swept his room. I was crushed into a slag with his bed, even if he is a strong evil, there is no way to sleep in such a horrible explosion.

It is well known. People who are woken up, temper is often quite bad. In particular, this guy also has a quite serious getting up.

So when the huge tentacle in the sea, even if it is a genus of the evil spirits, it is clear that he is going to be unlucky.


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